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More Border Worlds Crap! - Printable Version

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More Border Worlds Crap! - Elsdragon - 04-12-2010

Plus, the Moldy Crow is an import.
Lets stick with the baseline for now

More Border Worlds Crap! - Kaze Dagon - 04-12-2010

I do support the BW line to be available now on the Freeports. It's logical.

More Border Worlds Crap! - Kazinsal - 04-12-2010

The Moldy Crow's engines actually make my FPS drop in cruise.

More Border Worlds Crap! - Leo - 04-12-2010

' Wrote:The Moldy Crow's engines actually make my FPS drop in cruise.

You need a better computer.


More Border Worlds Crap! - Hundra - 04-12-2010

' Wrote:You need a better computer.

Agreed, you have no right to complain about fps if you are running Freelancer on some 7 year old piece of crap.

More Border Worlds Crap! - Kazinsal - 04-12-2010

It's a laptop. So sue me.

More Border Worlds Crap! - sovereign - 04-12-2010

My laptop plays Dragon Age and Assassin's Creed.

On topic, yes, it would be nice to have BW ships on Freeports.

More Border Worlds Crap! - Geromix - 04-12-2010

I support this.BW line should be available on the Freeports.

More Border Worlds Crap! - Prysin - 04-12-2010

' Wrote:My laptop plays Dragon Age and Assassin's Creed.

On topic, yes, it would be nice to have BW ships on Freeports.

What laptop is that?

a 5000$ Gaming computer?

More Border Worlds Crap! - sean24 - 04-12-2010

Freeports 6 and 10 have no ships selling from them. They are also well out of Corsair reach. I suggest this is where BW ships should be sold.