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StarCraft II Announced! - Zepphos - 05-21-2007

' Wrote:I like this year first Total Annihilation 2 then C & C 3 and now SC2. :yahoo:

Wait a minute... W w w what did you say??? Total Annihilation 2??? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN???

Sorry if this is counted as thread hijacking, but I DEMAND MORE INFORMATION!!!

...ahem... thanks in advance.

StarCraft II Announced! - Spacewolf - 05-21-2007

he means supcomp

StarCraft II Announced! - Hylden - 05-21-2007

Well, I am a Starcraft fan. Warcraft aswell. Usually any blizzard game. I'm eagerly waiting for it:)

StarCraft II Announced! - Ascendancy - 05-21-2007

Finally a new Starcraft. I'm looking forward to this. Only thing I don't like about Blizzard games your units don't improve with combat experience...

StarCraft II Announced! - PARAKEET - 05-22-2007

Right now C & C 3 in my opinion is the best RTS currently because its then RTS that started it all. (Well actually Dune did but C&C was more popular) Yeah SupremeCommander is the unofficial Total Annihilation 2.

StarCraft II Announced! - Yngen - 05-22-2007

' Wrote:It was about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1!!

*Runs to see the site*
EDIT: Hmm. What I feared has happened. They made it into warcraft in space.:(The game must be less caricature-like and more sharp.

The backgrounds are also too distractive. Units are easy to miss due to the surroundings, they blend because they look similar to it.
And for a reason, i think that the choke point filled with siege tanks and bunkers is not going to work any more. At least against Protoss.
in fact, i think that the game is made in a way that common strategies won't work anymore. Hence, forcing the player to develop new ones. Which is good, as I feared that the game could be just a starcraft with a new campaign and new graphics. Let's hope they don't ruin this game making it a harcore-korean-fan game only.

I too am looking at the screenshots and find it a bit disappointing. Maybe the RTS genre has hit a plateau and can't really be improved upon. This looks like the Warcraft III engine, not much improvement.

These games need 3-D omni positional camera and zoom in/out to get really good..

StarCraft II Announced! - Qunitinius~Verginix - 05-23-2007

I don't see anything ground breaking in this 'new' game they are coming out with. I can probably say right now that it will be a Warcraft in space copy and not that thrilling. And it currently looks like the main sci fi RTS games out right now (Dawn of War, C&C 3, SupCom) will probably be better, due to new Ideas and inovations that I can tell blizzard wont include.

Verginix Out

StarCraft II Announced! - Eppy - 05-23-2007

' Wrote:Right now C & C 3 in my opinion is the best RTS currently because its then RTS that started it all. (Well actually Dune did but C&C was more popular) Yeah SupremeCommander is the unofficial Total Annihilation 2.

Whaaaaaat? I thought the original C&C came before Dune? I'm lost...

StarCraft II Announced! - The Damned - 05-25-2007

HELL , IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!;videos ;)

StarCraft II Announced! - Debian - 09-05-2007

I've been waiting for so long to see this game, it was about time they released a demo, i just can't wait to play this game, i really liked the Protoss Mothership, awsome unit