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Liners - Elrainn - 03-29-2010

I wouldn't be against buffing Liner Shields, Hull, and Weapons. I mean Most Liners cost nearly quadruple the price to get a Transport that has a similar amount of Cargo Space, what's the point of paying so much money for the same ship with no more practical use.

Liners - EisenSeele - 03-29-2010

The issue is in determining what exactly we're paying for when we dish out more cash for a liner than we would an equivalent trade ship or capital ship.

Liners - tansytansey - 03-29-2010

' Wrote:and by god, the day that there are lolliners is the day I do something horrible to a kitten.
You obviously weren't around when Liners were good. Every trader flew one, none of them stopped for anything. It was all 'cut lane, open fire without a word.'
Then Liners got gimped.

Kinda says something there.

Liners - EisenSeele - 03-29-2010

' Wrote:You obviously weren't around when Liners were good. Every trader flew one, none of them stopped for anything. It was all 'cut lane, open fire without a word.'
Then Liners got gimped.

Kinda says something there.

Great :/ i'll go get the kitten =__=

But yeah - apparently they were gimped a tad bit too much :/ since the price to awesomeness ratio does not work out.

Liners - Exsiled_one - 03-29-2010

Liners are luxurious. Slave liner (pilgrim liner) is still a good support piracy ship. It can do plenty of damage.

Luxury liner is a tough cookie as well.
I disliked the time when liners were awesome, so much awesome that everyone took a liner and traded many commodities in it.
Luxury liner full of Deuterium

yeah. makes sense.

Liners - EisenSeele - 03-29-2010

' Wrote:Liners are luxurious. Slave liner (pilgrim liner) is still a good support piracy ship. It can do plenty of damage.

Luxury liner is a tough cookie as well.
I disliked the time when liners were awesome, so much awesome that everyone took a liner and traded many commodities in it.
Luxury liner full of Deuterium

yeah. makes sense.

GMG gas miner full of cobalt ore. Hege full of luxury consumer goods. Anything with cargo space has the potential to not make sense :/

Hell, I can fill up a container transport full of vacationers, and they'd still pay full price for their ride.

Liners - n00bl3t - 03-29-2010

' Wrote:You obviously weren't around when Liners were good. Every trader flew one, none of them stopped for anything. It was all 'cut lane, open fire without a word.'
Then Liners got gimped.

Kinda says something there.

Point is, they have been restricted. So, it is about time to make them a little better.

Apart from that, stop trying to force people to only carry certain types of cargo. There are enough restrictions as it is.

Liners - EisenSeele - 03-29-2010

' Wrote:Point is, they have been restricted. So, it is about time to make them a little better.

Apart from that, stop trying to force people to only carry certain types of cargo. There are enough restrictions as it is.

What he said, but add a crap ton of unnecessary gibbering and a quip about someone's mother.

Liners - Blaze - 03-29-2010

Give them Gunboat shield with 400k powerplant?

Liners - Exsiled_one - 03-29-2010

I'ld say give them cruiser guns, 1000 cargo and cruiser shields and immunity to get pirated and OH OH TRALALA

Get a frikkin Geb and trade in it.

But now seriously, why is it a problem to have an expensive ship that is luxurious for a reason and is expensive for a reason and transports usually consumer goods and personnel?