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what's wrong with this sever.... - Printable Version

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what's wrong with this sever.... - Malaclypse 666 - 08-19-2007

I believe you mistake our intent, Tony. No slights intended.

But, if we are to assist, Holmes, how can us dummy Watsons best aid in the sleuthing?

Are we looking for someone who logs on just prior to the crashes?

Yup, we'd all truly abhor a wipe. I give you huge points for trying to avoid that nasty four-letter word; but I'd be among the first to gather up my petticoats and start the trek again.

Cheers to you, Mike, and the other Admins.. Now.. put your thicker skin back on and smile.


what's wrong with this sever.... - BULLDOGNK - 08-19-2007

Not about that Doug old man,

Just it annoys me they blame the server and Not the modders and cheats.

hence the description " Whats wrong with the Server" if should have been named " How come the Server crashes" that would have been a lot better, to see a post slagging the Server off upsets me, imagine what Michal thinks when he reads these also.


what's wrong with this sever.... - Malaclypse 666 - 08-19-2007

' Wrote:Not about that Doug old man,

Just it annoys me they blame the server and Not the modders and cheats.

hence the description " Whats wrong with the Server" if should have been named " How come the Server crashes" that would have been a lot better, to see a post slagging the Server off upsets me, imagine what Michal thinks when he reads these also.


I get your point about the thread title, Tony. Only one cup of nasty instant under me belt when I responded.

So, I'll call your "old man", and raise you one "Bob's yer Auntie"!

(And yes, I'm trying to take my spam position back from Ben.

what's wrong with this sever.... - BULLDOGNK - 08-19-2007

Ok Old Chap thats just not cricket.

get the Java down your windpipe get up the apple and pears, wash your dirty mug and come chin wag on skype.


what's wrong with this sever.... - Arcath - 08-19-2007

' Wrote:In the meantime when doing some operations in larger groups, the only thing I can suggest is doing safety docks en route just in the case server crashes, so you don't have to fly all the way again.

The problem with safety docks is that if i am doing a trading run, and i end up dieing for some reason it means that i now have to fly all the way back to be ginging, which in somecases means i gone 90% of the trip and comeout of it with no money

But i do find that if for somereason the server chrasehes when i rejoin i appear at the last Jumpgate i arrived at (if i havent docked scince then)

what's wrong with this sever.... - Equinox - 08-19-2007

Tbh since tony did the corrupt player wipe ive had no red lag, before he did it it seems like you'd get red lagg then the server crashes now its more crash with no reason which points to hackers imo.

Even with these crashes it isnt that bad, i play quite alot and it hasnt started to annoy me in the slightest.

Also when the server is up it runs fine, i get a ping of 64 and have no lag at all.

Im pretty sure everyones doing there best to fix it.

Btw is there any better cheat software out there that would catch the hackers? bear in mind i no nothing about running a fl server :/

what's wrong with this sever.... - majkp - 08-19-2007

' Wrote:and wouldn't that "progy" cause lag..since it must communicate with client and compare files...?

Nope, it only calculates CRC checksum for the most important files and compares them to server before it allows a player to join. If there is anything wrong, the player isn't allowed to connect. The problem is the needed wipe and a client side utility installed on every player's computer. We haven't even tested it yet, we juts read about it.

I also heard they use a different fully working anti-cheating tool on the beloved Void server (while it's a PvP server, cheating is probably a #1 issue for them) and their solution doesn't need the client side utility. I'll try to get in contact with some of their admins and maybe they give us some info...

what's wrong with this sever.... - rmart - 09-24-2010

' Wrote:Nope, it only calculates CRC checksum for the most important files and compares them to server before it allows a player to join. If there is anything wrong, the player isn't allowed to connect. The problem is the needed wipe and a client side utility installed on every player's computer. We haven't even tested it yet, we juts read about it.

I also heard they use a different fully working anti-cheating tool on the beloved Void server (while it's a PvP server, cheating is probably a #1 issue for them) and their solution doesn't need the client side utility. I'll try to get in contact with some of their admins and maybe they give us some info...

Not meaning to necro-post, but whatever was the solution to this problem? We've been having something very similar for the last year now on FREELANCER UNIVERSE. I'd sure like to find a solution and keep Freelancer alive.


what's wrong with this sever.... - Disparagess - 09-24-2010

Biggest gravedig I've ever seen. Would've been a lot better to just create a new one =/

what's wrong with this sever.... - Cannon - 09-24-2010

- dsace: not perfect but detects accidentally corrupted installations, many types of cheats (not all) and patches flserver to stop server crashes.
- dsaccount manager to clean corrupt characters
- these are available from here

- flac does a pretty good job too