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<Hasir> Food n Trade - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Stories and Biographies (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=56) +--- Thread: <Hasir> Food n Trade (/showthread.php?tid=32722) |
<Hasir> Food n Trade - Szerano - 03-15-2010 Greg sat back down and listen to the doctor nearly unload an dump truck of information on him. It seemed as the doctor was well prepared and was both happy to be talking to Das Wilde and at the same time was issuing a warning. Once the good doctor was finished, Greg sat back and start choosing his words carefully.. Greg: "I see your point...you make a very interesting one but you do have a few flaws in your plan...with Das wilde's mental control you can start to see a growth in Das wilde's numbers, you will probably then start to spend additional credits trying to equip all of your miners with mental blocking systems of some sort but by then Das wilde can simply target the civilian population and then what will you do? You have not seen the in-numerous ways Das wilde can grow and out of their arrogance which they might have, they refuse to...BUT! I'm not an advocate of war here sir. I come for peace and peace only, I can possibly set you up with a meeting with Das wilde personally with which I can assure both sides to stay neutral during the meeting and any form of hostility will be dealt with...but like I said I come here for peace between Das wilde and Rheinland, if that is what you want I'm sure I can offer it to a limited extent, not being a wilde myself I cannot speak for them by my own account I will have to get in touch with them again...if you want to be neutral or possibly friends with Das wilde I can return to my friend and talk to him and get a definitive answer and then return to you...if that is what you wish..." <Hasir> Food n Trade - nephandus - 03-15-2010 -Well mein Herr, I think you dont understand us yet. But it is not a problem. Just to give you a small piece, we could equip every single Rhei citizen with a nano-ware what could grant them Limited immunity but at this moment we have no order, nor any reason to do so. And I doubt that there will be anything like that. I mean Ever. -the doctor paused than continued- But we are greatly interested in the offer of das Wilde. Really. So we could offer you this or any other private room if you want to continue a conference wild your froinde, Or we could delegate a group to visit a base what is more suitable for your froinde.-the doctor waited a few seconds stared on the wall, than started to apologise- -I am afraid, that I am not able to represent our company well enough in the presence of a Wilde, since my graduation level is too low for that kind of mental procedures,But my superior Directors will delegate a more suitable person. He will be mutch better... Someone, who will be more acceptable for your froinde aswell. I am personally sure that he will keep an eye on the Seader interests, and our Conzortium will garther only the profit from your agreement. He is the latest productum of the special-solider program, and received dozens of cy-wares to improve his skills plus, as a special condition, he has no gear aganist the methods of your froinde-unless we count his temper and the damages from the nigro-mancy, but I think these parts are not too interesting- so the negotiation procedures can stay.. Lets say in good river-side. His name is Black- erm, Swartz nowdays, and He will be ready as soon as your froinde arrives- unless he has to meet your froinde on a special location. I hope you will find our conditions good enough to continue the procedures. This way my bodyguard units will not disturb the ...erm..peace of your frounde. And will not even hurt his eyes. Now, I leave you to decide. If you will be ready to invite your friend-or you will be ready to took our agent to meet the agent of Das Wilde, just press the red button on the panel.- Ahh, and I must inform you that your assistant is ready. Please let us Seader-kruger pay your bill towards the honored Junkers of the depot and accept her as a present from us, in the name of the SK Conzortium..Im sure you will find our small company worthy for your time and efforts, and this assistant, is only the first present from us. -Than the kusarian doctor bowed towards the messenger, and left the room with his bodyguards. <Hasir> Food n Trade - Szerano - 03-17-2010 Greg bowed to the doctor as he left and then he sat down in utter silence. Contemplating his options. That was a tight-wire meeting and should anything go wrong mm....definitely tight wire...Wasting no time Greg got up and proceeded to leave the room. Kanze: "Eh? Wait wait, my girl..." Greg: "Wait here for her, I need to speak with someone asap, take your time to come to me....that's an order..." Kanze: "If you say so..." Greg proceeded to leave but had a quick chat with one of the waitresses: "Excuse me miss, no one is to use that room until I return is this acceptable?" Waitress: "Sure, no problem sir." Greg proceeded back to his old mining ship. It's rusty outside a hideous display of who he was, but a rather study vessel indeed...Wasting no time his crew of three were at the controls. Crew member:" Where to sir!" Greg: "We need to head to the Kruger mining station asap, so let's fly this under the radar as usual..." Crew member: "Roger!" Kanze sat and waited impatiently for his dream to come true. That's how all dreams came true huh? They just come to you... Waitress: "Sir! Your model is here...." The young looking girl stepped inside the room. ![]() Kanze: "...." Waitress: "She is as you ordered and is still customizable if you need anything changed..." Kanze: "No, I think I just need her to speak for me..." The woman took the request with ciriousity but quickly composed herself. Tanzal: "My name is Tanzal, and I am only what you want me to be..." Her voice was soft but direct...Kanze was no doubt impressed. Kanze: "From now on your name shall be called Yanamaki...is that alright for you?" She ran up and gave kanze a hug that haunted him forever, she didn't have a problem showing the affections and didn't mind using her body to comfort him either. Yanamaki: "Anything for my lover!" Kanze: "Please stop crushing me..." Waitress: "Is she to your liking?" Kanze: "As she'll ever be...come one this way..." Kanze let his new disaster on a leash to her new way of life. If only....if only she'd stop hugging him so much... <Hasir> Food n Trade - Szerano - 04-03-2010 Derilos entered the bar with one of his arms in an sling, the arm was being protected my some contraption the doctors back in theta used which he paid little attention to. As anxious as he was he kept calm and approached one of the waitresses, he preferred to be unnoticed but being new here had it's disadvantages. Derilos: "Good evening...I'm here to see a Doctor Soto? My name is Derilos." Waitress: "Ah right this way please." Following the woman, Derilos tried to keep unnoticed but it was as if the very air was being covered here, so it only made him look a bit obvious in the end. Waitress: "Wait back here please, if you wish anything just let us know. Dr. Soto will be with you soon..." Derilos entered the door and sat in the nearest seat he could find and brought out his portable comms system. With a new message from Greg he decided to send a written message instead of a visual message...he didn't look his best as it was...no need to show off what he didn't have... <Hasir> Food n Trade - nephandus - 04-05-2010 The Kusarian doctor stepped out of his bio-regenarator and refresher-container, and took a fast shower. He was already informed that his guest arrived a little later and managed to move up to the bar with a personnal lift before the doctors could reach him in the hangar. He dressed up fast and stepped into the ,,transporting-tube" and stepped out of it at the Hasir's level. He wlaked towards the room of his guest, and pressed the ,,doorbell,, signal. -Guten Morgne mein Herr, its Dr.Soto here, are you allow me to enter?- and without waiting for the real reply, he stepped into the room. He was almost alone- at least his regular bodyguards was not with him, but instead of them a beautiful yound blonde assistant arrived with. When they've entered the room the kusarian doctor started to speak immediately: -Ah good. Finally you arrived mein Herr. Our doctors waited for oyu in the main Hangar, but I saw you used a side-docker and came up to the bar isntantly with a private lift. Wel finally we found you- please accept the help of my assistant, she will be able to inform you about every single aspect of the procedure, and will stay by your side till the end of the regeneration-phase. Fortunately we are able to alter her shape in no-time to make her suit your needs. Please pick a suitable arm-version for yourself from our catalogue, and we will be proud to enchant you with it. I msut inform you that we are able to give you your original arm back, with cloning a new from your DNA, and it took only 1+2 days. YOu can pick a third method, but combining your own DNA with some bio-enchantements, and in that case you can receive a fully-organic arm, but with extended abilitys. Well this is enough for now. Your assistant will be eager to help you in choosing and will give oyu all necesseary knowsof-links to make you able to choose wisely. I leave you two alone and let you find the best variation for yourself- please dont hurry your luxury-room is ready, and included in the price of your new arm. Now please excuse me- your assistant wil lbe able to inform you about every single aspect of the procedure, even better than myself since Im specialized on negotiations and reflex-wire-wares. Please do not hesitate ask your assistant to call mine, if you have anything what she could not be able to solve.- the Doctor smiled-bowed than waited for the answer of his guest before leaving <Hasir> Food n Trade - Osilon - 04-06-2010 A woman walked into the bar with a cute grin on her face. She wore a black trenchcoat with the word "GLaDoS" on the shoulder, barely visible in dark red letters. It was curious as she came in, for there was no ship in the nearby docking bays, and none moored either. Sitting down in a corner, the woman pulled out a small silver box and started tinkering with it. <Hasir> Food n Trade - Szerano - 04-07-2010 Derilos: "Thank you Doctor...Your help is appreciated, after my arm surgery I'll have a chat with you hmm? No worries though..." Derilos watched as the Doctor bowed again and then left him with the assistant. Derilos: "Your name?" Assistant: "My name is Kiro Kreuzberg III." The woman bowed respectively. Derilos: "Why don't you tell me about what you have to offer hmm?" <Hasir> Food n Trade - Szerano - 04-16-2010 The woman was about to answer when Derilos cut her off. Derilos: "Actually scratch that, just get an exact replacement if possible. If you cannot the closest model you can find will be wonderful. I don't know this exact model so perhaps a scan is in order first?" The woman bowed and went to relay the message to the technicians. "Oh one last thing, I have to make a few messages first, so please let me know when your ready so I know ok?" The woman bowed again and left. Just then, Greg entered the bar. He kindly greeted one of the waitresses. "Guten tag madame, Has my spot been saved?" The woman nodded at first and then recognized him. "Oh yes sir, please this way. I will let Dr. Sato know you are back again." Greg walked back into the room, the cobalt ore still sitting there. "Well well. Let's see where this leads.." <Hasir> Food n Trade - gitanos - 04-17-2010 -a few hours later a loud company arrives to the bar. They starts to ,,invade" the public cantine from the private lifts of the ship-hangars, but at the end they are coming in n out from all reachable doors. At least a hundred different people or maybe even 2, dressed in weird and colorful clothes, ribbons and never-seen outfits. Some of them seems to be freaks from a circus, or member of another mutant race. Even a few apelings are among them in special lime-green and neon-orange radiation-suits. A huge pile of Children, mothers fathers young and old people, a whole clan as it seems. Their fast language is un-followable for anyone else than them, and they start to build a huge parade in the public cantine- removing the tables from the middle and starting to dance there instead. They order huge amounts of food and drink and start a chaotic party. The security guards of the depot seems to access their superiors for orders, but since the colorful company of the weird ,,clan,, seems to not cause any trouble, and they stop at Kreuzberg at each year twice they let them ruin the cantine for a huge amount of cash what the pay for this celebration. Otherwise the bar is completely empty if we do not count the dark-coated women, the crew of the Hasir or the customers of the private rooms. But the emptiness of hte past hours seems to be completely un-beleivable after the arrival of the Children. The parading company crawls around in the bar, singing, dancing eating and shouting on each other to form an insane cacophony what somehow seems to be relaxing for anyone who falls into it. Even in the cases where it seems that the samsarians will go to knife-battle to solve a confrontation, the guards seems to be calmed and let them do whatever they wish. Teh party evolves and even more and more people joins the table-dancers and the musicians. A pack goes to the corner-table of the dark coated women, and dances around her while a few dozens of them sits down to her table completely covering her from any other eyes or cameras. The parade continues, and even more and more musicians joins the cacophony. At the end, the bar becomes crowded with samsarians. At least 3-400 of them, enjoying their rest on the fine depot of Kreuzberg, eating-drinking-having fun, for the joy of life and to praise the sacred chao and the crawling of the Samsara.- <Hasir> Food n Trade - nephandus - 04-17-2010 Teh young-shaped droid nods on the request of Derilos and states -Understood mein Herr, It will be a little tricky to build a so-old ware instead of replacing it with a brand-new model, but our technicians are able to solve that case if you wish. The procedure will took approximately 1 hour and you can use your other devices or radio trans-receivers while you are under the progress. Is there anything else what we could do for you mein Herr?- At the same time a message appears on the screen of the private room of Greg: -Greetings Mein Herr, I am Phuong, assistant of Soto-senseii. He would like to inform you that he is currently not accesible on the depot, but he will be at your service as soon as he arrives back- what will be approximately a few hours after the current customers of hte depot leaves. He would also infrom you that our operation on the cobalt-field of the omega-7 region has ended and that our Miners were removed from the territory and directed to other place. Please rest in the private room if you wish till you find it comfortable, or till the doctor-senseii will arrive back. The personnal escort-females will be ready for your pleasure in 2 minutes if you wish- |