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FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Printable Version

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FLHook F1 Timer Bug - X-Lancer - 09-12-2007

yea.....u can't see any thing..the other ppl can't see u.......fair enough....

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - GlyphStorm - 09-13-2007

DBoy: Same thing happened 3 times in a row, when I did that to test that if it is a bug or not. I believe that FL client believes that the server is out of reach and it tries to get you to the main screen, but server responds, and you still remain online. After my experiments results, this thing appears after about 60 seconds after you press switch character. Maybe if the time will be set to 59 seconds, this won't appear again. Hope my "research data" helps:P


PS: I've always wanted to say "research data":D

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Dab - 09-13-2007

Hasn't happened to me yet, but I haven't F1d in space but twice. That minute 20 is just too long to wait. I prefer getting to a station first. Probably happens in certain systems, or maybe with certain characters.

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Knucklehead - 09-13-2007

I've been searching for a client-side option to increase the server timeout, but haven't found anything yet. If there is such an option, documentation on it is nonexistant. I'll still keep looking, though.

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Korrd - 09-13-2007

Its hardcoded into the comm protocol. It should be a hex value both in the client and the server.

FLHook F1 Timer Bug - Rogue63 - 09-13-2007

It has happened to me and my bud. Actually mentioned this same problem to an admin online yesterday. Self drops in open space are definitely done for now, tried 3x got same result had to shutdown freelancer. I dont like cheaters anymore than anyone else, but I dont know about this. On a side note for those like myself who have "storage" chars, the self drops will work if you do it next to base, with chars all at same base obviously. Drop item in space, dock, immediatly swap chars, and then immediatly undock. This was tried several times with no problems. Only problem with this is your storage char has to be aligned (or at least nuetral) with whatever base you do this at, so if you have multiple chars that are good and bad you may need multiple storage chars or have to get with other players to do swaps.