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Space Artillery concept or something - Printable Version

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Space Artillery concept or something - Kazinsal - 04-25-2010

Joker, this is definitely the coolest thing anyone's come up with for Disco in the past few months. I want this in the mod.

Space Artillery concept or something - Nitram - 04-25-2010

Maybe a addition to some GB forward Guns? Give people a choice?

My 0.02$


Space Artillery concept or something - Sprolf - 04-25-2010

They're a good two cents there.

Space Artillery concept or something - Hundra - 04-25-2010

Which factions would be using this vessel...?

Space Artillery concept or something - Sprolf - 04-25-2010

Read the first post again.

Space Artillery concept or something - Rodent - 04-25-2010

I really like this idea. Would add that extra bit of depth to fighting that's so sorely lacking.

Space Artillery concept or something - McNeo - 04-25-2010

Or it would mean that indie lawful caps might claim a whole lot of friendly fire kills against their fighter counterparts, which will eventually result in additional restrictions being put on them...

Im going to laugh when someone figures out how to use this gun in conjunction with the traditional short range flak. Its going to be short range flak detonating long range artillery at short range, killing everything around the BS and damaging the pilot itself.

But, if you think it can work without being used in some way that it wasnt meant to be used then its all good >_>


By which I mean one siege ship is getting swarmed.
It pulls next to a friendly BS, which flaks it.
Everything explodes.
The end.

Space Artillery concept or something - Dragonego - 04-25-2010

[Image: borat-very-nice.jpg]

Picture says it. I can see how it could be abused though.

Space Artillery concept or something - Friday - 04-25-2010

Its about the weapon - not the ship.

Consider this as some kind of special capital ship forward weapon.

I for one am keen on seeing some ships with 'special' weapons - rather than variations on the same theme.

Another 'special' variant - would be one that 'supercharges'. That is it acts a lot like the Cruise engines - powers up, drains all power, cant fire any other guns - but when it fires it flies out at very high speed.

A bit like this...

Space Artillery concept or something - schlurbi - 04-25-2010

I'd rather see a new Battleship, maybe Rheinland, with a huge Cannon mounted. So it would refer to this

[Image: pzh2000.jpg]

Said Cannon could be slow turning, strong against Shield and Hull, taking up a Lot of Energy, having a slow Re-fire Rate and faster than a SNAC.

Damn that would be awesome.