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Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Printable Version

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Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - gekerd - 04-13-2010

Forum Name: Gekerd

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: Gekerd1

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Aneto
  • Shipclass: Starflier - CTE 750AE Civilian (new ship being prepared to be boarded right now)

  • Name: Jonh Dogood
  • Date Of Birth: 795
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Houston, Texas system
  • Department: Transportations
Brief Bio:
Born in a wealthy family until my father got killed by some rogues. After that I was the one of the family who had to earn the money. First worked on the boron mines in Pittsburgh and after that applied for a position in these ranks

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - The Flying Dutchman - 04-14-2010

-- incoming-- transmission--
Sender/Cap’n Tom of the Ageira|Rotterdam
--Opening stream-- -- --- --

Ageira Character Biography,

Forum name;The flying dutchnam
Skyp.3 name;
Shipclass; Titanic civilian heavy tanker / transporter
Date of birth; 4 sept 800 A.S.
Name; Cap’n Tom Roth.
Place of birth;Planet Los Angeles
Department; Transportation / ASF

A short bio,

I was Born on planet Los Angeles and had a good father who learned me at early age what trading is all about.
Me father was a trader so at the age of 16 i started to flee with me dad, he teached me stuff that really important.
Of course it took a while to handle the "Titanic. I really started as a young boy at me father lap traveling through space.
After i finished school i really had one or two "things on me mind... becoming a trader and trade for a good and stable enterprise.
Ageira had my interest because of the advanced technologies and shipment that provides a wealhty profit.
So when me dad retired i was the only one who could take his place. I'm fascinated be the capabilities of the Titanic
and as a young boy dreamed of flying one, so my dream has become's a reality!

Rotterdam me birdie also have the latest Ageira upgrades with a special scanner which is programmed for detecting *Hackers at a far range and i love Ageiras technology for it!
Its kind of a hobby to adjust some electronics’ to enhance things a bit of cours this knowledge comes in handy i'm the one
that usually repairs circuits along the way, that’s if there’s no repair vessel around of course.
So electronics is kind of a hobby to me, not me logs i hate to much paperwork.

Then i got this cat onboard me vessel i'm kind of a cat lover sometimes he keeps me company and runs around like a Crazy idiot, like chasseing a mouse.
Mousses do some time aboard me vessel be ware at Texas i had many trouble keeping them out.... so a cat comes in handy *Tom smiles....
O and i forgot too mention i have this awesome amplifier a nano-digi amp modeling amp so there’s music playing most of the time but not to loud.
I can’t hear incoming message if i turn it up to level infinity!
Music is one of me hobby's too listening but playing also i got a little guitar and trying to sing along while i hit the strings, but it maybe sounds crushing for your ears.

-----End Of Transmission--- -

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Nitram - 04-18-2010

Forum Name: Nitram

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: PM me if you want it.

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Gerlach
  • Shipclass: Heron - CT-53 Civilian Train

  • Name: Owen Walker
  • Date Of Birth: Sometime in 790
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Freeport 10
  • Department: Transportation
Brief Bio:

Born on FP10, and raised there. Met many different people there, and learned something from each one of them. Was tought how to pilot by a retired Rheinland Navy pilot, how to handle big ships by a Zoner Captain, and Navigation training was overseen by a Corsair ace, just to name a few of the interesting characters I met. If there is a route to my destination, I can find it and get there in half the time you can thanks to that old Corsair. After learning the ropes, I jointed the crew of the N17R4M and slowy worked my way up. The N17 was working for the IMG at that time, but it was bought by Shultz, it's commanding officer, after two years. He kept the crew together and we hired ourselves out as a scout ship. Eventually I worked as navigator for a three years and was put in command after Captain Shultz resigned, he still owned the ship tough. After six months of my command the IMG bought the N17 from Shultz and de-commisioned it. Shultz being clever as he was told them that it is in good condition and the IMG tought they bought it for a low price. But it was a survey miner you see and it underwent alot more stress then the average miner. And infact what they bought was a rusty old ship, not safe to use anymore, and thus it was de-commisioned, re-built into god knows what.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Astennu123 - 04-25-2010

Forum Name: Espada

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: astika123

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Kirthar
  • Shipclass: Crane - CT-69 Civilian Large Train
  • Name: Derrion Moore
  • Date Of Birth: 22th,June,780
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Leeds, Bretonia (No comment)
  • Department: Transportations
Brief Bio:

I was born on Leeds. I had a great childhood life, because my father worked as a trader and my mother worked as an Administrator at the local databank. At the age of 13 I was eager to know how does the starships work, so I asked my parents that I wanna go to the Flight School of Leeds. I finished the school with good marks at the age of 18. After a little break, I got a message from the University of Flight. I was really excited, I couldn't wait till schooltime. I graduated in 805. By the time I finished the University, an old friend of mine gave me the chance to work as an IMG cargo runner. Now I'm a proud employee of the Ageira Technologies.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Elrainn - 04-29-2010

' Wrote:
::Incoming Data Module::
Warning: Encrypted Uplink Frequency. Please Enter Your Unique User Code.
Input Accepted
Thank you valued employee, for using the Ageira automated message service. Have a pleasant day.

Message Start:

Hello to you all. Whether you're fresh recruits or seasoned veterans, security forces or transporters, corporate executives or even our very own president, we're all a commodity. Hard work is what Ageira was built upon and though we're in the business of universal expansion and trade, we've never lost touch with the human element. That very principle alone has been the keystone of our company since its creation in 44 AS. Together we utilize a wide variety of tools and knowledge to achieve the goals of the company and without unity, these tasks would be nearly impossible. With all of that said, Ageira would like to know each and every one of you even better! Please take the time to fill out a personnel form. This will help you distinguish yourself from a sea of unknowns that float within our rival companies. It will also give your colleagues the opportunity to get to know you as well. It is our hope that we can forge strong bonds that will keep our company tradition of unity and pride going for another almost eight hundred years. Only through hard work and fellowship may we traverse the cold depths of space even further and bring life to uncharted territories.

Quick Reference Roster

End Of Transmission
(This is a place to upload your Ageira character biographies, along with whatever ships they may be currently using after your inception into the company. This process is mandatory and must be complied with before full acceptance is granted and your name(s) is added to the roster. Please use the supplied form so that you ensure your compliance with company regulations.)

Replace everything in (Parenthesis)
Forum Name: Rainny
[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: Elrainn/Rainny
[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: (Ageira|Snowdon)
  • Shipclass: (Heron - CT-53 Civilian Train)

  • Name: (Diaramuid Daniel Aleil)
  • Date Of Birth: (April 17, 789 A.S.)
  • Sex: (Male)
  • Place of Birth: (Freeport 1, Omega-3)
  • Department: (Transportation)
Brief Bio:

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - alphadog - 06-07-2010

Forum Name:

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name:

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Stanford
  • Shipclass: Stork - CT-73 Civilian Advanced Train

  • Name: John Evans
  • Date Of Birth: 795 AS
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Pittsburgh
  • Department: Transportations
Brief Bio:
Long version: Born on Pittsburgh. My dad died in a terrible accident at work. My mom got depressed and lost everything by not paying any bills. Dad left me a Stork, and I want to make some money with it.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Kane182 - 07-04-2010

Outdated, please delete

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Senshi - 07-04-2010

Forum Name: Senshi

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: wgpsenshi

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Kilimanjaro
  • Shipclass: Mastodon - Super Transport

  • Name: Howard Leaves
  • Date Of Birth: 780
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Denver
  • Department: Transportation
Brief Bio:

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Bdun9595 - 07-25-2010

Forum Name: Bdun9595

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: Bdun9595

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Manaslu
  • Shipclass: "Mastodon" Libertonian Transport

  • Name: Jack B. Smith
  • Date Of Birth: February 23, 793
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan
  • Department: Transportation
Brief Bio:
I was born on Planet Manhattan in the First Sirius Medical Ward. I grew up in a small house with just me and my parents. We never really had much money. My dad always dreamed of having his own ship and making plenty of money for our family. One day my dad bought a used Heron class train and said our life would turn around from there on. Our life sure did, we went into debt and with dad gone shipping all across Sirius, but he wasn't making much money. One weekend when dad was gone mom fell ill and passed away the next day. They still don't know what killed her... Dad came home and soon passed away surely due to the fact that his partner in life has passed away. I am ready to take off with a decent nav-map filled in by my dad. I am ready to learn and am ready to get shipping. Hopefully my life will start new from here on out.

Ageira Technologies - Extended Personnel Database (FO, iRP) - Neo88 - 07-26-2010

Forum Name: Neo88

[color=#FFFFFF]Skype Name: iineoii

[color=#FFFFFF]Ageira Character Biography:
  • Shipname: Ageira|Hammer
  • Shipclass: Mastodon - Libertonian Transport

  • Name: Thomas A. Anderson
  • Date Of Birth: 24th December 792
  • Sex: Male
  • Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan, New York system
  • Department: Transport division
Brief Bio:
Born on planet Manhattan.After I graduated from high school I started to look for work. A job to ensure a bright future for me. And then one day I looked the news and saw Ageira convoy. So here I am...