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Major Question - GlyphStorm - 09-20-2007

Well, I agree. About the Huntress Cruiser, it is too weak to fight another cruiser. I mean, if it will get ambushed by an Outcast destroyer, the destroyer goes with the first chance. Besides, all the corsair allies are quasi-unknowns, like the Farmers Alliance, or the Gaians. A suggestion would be a Xeno-Corsair alliance, and the Corsairs to feed them ships, and resources, to counter the Outcast's allies from Liberty. To this moment, the single real ally for the Corsairs is the Order, but on the Outcast side, we can see Blood Dragons in Kusari, Rogues/Hackers in remote parts of Bretonia and Kusari, and mainly in Liberty, and not the least, the Red Hessians, in Rheinland, actively opposing the Corsairs. In NPC battle terms, the Hessians keep at bay the Corsairs, (Check the Corsair base in Omega 5, rumors say that if you kill 2 Hessians 5 will take their place) while the Outcasts and allies crush the Order (Liberty and Kusari allies), then the Corsairs.

It's a one sided war, but who knows, maybe it's supposed to be that way. Not all wars are fought on equal terms... Who knows, maybe this is a good idea, with the Xenos:)


Major Question - Gamazson - 09-20-2007

As you pointed out to me earlier blunt, allot of people on discovery prefer being the hero. The outcasts and thier allies have the RP's that are generally of a "noble" origin. The were the people who were left in Hispania to die. Not to mention look at their allies. Formers workers who were treated badly (Molly's/rouges/Hessains), and righteous warriors against corruption (GC,Blood Dragons). They are much easier to spin as good guys among the baddies. You can apply allot of layers of gloss on them.

Corsairs are what they are. They commit horrendous acts to survive and are damn proud of it! (abandoning comrades, cannibalism, and theft top the list) It is harder to spin the Corsairs as good guys. That makes then harder to appear attractive. So when a new corsair alliance faction comes along recruitment is ten times harder. What guys we do have on the corsair alliance have sided with the main corsairs themselves.

As for ships, I don't know how many of you are creatively inclined but they are hard to design for the corsairs. The design of corsair ships don't allude greatly to what their capships might look like. The only consensus is that they should be some of the biggest and meanest (A point that many of you Know I disagree with. makes more sense to me for the corsairs raiding nature to fucus their materials on gunboats and smaller)

The Outcast have it easy. The border world series of ships are made up of one fundamental shape. The wedge. And thats to star wars that makes possible designs for them easier to conceptualize.

Major Question - onca - 09-20-2007

MrSns, dood this is the first time I've seen you grumble about anything!

Yea the poor old Corsairs, they are the whipping boys of Sirius. Ah but what can ya do?

It's true Corsairs don't want for NPC allies... trouble is those factions are a bit of non-entities and have never really been popular as player factions. Just not glamorous enough....

The Xeno angle could work I think, since them and Corsairs have no real contact. Xenos hate foreigners to be sure, but chiefly foreign corps who are taking Liberty jobs. And pirates who get in their way, too. Only problem is a player faction who plays with Xeno ID is gonna do so for the terrorist angle more so than the NPC political one.


Major Question - Victor - 09-20-2007

Quote:As you pointed out to me earlier blunt, allot of people on discovery prefer being the hero. The outcasts and thier allies have the RP's that are generally of a "noble" origin.

I tend to agree with this, though it's not the main reason why the Corsair's have a lack of choice when it comes to their armory.

Me, I'm no hero. I'm just the guy sitting quietly in the corner of the bar, surrounded by darkness with only my chin and a lit cigarette visible... DUN DUN DUN !!

Major Question - bluntpencil2001 - 09-20-2007

Corsairs can be spun as good guys.

They jumped ship since it seemed like a good idea. The Outcasts wanted to stay on the Hispania, not wanting to risk Crete, and rightly so.

Then, nobody helps the Corsairs. Sirius leaves them to starve, and won't buy their only export. They've been forced to fight for food! Hell, why isn't anyone sending humanitarian aid? It's a goddamn crisis!

Now, the Outcasts...

Drugged up loonies, fair enough. But... they seek to enslave all of Sirius with their product. They already have the GC and the Rogues enslaved, essentially. This is more insidious than the simple, honestly hungry Corsairs. Malta is a paradise, yet they want junky slaves throughout the sector.

Who's bad?

*Cue Michael Jackson*

Major Question - Fellow Hoodlum - 09-20-2007

And through all this, no one complained when the TBH had more members than certainly the 101st. Now the
balance has tipped possibly the other way, we are hearing a whinge or two ...
Never heard the Outcasts whining about the fact they have no Tizonas or Coladas, or even the only pirate
bomber, The Taiidan, in the game. Your gunboat is a little cracker, the Outcasts lack one of those.
The only thing we have that you don't is the inferno cannon. You have had the SCRA and Benitez on your side for ages. The other Outcast factions are very new.
Whats changed mate ? ... This sounds like sour grapes of some sort ?


Major Question - onca - 09-20-2007

Aw Hood, you're a hard man....

I don't think was trying to have a dig at 101st specifically. More so the seeming influx of Outcast-friendly punters of late.

Anyway better ships/guns be damned, your guys have always been much more elite pilots than our bumbling lot.


Major Question - MrSns - 09-20-2007

(Wast realy trying to make this about clans)

TBH has had its bad times i say. Most of our members are inactive or left Disco or are just missing. If u know what i mean

Any way

Hoodlem Im not haveing a go at the 101st. Im just really anoyed that every time i turn round Opps theres another outcast. Personaly (sometime) I think TBH is the punching bag for lots of factions out there. I have been thinking about a seace fire for TBH on all factions so that we can train our men.

@onca: This is probaly one of the first things i have actualy complained about.

Major Question - McNeo - 09-20-2007

Hood, I would say all the pilots of the 101st could beat all the members of the TBH if everyone was in fighters. You know you could kick our arse at any time you please. Well, thats the way I see it anyway.

Your lack of Tizona/Colada type weapons is replaced by the Inferno, the only gun capable of giving the fighter a chance to beat a gunboat one on one.

You may not have a gunboat of your own to draw on, but you (as in all outcast allies) have a choice between a Rogue gunboat, which is very good for all the opposite reasons of the Corsair gunboat. You also have a pretty good Dragon gunboat, if not being a little big. Now I know what your response to that is, so you don't have to tell me, as I seem to remember asking you earlier sometime. 101st use only Outcast ships, and I respect that.

Same as O. over there, not having a dig at you specifically, just pointing it out. After all, its not the 101st that use Tizona's and Colada's on their ships.

Quote:Then learn... like I did. There's a knack to it.

I wont disagree with you there Blunt, but I will point out that my bomber is always there (on weekends) for you to try.

Major Question - Fellow Hoodlum - 09-20-2007

Thats the point guys, certainly the 101st do use only Outcast ships, and hopefully will continue to do so.
The Sabre with an inferno, has an edge, but not like a Taiidan with dual novas though ...
We have just the one battleship, I sort of lost count of yours, and give me a fleet of Osiris's anytime, for
hit and run tactical advantage, especially now the flak guns are going to get it ...
Don't whine about your pilots either, your choice to take everyone who wants to be a Corsair. When you
had over twenty on your books, and you were ass kicking the whole of the southern sector, all I saw was
posts crowing about your prowess.
Stop bleating, get off your collective asses, and stop whining about ships ...
As they say ... "A bad workman blames his tools."
