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Questions about FL game mechanics. - Eppy - 07-29-2007

In that case Igiss needs to get down there and Plagiarize their ideas ASAP.

Ah, yes, the Infinity prototype. It looks beautiful. Dare I say it-'Teh Haxx0rz, d00ds.'

Questions about FL game mechanics. - MrSns - 07-29-2007

Hrm i think Igiss should talk to the ppls down at the Hamburg sever or what ever it was:P

And what do u mean by? Dare I say it-'Teh Haxx0rz, d00ds.'

Questions about FL game mechanics. - Treewyrm - 07-29-2007

Although it's good to see real proportions in space games I'd like to mention one problem arising from this. If areas were that big players would have hard time finding each other in such vast space. One of the actual pros in Freelancer despite it's miniature look and absolutely unproportinal objects is that players can actually find each other and see in a distance. The infinity engine is indeed impressive and looks like using prodecural generation to speed up the process, however for MMO type of game it is far from being real, that's too much data to crunch considering amount of connections and queries, although single player game still would be possible, I certainly would like to play. I have always thought of a game that would combine three modes: outer space flight (with real physics), aerial/planetary flight (with gravity, see Terminal Velocity and similar games) and first/third-person action/adventure within base/ship/stations/etc interiors. Also a little bit of suterranian flight in vein of Descent (other options including space stations/ships so huge). Combining all of them seamlessly is a very complex task, but I think it's quite possible, there were games featuring multimode in some form, one such game is Parkan, little known outside it's a russian developed game featuring open space flight and first-person shooter inside ships and bases. Current technology allows much more than it was in times of Wing Commander and Freespace games. MMO puts certain limitation on games, especially in quickly changing and data intensive aspects of the game such as space combat (with all the tracing and collision detection problems). I only wish there were more space sims out there, single player games, so that genre will progress further and make use of the technology pushing boundaries of space gaming far beyond the stars we dream of.

Questions about FL game mechanics. - MrSns - 07-29-2007

I hear what u are saying. I agree if there were more space sims out there like infinty than i would be happy:)and im sure alot of other ppl will be as welll:)
i still dont know what 'Teh Haxx0rz, d00ds.' means?

Questions about FL game mechanics. - Eppy - 07-29-2007

Good thought, Treewyrm. THis can actually be addressed, though, by a system-wide radar, passive scanners, or even just using the map's grid to find your way. I do it all the time.

Questions about FL game mechanics. - Treewyrm - 07-29-2007

' Wrote:Good thought, Treewyrm. THis can actually be addressed, though, by a system-wide radar, passive scanners, or even just using the map's grid to find your way. I do it all the time.
Sure you could pinpoint other player in space given such possibility/equipment. Yet you'll just see dot on a "radar", the actual ship will be so far from yours that you will not see it until coming very close enough to be in visible range. Partially can be solved by zooming or off-ship cameras, however those should be implemented carefully not to spoil things around, also several exploitation problems may arise, like peeking into things you shouldn't see until reaching them. The question though is what possibilities players should be given and what limitations they should have. If the off-ship camera for long distances is allowed then I guess there'll be no problem in seeing someone else, however it'll need some sort of explanation I think. Also it may give unnecessary difficulty edge for the game as players will have to keep an eye both on the camera and their ship, this may lead to confusion of location and feeling of the distance between the ships which is quite important in such games. Anyway it all comes down to design basics, conceptual limitations the hypothetical game will have.

Questions about FL game mechanics. - Eppy - 07-29-2007

Oh, and Teh Haxx0rz was a leet joke. Wiki it. The articles are massive T.T

Questions about FL game mechanics. - ghostcat - 07-29-2007

Hmm, the repair gun seems easy enough, just set a gun to deal negative damage, and a massive energy drain of course.

Questions about FL game mechanics. - Qunitinius~Verginix - 07-29-2007

A repair gun would be great! It would make the repair ship actually useful! As of now, it's only purpose is to trade and give people bots and bats. A gun could also add some interesting mechanics to fleet battles.

Just make sure you don't hit your friends enemy while you are trying to hit your friend hehehe.


Questions about FL game mechanics. - ghostcat - 07-29-2007

' Wrote:A repair gun would be great! It would make the repair ship actually useful! As of now, it's only purpose is to trade and give people bots and bats. A gun could also add some interesting mechanics to fleet battles.

Just make sure you don't hit your friends enemy while you are trying to hit your friend hehehe.


yeah, I'm thinking of a small arc turret facing down from the repair ship, easy enough to mod in. Ships would have to park under it for a sec to be repaired. Would add a bit of strategy to a fight. Try to kill the enemies quickly, or destroy their repair ship?