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Freelancer NPC Faction? - Printable Version

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Freelancer NPC Faction? - Eppy - 06-21-2007

Oh...sorry...I...I'll go back to my corner, now.

That's an interesting idea, though, make the Freelancers an acquirable tag. But then we'd have to change the Freelancer ID to an actual ID, and then make the current Freelancer ID the N00b ID and such. Fun, fun, fun.

Freelancer NPC Faction? - Hylden - 06-21-2007

Freelancer rep can go up... on one of my bs(lawful) I have 3 lines above neutral.

Freelancer NPC Faction? - kiggles - 06-21-2007

I always though it would be better to have the Neutral ID for the low level players due to combat restrictions and use the freelancer one for higher level players.

Anyone ever though that is a good idea? or just me being stupid and missing somthing?


Freelancer NPC Faction? - Commodore - 06-22-2007

nickname = fc_freelancer
ids_name = 501397
ids_info = 501398
ids_short_name = 501401
rep = 0, li_n_grp
rep = 0, li_lsf_grp
rep = 0, li_p_grp
rep = 0, br_n_grp
rep = 0, br_p_grp
rep = 0, ku_n_grp
rep = 0, ku_p_grp
rep = 0, rh_n_grp
rep = 0, rh_p_grp
rep = 0, co_alg_grp
rep = 0, co_be_grp
rep = 0, br_m_grp
rep = 0, co_nws_grp
rep = 0, co_hsp_grp
rep = 0, co_ic_grp
rep = 0, co_khc_grp
rep = 0, co_kt_grp
rep = 0, rh_m_grp
rep = 0, co_me_grp
rep = 0, co_ni_grp
rep = 0, co_os_grp
rep = 0, co_rs_grp
rep = 0, co_shi_grp
rep = 0, co_ss_grp
rep = 0, co_ti_grp
rep = 0, co_vr_grp
rep = 0, fc_bd_grp
rep = 0, fc_b_grp
rep = 0, fc_c_grp
rep = 0, fc_fa_grp
rep = 0, fc_g_grp
rep = 0, fc_gc_grp
rep = 0, fc_h_grp
rep = 0, fc_j_grp
rep = 0, fc_lh_grp
rep = 0, fc_lr_grp
rep = 0, fc_lwb_grp
rep = 0, fc_m_grp
rep = 0, fc_ou_grp
rep = 0, fc_rh_grp
rep = 0, fc_or_grp
rep = 0, fc_u_grp
rep = 0, fc_x_grp
rep = 0, gd_gm_grp
rep = 0, fc_uk_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_n_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_ln_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_kn_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_rn_grp
rep = 0, fc_ouk_grp
rep = 0, fc_q_grp
rep = 0, fc_f_grp
rep = 0, gd_im_grp
rep = 0, gd_z_grp
rep = 0, gd_bh_grp
rep = 0, li_n_guardian
rep = 0, li_p_guardian
rep = 0, br_n_guardian
rep = 0, br_p_guardian
rep = 0, ku_n_guardian
rep = 0, ku_p_guardian
rep = 0, rh_n_guardian
rep = 0, rh_p_guardian
rep = 0, fc_c_guardian
rep = 0, fc_ou_guardian
rep = 0, fc_rh_guardian
rep = 0, fc_bd_guardian
rep = 0, fc_j_guardian
rep = 0, fc_h_guardian
rep = 0, fc_m_guardian
rep = 0, fc_x_guardian
rep = 0, fc_b_guardian
rep = 0, fc_g_guardian
rep = 0, fc_lh_guardian
rep = 0, fc_u_guardian
rep = 0, fc_gc_guardian
rep = 0, fc_lwb_guardian
rep = 0, fc_fa_guardian
rep = 0, fc_lr_guardian
rep = 0, fc_or_guardian
rep = 0, gd_gm_guardian
rep = 0, gd_im_guardian
rep = 0, gd_z_guardian
rep = 0, gd_bh_guardian
rep = 0, fc_admin
rep = 0, fc_neutral
rep = 0.91, fc_freelancer
rep = -0.65, fc_wild
rep = -0.65, fc_phantom

from the files, killing nomads and wild will make your FL rep better.

Freelancer NPC Faction? - PARAKEET - 06-22-2007

I don't like killing freelancers they have like amour upgrade MK XI or something. So it so long to kill em.

Freelancer NPC Faction? - heathensoul - 06-22-2007

Commodore, the two lowest ones are obvious (phantoms and wild), but what do those stand for?

rep = -0.65, fc_n_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_ln_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_kn_grp
rep = -0.65, fc_rn_grp

they can't all be for nomads, can they?

Freelancer NPC Faction? - Commodore - 06-23-2007

rep = -0.65, fc_n_grp nomads
rep = -0.65, fc_ln_grp corrupt storyline house
rep = -0.65, fc_kn_grp corrupt storyline house
rep = -0.65, fc_rn_grp corrupt storyline house

2,3, and 4 dont matter

Freelancer NPC Faction? - heathensoul - 06-23-2007

Ah, I see - thanks!

Freelancer NPC Faction? - Commodore - 06-24-2007

the last 3 are the corrupt liberty, kusari, and rheinland. so yeah. they have no real rep so ya

Freelancer NPC Faction? - kiggles - 06-24-2007

Ok I am probaly being stupid but where do did you get those "rep = ..." things?

Not sure if that made much sense...
