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Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Printable Version

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Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Jinx - 11-29-2009

docking installations are quite important to show where the actual docking point is. - without them... its hard to see which side of the planet to dock at.

freelancer explained the docking rings purpose in vanilla - and this explanation does make sense. - one of the greatest problems of spaceships is to overcome the gravity. - once in space, its easier for them to travel.

the docking features allow ships to land and launch from planets easier - like a catapult start or a safety net. - so... with that installed feature, spaceships can be cheaper as a whole and simpler. - thats a reason why freelancer allows spaceships like common cars.

i d say - keep the docking rings. - even if its only for cosmetical purpose - i actually think they look OK. - and we got ghost rings anyway ( no getting stuck into ) - the only parts you may get stuck in are the turrets mounted on them.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Virus - 11-29-2009

Jinx, they're Space Elevators.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Turkish - 11-29-2009

' Wrote:Can you tell why we have them, and the RP science behind them?

The reasoning is solid and established as a planetary commonality across the entire sector.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Jinx - 11-29-2009


you sure? - i mean i know what space elevators are meant to be - and the docking rings don t look that way. - space elevators are still mechanical things - or if you may think of the "cable" in a more sophisticated way - at least a beam.

docking rings in freelancer ( from what i know ) provide the ships with ideal landing / launching vectors - and possibly antigravity ( as freelancer obviously has artificial gravity instead of mechanical gravity ( like grav decks ) )

in short - i m not sure if they re meant to be elevators in the wikipedias way.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Guest - 11-29-2009

You do realize you dock with the Ring. Aka the base where you roll around and all is the Ring, not the planet. The planet is simply an object.

So removing the ring would remove the base, foo.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - teschy - 11-29-2009

First of all, capital ships aren't supposed to land on planets. They are built in space, in shipyards. Trade ships dock on mooring fixtures, which make a lot of sense in RP. Also, the space elevator idea is quite interesting, and freelancer specific, I don't see the point in removing it.

And you should know that docking rings have no hitbox, so that larger ships can undock easier. It has nothing to do with the damage you get from the planet.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Turkish - 11-29-2009

' Wrote:You do realize you dock with the Ring. Aka the base where you roll around and all is the Ring, not the planet. The planet is simply an object.

So removing the ring would remove the base, foo.

They can be removed by hiding the mesh, so its a trick in essence.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - schlurbi - 11-29-2009

Is it possible to let a Transport undock sideways from the Mooring Fixture?
Also I'd say the docking rights for a Cruiser or above should be removed.

Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - Luis - 11-29-2009

I will say that they should removed the rights of docking Cruiser and Bigger size ships off planets. (I AGREE WITH SCHLURBI). I mean, look at the planets. They are "way" too small for Big Huge SHIPS. Only, Transports, Liners, frieghters, bombers, etc. can only dock. Cruiser and BS can get their ammo or "equipment/resources" on the Shipyards from where they come from or from their nearby shipyard or station.

I can give a huge article, but atleast i gave out the important points of my mind.

Edit: Also, look at those NPC's BS's. They collide with the planet leaving a huge chunk of debris in the atmosphere. In RP matter, for sure, the Planet must have been destroyed. There has to be more than 30 colliation a day. The planet must have been dead/destroy buy 4-5 colliation. That's really a pity.


Remove Docking Rings and Mooring fixtures from planets - BLACKSTALKER JC - 11-29-2009

Question: if this was put into effect, what would happen to that planet in
gallia that has 2 docking rings?