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Couple of questions... - Printable Version

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Couple of questions... - heathensoul - 06-09-2007

Damn, I study at the University (so I guess I'm an intellectual, too:crazy:) but I don't know how to write like that. Neither in English nor my native language.:huh:

Couple of questions... - fwolf - 06-09-2007

' Wrote:I simply am deconstructing the post by my college F Wolf because I do not believe it exemplifies the aspects of Discovery that I enjoy.

Let me deconstruct this simple phrase. You do not believe the post exemplifies the aspects of Discovery that you enjoy. This means that what is exemplified in the post is something you do not enjoy, because what is exemplified in the post is part of the post itself, as the post exemplifies something, that is, it give examples. Since my post was a post of protest, a critique against how things works in the server, and I was using examples to show my critique, this means you do not enjoy what I protest against, and henceforth, you do not enjoy unfair rules that favours lawfuls.
However, the rest of your post show clearly that you enjoy such things, but try to hide it the most you can from new players. Hence you pointed the argument about vendettas and leave the other argument aside. I was calling for equal rules and clear statements. If a lawful attack traders with battleships, why a unlawful cant do the same? New players need to known about this, and read between the lines.

Couple of questions... - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-09-2007

So basically I have had to read, and lets be unfair here, a couple of pages of complete bollocks ...
Just to find out that F-Wolf, you are pissed because you can't pirate in your Outcast Destroyer.
Thats all there is to this, isn't it ?
And you are feeling picked on because the lawfuls can come after you with a battleship ?
Well damn, all that inelegance to say that, and Harley you are included in that too ...
There is an award each year in this country for the most meaningless and contrived pieces of 'literature',
normally reserved for insurance companies, banks and probably lawyers, and is handed out for obfuscation
of the actual content. I may enter your post Harlequinn ...
And F-Wolf, rules say, gunboats and below ... Whatever you may want to the contrary.


Couple of questions... - Krenshaw - 06-09-2007

*taps foot impatiently*

I had hoped that we could have a, more civil discussion in regards to the questions at hand. What I have received has been a one way lawful favoured set of answers and someone who shared my opinion attacked the fairness of the server and other rules. F wolf, yes you had some good points, but instead of answering the questions with your own opinions you sorta went off on a tangent. The issues you raised are related in a few ways, but maybe had they been reworded in a way that might make people conider them. Instead of what I am sure many saw as a nonsensical rant from a pro-unlawful. (I don't mean offence I am just saying that had it been worded in a reasonable fashion then the arguments might be considered more seriously by the administrators and populace in general)

Harley I do not have a problem with what you said, I didn't particularly like it as it does heavily favor the lawfuls, but again this is a post for answers, to not expect opinionated answers would be foolish.
The whole smuggling thing has occured in texas so as to why you went on about out of lib space whatever you lost me. Perhaps you misunderstood, I meant texas is not SAs home sytem(virginia[i believe]). I believe honshu is your home system right? Well, a home system is different, I don't care what you do there it is your home system. I had an issue with they can sit there and do whatever they want in lib. That is pretty retarded. As they are supposed to be in RP they should patrol in the sense of their NPC brethren whether or not they like it. That is what makes sense. How can you explain the blockade of texas(for example) as RP? They are supposed to look after SA's home system and they have pretty much designated themselves protectors of texas and california. What I am asking for would be something....fair. I understand you take a risk in smuggling, and that is what makes it fun. The way that they blockade texas gives no unlawful any chance at all. I was thinking that with the responsibility of an actual patrol. This way they are doing their duty like the NPCs. This is different in the sense that a patrol will not sit outside of texas all day, meaning that eventually the smuggler has a chance. The same thing for coming in. When you think about it, this system could work great, and if the Military factions were smart enough to follow the example set by their NPC brethren they might find a loophole to make things interesting for both sides.

I would point out that this is a post does have a topic, the little personal war going on with Fwolf and harley is a little unrelated. Good debate is appreciated but some of what has been said is unrelated.

Mostly useless stuff >.>
later, I need a break =P

PS Why don't we make our own miracle and stay on topic eh?

Couple of questions... - Kira1997 - 06-09-2007

Ok, my mind is goo.....


Ok, here is my hat in the ring. I have some sentimental ties to your stated position, hehehe. However, you should view the SA as a whole from faction thread to communication dump. They have put in the time for over five months. This time frame includes 2 wars, innumerable skirmishes and raids, and rasing funds for Virginia. Your position does not take this into consideration, nor allows for elite status of the faction. You should research the SA more and see they have paid the dues for their RP.

Instead of writing your dislike for their "blockade" find a solution to it and break it.

Please refrain from editing my post.

Erase, sure, but keep your grubby fingers out of it:)

Couple of questions... - Craines - 06-10-2007

As I stated, I do not operate within Liberty and therefore do not have any experience with it. That's why I didn't use 'relevant' examples.

Also, there is no war going on between F Wolf and myself. Not that I know of, anyways.

And Kira, good point, I agree.

Couple of questions... - Kira1997 - 06-10-2007

Overall, here is brief summary. SA set up to provide a more focus presences in Virginia, Texas, and California, which implies a Northern Alliance, however, it was done to allow others to RP Navy. This also allows to focus more on a smaller area. Also, they are an elite force so outside normal Navy chain of command, though under Civil Authority.

For more info:

Couple of questions... - Doom - 06-10-2007

So from what i see here u wish for SA to move out of the system so u can smuggle?...Did it ever accrued to u that maybe those SA that are "camping" in Texas actually stationed there?...That maybe they act under orders and guard system for "criminals" based on experience?....

To GB really needs to meet with your transport...Then u will see how little time i need to destroy your ship with any kind of armor...

Did u know that Liberty cruiser can kill most transports with only one shot form its fwd gun?...

That u can have 12 turrets with fired from cruiser make over 33k damage per shot and unarmored train has 120k hull (do the math)...That battleship equipped with two infernos can bring down transport shield lvl 7 in one shot from those infernos?...

Overkill maybe?...Pirating in GB gives almost no chance to traders...In anything bigger it would be...hmm....massacre

Couple of questions... - Yngen - 06-10-2007

Alright Krenshaw and Fwolf,

you are right.

This game is scewed towards the lawful factions.

That is obvious.

Do other people doubt this? Who?

Look at the ships available to the lawful factions against the unlawfuls. Look at the amount of space the lawful factions occupy versus the unlawfuls (so unfair!) Lawful factions have their own sub factions-whole corporations that are allied to them...who do the unlawfuls have?

This game revolves around 6 houses. Every one of those houses has their own set of laws. The legality of any action may change as you pass from one house to the next (even though you note a strong similarity between the lawful house player faction behaviors, if any of these factions chose to do something drastic, it would apply to their own space alone.) In order for an action to be judged as legal or illegal you must first apply the paradigm of the house in which the action occurs. An illegal action can end up being as simple as wearing the ID of an enemy faction, or as complicated as espionage.

Confine a player faction to the actions displayed by their NPC counterparts and you castrate those players from excersizing their God(s)(ess) given talent for improvisation and variation. Give too much liberty (pun unintended) to those players and you have anarchy.

The unlawful roles that are offered in the Discovery community are purposely limited in both equipment and action because they are in general afforded greater liberties in whom they are allowed to assault. There is greater freedom of action with an unlawful characters. These liberties that are inherent in an unlawful character's are balanced here at Discovery with a set of rules that Fwolf finds too limiting.

Unlawful players have to be better. They have to be smarter, better pilots, more creative and have a greater grasp of the Sirius culture as a whole than any other player in order to be effective. They have to fly weaker ships, and strike their enemies where they are weakest... This is a fact of Freelancer, it is a fact of Discovery and any attempt to artificially change this will end up ruining the server on the basic premise it operates by.

On the whole Krenshaw I applaud your probing questions. Its not typical around here for a newer player to start out as an unlawful. Since the game on which this mod is based is scewed so heavily towards the lawful, it is difficult to start as an unlawful. And perhaps your situation throws into relief a tendancy of this community to award the top unlawful slots to only the most seasoned Disco veteran. I caution you to experience all aspects of the mod before passing judgement on our rules. When things 'work out' on this server/forum, it's like dynamite, give it time.

And by the way,

Welcome to Disco.


Couple of questions... - Spacewolf - 06-10-2007

did you know thats not possible for it to kil them with ONE shot