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Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - Printable Version

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Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - Birdtalon - 12-09-2009

One of the best things about the Bastet is that it teaches energy conservation. I've never had a problem with the energy before, it regens quick enough.
I think the low energy is to kinda balance the fact is has 6 Class 10s.

Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - mjolnir - 12-09-2009

..and that order can put Nomad Blasters/Cannons on it

Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - reavengitair - 12-09-2009

Quote:..and that order can put Nomad Blasters/Cannons on it

2 max though, if you put 2 of those corsair shieldbusters, then you'll have to put 2 codenames on to make the best use of the classes.

It's not actually that bad, equipping 6 archangels and a mini-razor is pretty much shotgun stuff. It's great for sniperpilots, I suppose.

Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - Tenacity - 12-09-2009

' Wrote:..and that order can put Nomad Blasters/Cannons on it

yea, a whole 2 of them, due to a ridiculous rule that shouldnt exist.

That's the first thing I'd fix, remove the 2 weapon restriction - because all of the order's other available fighter weapons (death's hands and reapers) are complete crap.

Regardless, on to the main topic... the Bastet's power is fine. However, despite the fact that it is meant to be a fast and agile fighter, it's nearly as easy to hit as some of the largest fighters. Turning speed is great, but it doesnt help much when your ship is larger than the top end VHF's. The hitbox and profile of the craft is larger than that of the nephthys, effectively removing any advantage it may gain by having higher agility.

So, you either buff it's power plant, or make the model smaller so that it can actually serve the role of a more agile VHF.

And for god's sake, let us use more than two nomad blasters.


Quote:2 max though, if you put 2 of those corsair shieldbusters, then you'll have to put 2 codenames on to make the best use of the classes.

According to the tech chart, the order cannot even use corsair weapons, and despite the attempts at negotiating between faction leaders to change this, the admins are still sitting firm on preventing usage of weapons by either side.

Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - reavengitair - 12-09-2009

Quote:According to the tech chart, the order cannot even use corsair weapons, and despite the attempts at negotiating between faction leaders to change this, the admins are still sitting firm on preventing usage of weapons by either side.

Hmm, thought they were white. That's why I used two there.

Anyway, I'm probably wrong. Thanks for pointing it out.

Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - mjolnir - 12-09-2009

I have nothing to do with rules.

Anyway if you put 2 Nomad Blasters on it and 4 Reapers, you get about same dps/powerplant drain as if it used 6 Reapers and had 11k powerplant as suggested on the start of this thread.

Bastet has same pretty much exactly same size as Guardian/Avenger/Nephthys.

Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - Rudo - 12-09-2009

I just had a look at the Bastet's stats. I have never seen a model of this ship.

How is this ship in any way in need of a buff? It's a freaking Eagle with more base armor, slightly less regens and a slightly slower turn acceleration. There are HFs out there that have slower turnrates than this thing.

Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - n00bl3t - 12-09-2009

It is fine as it is.

Yes, this is coming from someone who owns two of them.

However, The Order's shipline does need some work.

Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - Turkish - 12-09-2009

' Wrote:It is fine as it is.

Yes, this is coming from someone who owns two of them.

However, The Order's shipline does need some work.

This is probably the most concise and true statement yet.


Buff the Order VHF Bastet. - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 12-09-2009

Fast turn.. low acceleration. Huge moment firepower due to six class 10 guns. Decent hull armor.

I flown one. Its more likely to be better in one on one fight. And it does it's job quite well in it. Order already have better stuff than others since they fight nomads quite more often than other factions. I doubt they need even more buffs.