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Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Printable Version

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Remove cruise drain from LFs? - jxie93 - 04-16-2010

There should be a range of varying cruise speeds to begin with. This would actually make underused ships like LFs and freighters more appealing since they're no longer regarded as simply stepping stones to more advanced shiptypes.

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Evan_ - 04-16-2010

' Wrote:I don't see a problem with the cruise drain on LFs. They recharge so fast anyways, it's hardly noticeable.

' Wrote:Also, it really shouldn't be on transports.
I like that idea. I bet it'd mean more transports giving a reason to pop them instead of negotiation. And Ivan would love that too. :)

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Sturmwind - 04-16-2010

No need to remove the cruise drain from LFs, they can't mount anything that would take more than the minimal energy left to be fired.

Making them cruise faster could would be more logical, but then I can see every single pirate group all switching to LFs at once.

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - gekerd - 04-16-2010

' Wrote:No need to remove the cruise drain from LFs, they can't mount anything that would take more than the minimal energy left to be fired.

Making them cruise faster could would be more logical, but then I can see every single pirate group all switching to LFs at once.

At least one in a group, but killing transport with LF is hard (they can be annoying as hell though) (maybe make bombers just 10 m/s slower than transports and caps 20 m/s, would give real use to LF)

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Alex. - 04-16-2010

Yeah, while you're at it, make it possible for gunboats to kill fighters abusing the huge cruise drain limitation on the gunboat. (Let them fire at least 1 missile.)
+ what N00bl3t said.
I really hate cruise drain. It was removed on Disco UK and the rules regarding cruising in fights are the same as the main server's ones. It works fine.

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Prysin - 04-16-2010

actually, the strongest light fighter (in terms of sheer firepower) is probably the Loki (due to MR)..... I mean, besides Loki, no other LF can do enough damage to give them a distinct advantage with no cruise drain

I approve of "No drain for LF's"

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Prysin - 04-16-2010

' Wrote:No need to remove the cruise drain from LFs, they can't mount anything that would take more than the minimal energy left to be fired.

Making them cruise faster could would be more logical, but then I can see every single pirate group all switching to LFs at once.

Guess what?
I killed a shire with UAU 8 in a scimitar, thanks to a libby cruiser patroll "helping" me with the shields.... now, it still took me ~45k of space to kill ONLY the hull..... And no, i dont use krakens, i use civvy guns, horrible, but way better then you'd think.

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - schlurbi - 04-16-2010

Fact is, Light Fighters will have a Cruise Speed Buff in 4.86, as I heard, meaning they will be faster and catch up. The other Thing is the removal of the Cruise =/= Rule. You can't fly faster than 350, without Cruise Drain and the Possibility to fight back after cruising.

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Akura - 04-16-2010

I think things should stay as they are.

No change from me.

Remove cruise drain from LFs? - Sturmwind - 04-16-2010

' Wrote:At least one in a group, but killing transport with LF is hard (they can be annoying as hell though) (maybe make bombers just 10 m/s slower than transports and caps 20 m/s, would give real use to LF)

Yeah, the reason why a combo of LFs and bombers with various cruise speeds would be quite deadly. I see the sense in that though.

' Wrote:Guess what?
I killed a shire with UAU 8 in a scimitar, thanks to a libby cruiser patroll "helping" me with the shields.... now, it still took me ~45k of space to kill ONLY the hull..... And no, i dont use krakens, i use civvy guns, horrible, but way better then you'd think.

Imagine a pair of LFs with faster cruise then. You just prove my point.