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Nomad healing - Dantrithor - 03-19-2010

Plus, you don't have to be docked or in a sun corona to spam system chat.

Some people back in .84 spammed system chats by going 50Km up somewhere in a sector, so nobody could find them. I think there was a sanction because of it back then.

Nomad healing - Eppy - 03-19-2010

' Wrote:That's not the point, it's just that Morphs get ganked like crazy, take some damage and eventually run out of bots, meaning we either have to suicide or return to the Shrine. If you just happen to be in the Omicrons, you don't want that.

I was agreeing with you, mate.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-19-2010

' Wrote:I was agreeing with you, mate.

Then I must have misread your comment, my bad.

*Runs off to get some sleep*

Nomad healing - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 03-19-2010

' Wrote:It'd be nice if I could swap out my shield for something that would regenerate my hull over time.

At least nomad ship should be able to regenerate, and be immune to radiation =P

You also forgot to mention admin cannons to be avalible for nomads too.


Only if nomads will no longer have their veils. Also no nanobots.

Restorance of hull is far better than restorance of shield. And this would make ships ubersome. We don't want this. They are already far better than regular ships peeps are flying, despite few whiners who whines about nomad torpedo to be too nerfed, but who can't see the overall view. (or more likely just tries to show one point to win something deliberately)

Alright you might say "this is limited to a sun corona", how would you like a guy who docks to a base and goes out restored and re-engages you? ... fun?

Nomad healing - mwerte - 03-19-2010

NPCs are a good source of bots/bats. My Wilde is currently farming them because his hull is a 0%. I don't think having a slight regeneration inside the sun corona would hurt game balance that much. If it was restricted to the sun corona and speed=0 then it would prevent the whole "drag a fight to the sun so we have extra health" problem.

"where did it ran" please stop your useless trolling.

"when the Gank mobile comes rolling along they'll just fly inside the sun and there's nothing any one can do"
*gasp* people attempting to not get ganked, whoda thunk?

Nomad healing - Jinx - 03-19-2010

nomad healing is a nice lore - and fits in nicely - but i believe its currently no option.

as of now, nomad gear is not only slightly but noticably superior to non restricted gear - which not only inspires the superiority of nomad tech - but also inspires the need to group up against nomads to compensate for the weaker stats on all other ships.

a "slight" ( meaning non noticable regeneration - that can only be used in prolonged REST periods ) would be nice.... if nomad gear was balanced with the rest of sirius. - but not on top of what we already gave them.

in any way - regeneration should only be limited to:

- an immobile ship ( resting ) ... only when a ship is immobile for at least 10 seconds - once your speed is 2+ .... regeneration should stop
- it should regenerate at a rate of like 20 hitpoints / second tops - - a rate that might increase to more, the longer the ship stays immobile
- equipment should NOT regenerate, cause repairing equipment is one of the great downsides of hull damage... which all players should share.

but like i said - only if nomad gear was balanced.

i listed the three points to prevent exploits in a combat situation - cause no ship would be immobile in a battle. - well.... if these three points were actually implemented, it wouldn t matter too much if the nomad gear was adjusted to normal. - but its just that nomads already have a lot of advantages, every little bit more justifies overwhelming them more and more.

Nomad healing - Boss - 03-19-2010

What nobody seems to understand is the fact that the Nomads are NOT balanced and SHOULD NOT BE.

They -should- be vicious doombringers when provoked. I'm not acting my bias here, this is an objective observation.

Nomad healing - Jinx - 03-19-2010

one is lore, the other is balance....

... one might say " the zoner juggernaut should be a behemoth with 500 gunturrets, a myth capable of wiping out the entire corsair nation - glad we are that zoners are mostly cowardly pacifists"

and still - we would not balance it towards the lore, but towards fairness.

i am pretty sure that 99.999 % of all players in the community know about the lore of superiority of nomads - and will compromise for fairnes still. - not out of spite - but out of a common sense for balance and fun for everyone.

just cause a player or some players RP to be awesome doesn t mean their stats reflect that. - some claims might be more justified than others.... but where to draw the line - and who is to draw the line. - since no one is qualified enough and unbiased enough to do that.... pure fairness is the only alternative. everything a faction has "more" than others - can be considered pure kindness - from those that got less - and the trade off is - that those with better gear have to provide those with lesser gear a superior RP experience.

Nomad healing - Shryke - 03-19-2010

What nobody seems to understand is that this is a game and giving inherent advantages to a select group of players is grossly unfair.

Just my personal observation.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-19-2010

' Wrote:What nobody seems to understand is that this is a game and giving inherent advantages to a select group of players is grossly unfair.

Just my personal observation.

Yes, regenerating hull might seem like a giant advantage, but remember that as a nomad, the bases you're allowed to dock are rare, even more as a morph. This method would just allow them to remain in space a bit longer (they'd still have to retreat eventually, or risk having their guns shot off).