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Guard IDs, a discussion - Printable Version

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Guard IDs, a discussion - Govedo13 - 12-18-2009

I am agree with Kelt but the ship with "order capship license" must be not selled in the Ship Sale,because the new owner must prove himself too.
May be you must do different section for Cap ship sales.

Guard IDs, a discussion - atom - 12-18-2009

What about something Like one small guard station, where only a Faction leader, admin approved can dock, and on that station, is a component that you need to activate cruise and weapons, that way anyone buying a cap ship will have to approach the faction leader to get one, and they should not be transferable. don't know if dev team could do it, but it would solve a lot of problems.

My tuppence worth.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Prysin - 12-18-2009

i feel like guard id's should have a strict capital ship policy....

Im tired of seeing people in recruit ID fly to valetta and buy a storta or a trident just because "we are joining outcasts so we can"...

All i know is that: Having a cap means nothing anymore... Indy caps are labeled lolwuts, noone listens to your orders even if their logically and tactically correct (you know, flying a cap you should, inRP, be given "rights" to order smaller crafts during battles"

I know its a heavy task, but i think all factions should make a "no indy policy" meaning. No non-MNS(or LNS/HMS/KNS)/faction ships... all ships must be APPROVED by the faction leadership and MUST have references to their roleplay from atleast 2 official faction members (they must provide screen shots of your behaviour, AND your misdoings)

I know this puts tremendous pressure on people that have these positions...

Only other option i see is "server police"... but then again, moderators tend to abuse powers more then admins

Guard IDs, a discussion - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 12-18-2009

I like guard ID's. Sure, they did fail at their intended role, but they shouldnt be removed. They should have a speicial purpose, maybe Guard missions related to them.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Altaris - 12-18-2009

' Wrote:I think the guard ID's worked well for the BHG, because the Guard one was constructed around a completely different set of priorities in terms of roleplay. It allowed different actions, and restricted things that the regular ID permitted. That is the key to making the Guard ID truly unique and worthwhile.

Ill post them here later so I can illustrate what I'm talking about.

I think that every guard ID should have restriction like: "Can enter only Omegas, Omicrons" etc. Just like core id.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Akura - 12-18-2009

' Wrote:Gurad Id means nothing...
Every noob can do 40 missions and take it or just buy it at the Ship Sale even now somebody even offer to make Guard ID for you for a couple of credits(Not Flaming but this SUX) .After that buying a lowcap and you all know the story....

Agreed, anyone can do a bunch of missions.

I think we need an altered system.

Guard IDs, a discussion - TFinnegan - 12-18-2009

I voted yes, and altered.
Even if it doesn't FIX the problem, it certainly HELPS.

Without beating a dead horse,
And using letters instead of Morse,
Good points have been made,
I'd even say flayed
Now I actually have a question, of course

Is it POSSIBLE to;

make the price of capships include a guard ID?
--example: Storta sells for 176,000,000 + guard ID. (as in, must have Guard ID in posession to purchase)

THEN make Guard ID's unavailable except by Admin dissemination.
--example: like an SRP request, one must request a guard ID. The admins (or admin assinged to it) would then either A) ask the appropriate faction leadership to make thier ruling on the request, or B) in the case of indie or non-existent player faction leadership, decide themselves based on available RP.

My thinking, if this is even technically possible, is that this would reduce cap ownership by idiots so drastically as to make it a non issue.

...the only problem i can see is current ownership of caps, but hey, there's gotta be grandfather clauses for everything...OR you could just slap every capship in Bastille and have them re-apply.
(now THAT sounds like a recipie for an Admin to go postal, so I AM NOT suggesting it.)

*waits for three cents change from his nickel*

Guard IDs, a discussion - Dusty Lens - 12-19-2009

Guard IDs are, for the most part, pretty useless these days. They're nice for the BHGCore because it's technically a separate group.

If I had my way we would either do away with them entirely or put some manner of insanely draconian system into practice. The former would be preferable.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Sprolf - 12-19-2009

I agree.
Guard IDs are useless except in the rare case where they provide an alternate role - like BHG Core, or Gallic Junker, or each of the houses' Intelligence Services (Though Liberty's has its own faction).

Guard IDs, a discussion - Dusty Lens - 12-19-2009

Not only would it be a blessing to not have to deal with them anymore but it would free up a lot of IDs for special use. Which would be nice.