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Pirate taxes - Tortured_Soul - 06-24-2007

Just out of interest Heathen, were you piloting a Train, callsign FedEx-Express, on a Diamond run and the pirate taxed you 69 of your precious diamonds?
Yep that particular brand of twat was my-good-self, you got off well easy. But what the hell, I'll just charge you 2 mil the next time.
OT: Actually, my taxing you started up a hunting party that led to my first PvP kill. Whole lot of firsts that night.

I like the idea of the guidelines, but not the idea of rules on it, take the above example that was literaly the first time I'd tried to tax someone and I taxed a pretty weak amount, but I won't be making that mistake again.

Pirate taxes - majkp - 06-24-2007

I always ask max. 2-3mils in my TBH char. In special cases more, but that must me a trader docking on a corsair base while I hunt him because he refused to pay, etc. I think that the tax shouldn't be higher than the one-way profit the trader makes on that route, which is most of the times max. around 5 mils with a large train. If the trader trades in a transport, the tax should reflect that.

I am against making a rule for that, people should just use common sense. And if the trader thinks the tax is too high, he should haggle as Heathen said, which makes the pirating (and trading) more enjoying. As usually, every situation can be dealt with the RP way.

Pirate taxes - heathensoul - 06-24-2007

' Wrote:Just out of interest Heathen, were you piloting a Train, callsign FedEx-Express, on a Diamond run and the pirate taxed you 69 of your precious diamonds?

Nope, my trader is called Schultze and it happened on the Corfu run.:)

Pirate taxes - Hylden - 06-24-2007

The prices are too high. I have common sense, I never ask more than 3 mil, no matter what. Are you kidding, at those scores? I will quit trading and start pirating:D

Pirate taxes - Spacewolf - 06-24-2007

ive found a good way is to have a crusair and a gunboat behind you they usually end up pay evenif the crusair and gunboat arnt in on it.

Pirate taxes - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-24-2007

Lets not have more rules for the server, there are too many now being interpreted, and not followed as it is.
Levels of taxing would detract from the roleplay, be nice if every pirating situation was taken on its own merits.
As Majk said, use a bit of common sense ...


Pirate taxes - Yngen - 06-24-2007

I recommend pirates not use the term 'Tax' to describe their demands. Taxes are the purvew of governments, not pirates. Also, do not confuse pirates with unlawful houses like the Outcasts and Corsairs. When in Omicron Alpha, the Outcasts are the law, so money demands they make in that system would be a "tax," but if an Outcast demands something in Liberty, then it is piracy.

Call it: "Protection fee" or "life insurance for your crew (I like that one;)."

In other words, get creative.

And demand whatever you want. If you really just want to blow them up, demand something ridiculous like Vlad's 100 million credit fee. If you are out for a profit it would be more prudent to adjust your rates to the character's level and an amount that would make financial sense for them to agree to.

Quote:ive found a good way is to have a crusair and a gunboat behind you they usually end up pay even if the crusair and gunboat arnt in on it.


You should not be in any way associated with anything larger than a gunboat while pirating. Whether or not they are 'in on it' is irrelevent-you cannot use a cruiser to pirate, therefor you cannot use even the threat of a cruiser to pirate.

Pirate taxes - ryoken - 06-25-2007

I run a cargo hauler and have met atleast 20 pirates if not more.At this point i have paid 1!!!. Reason he asked for 100 of my cargo which is what his fighter could hold.Every pirate who has asked for 2mil+ I KILLED or THEY RAN AWAY. If i paid say 1.5 mil for my cargo and the pirate asks for 2 mil i see no point in paying MORE then i paid for cargo.If i loose the cargo it is les then the (TAX/protection fee or what ever), and i always have the best armour/guns i can buy on my ship.( and NO i will not tell you my ship's name).
The closest i have come to being destroyed was being jumped by 3 GB's, who asked for 6 mil.That was absurd so i paid 3 bounty hunter's 500 000 each to kill said pirates which they did with much joy.
All in all use your brains when asking, not your pocket book, since a trader will probly risk loosing a little not to pay alot, and the trader is probably rich enough to just eject and buy a new ship out of spite.:crazy:

Pirate taxes - ryoken - 06-25-2007

1 more thing maybe off topic a little, but i had 2 corsairs in CRUISER's demand money from my trader.

Pirate taxes - X-Vlad - 06-25-2007

Well, now that the Unioners RP has officially gone over to piracy, thats what I do. Most of the time:P