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Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - Printable Version

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Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - Colonel.Tigh - 04-28-2010

I blocked the lot of sprolfs bandwaggon, so nomore "my face, when.." gifs.

But swapping signatures are quiet nice most times.

Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - kikatsu - 04-28-2010

as long as they do not slow up my browser...aka large files, I am all set

Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - Zeb Harley - 04-28-2010

' Wrote:No problems from Taylor Swift though. Felix can flaunt her as much as he likes. At least she's an enjoyable media to entertain oneself with.
' Wrote:Some of them are rather annoying, but mine isnt really flashy and it's got nice mellow colors =P

I like your avatar a lot but in the meantime I am having a problem with Tailor Swift though I have to admit I know of her only what is displayed in the forums. Guess I have seen her far too often by now and her mimics look very artificially to me.

Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - Thexare - 04-29-2010

Seriously? More whining and bashing? If it bugs you so much just block the damn images.

<- Man not caring about sigs.

Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - Malaclypse 666 - 04-29-2010

I changed my Avvi just for you!

Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - Bobthemanofsteel - 04-29-2010

I'm not really here, but I thought I'd pop in to say:


My catgirls are there for my own entertainment.
Who looks at my posts the most?
Soo.... Utilise those tools of yours and quit complaining?


Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - schlurbi - 04-29-2010

What are you talking about?

Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - n00bl3t - 04-29-2010

' Wrote:Wait, so Taylor Swift rates higher than catgirls?

A shame. Really.

' Wrote:Hey, her music is decent.


Either way, this is just collective thread for gripes on the same thing, so, here goes. I really dislike Taylor Swift, mainly because Beyonce did have one of the best videos of all time. Eh.

Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - Malaclypse 666 - 04-29-2010

Prepare yourselves for the visage of Mal:

I plan to enter Doom's famous contest winner in the upcoming Baffin Arts Fair:

(Warning: Epileptic seizures may occur!)

[Image: mal.gif]

Ad-like and flashing avatars and signatures - Guest - 04-29-2010

[Image: Creepy_pigman.gif]