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Violet's Diary - Neko-chan - 05-20-2010

Entry 13: Finally something!

Well I just didn't put an entry yesterday because nothing happened.

But today! Finally! Something!

So, some research group has been created. And I was allowed to go with them. I haven't decided if I really want to join the group. I'll just have to think about it. But anyways, we checked out some area for alternative ore resources. Especially since Niobium ore is hard to extract because of the Cartel.

I won't go into detail from where we went although we did get close to Kirkwall. The field was empty, and everyone thought we fell into a trap? Everyone just freaked out and ran. I was just left kinda dumbfounded following them away. Whatever.

Well other than that Church decided to visit me as I was waiting for the research group. At least he wasn't looking to pick a fight, although I was still annoyed with just him sticking around. I may be young and arrogant in his eyes, but we could uses less friction in the Taus!

Violet's Diary - Neko-chan - 05-22-2010

Entry 14: Scattered

Quite in the ICMG like always. I miss my adventures with our colony ships I miss the random Gallic navy facing off with is I miss the Keepers freaking me out!

All it is, is just random IMG guys and Outcasts that just want a hefty Tax. At least the CR does their job, their only job though. How am I gonna help ICMG if people just never appear for work! It's very sad sometimes.
Well if we can get more people, then it'd be better I guess. I wanna look for someplace to make ICMG home. Not just Orkney with the Outcasts and Counsel.

I wanna get to together with friends and mine again! I don't care if it Niobium ore! Just something other than just do nothing

Perhaps I should go exploring again hopefully I'll find something like the giant construct I found back near Barrier Gate. That was nice. There is so much to Sirius I still don't know about. Maybe Kusari would be a nice vacation spot

Well whatever. Maybe I'll just visit my family and plan after that Let's see what I can do to help myself and ICMG.

Violet's Diary - Neko-chan - 05-24-2010

Entry 15: Some Luck for a change, or maybe not.

Well I guess the bad always comes first. So, an independent miner wanted help mining, so I did. And we got smoked as soon as we came out of the New Berlin jumpgate. Guns where already flying as I flew out of the hole. Well my transport died and I was left empty Freaking Hessians.

Well sometime after that. My guild members finally went mining! I really am shocked! So I just joined them. We got somewhat done, but ion storms ruined my fun all well I still got paid though, so yay.

PS: I miss Roger...