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Graveyard of the Innocents - Printable Version

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Graveyard of the Innocents - Varok - 02-28-2010

What is this "Graveyard of the Innocents"?

Graveyard of the Innocents - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 02-28-2010

Yes they do. Is final exam to the adulthood also it helps to for birthcontrol.

Corsairs are being trained from youth how to handle ships. Then they reach age of 16 they are sent near to that hole shieldless to pick up some artifacts. Some of them return, some of them die, some of them return without ability to have children (radiation damage).

Similiar like spartans had their last exam and age 17 if I'm not wrong

Graveyard of the Innocents - Tensdale - 02-28-2010

' Wrote:What is this "Graveyard of the Innocents"?

It's the area around the Omicron Kappa Jump Hole in Gamma... With all the wrecks.

Graveyard of the Innocents

Graveyard of the Innocents - Magoo! - 02-28-2010

Quote:Corsairs are being trained from youth how to handle ships. Then they reach age of 16 they are sent near to that hole shieldless to pick up some artifacts. Some of them return, some of them die, some of them return without ability to have children (radiation damage).
I think that last part might be a bit far fetched. At least as an intended side effect.

Graveyard of the Innocents - Blaze - 03-01-2010

Wow I think the corsairs should do it. Sounds like fun to me

Graveyard of the Innocents - tazuras - 03-01-2010

I'd also like to add this one:

Quote:Many think our rites of initiation are barbaric, but we can't feed, clothe, and train every Corsair born. The initiation keeps our population problems in check. At the age of sixteen every Corsair must fly into the radioactive Malvadas Cloud in an unshielded ship and return with an Artifact. Some return as they left, others become sterile, and the rest die.
ids_info # 133252

Corsairs Dora Moreno
Corsairs Lourdes Mendez

Graveyard of the Innocents - Magoo! - 03-01-2010

I stand corrected.

Graveyard of the Innocents - Tovig - 03-01-2010

Funny, Outcasts and Corsairs got both the same ritual. (sending people in a radioactive cloud full of aliens)

Graveyard of the Innocents - Not Espi - 03-01-2010

' Wrote:I think that last part might be a bit far fetched. At least as an intended side effect.

matter of fact, its not. the bar rumors say so. some come back sterile.

population and pilot quality control. thats why corsairs are SUPPOSEDLY the best pilots in sirius

edit: ninja'd

Graveyard of the Innocents - Dennis Jameson - 03-01-2010

' Wrote:Funny, Outcasts and Corsairs got both the same ritual. (sending people in a radioactive cloud full of aliens)

Incorrect... The Outcasts use the Omicron 90 jump hole as a burial ground, and the honour of being sent to the "spirits" after you die is reserved for the elite.