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Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Printable Version

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Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Thexare - 05-12-2010

' Wrote:We've killed a Battlecruiser armed with Flak with three fighters before, two Eagles and a Switchblade. With the Red Barons we used to kill Legates with nothing but fighters, usually around five or so. Fighters are the best ship class in the game, since that's what it was built for.
I suppose that's my fault for not specifying numbers.:PPoint is, this'd be easier to kill because of the transport shield and lower armor.
Quote:You mean... exactly like a Liner? Cruiser sized, transport turrets and shield.

Hum. Borderworld Liner... that would be sexy.
Kinda, probably biased more toward firepower than armor though, and not necessarily built for passengers. But that's pretty close... and I feel like an idiot for not thinking of it sooner. D'oh.

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Guest - 05-12-2010

If they're to be used for long trips and exploration, wouldn't anti-fighter point defenses be more useful than anti-cap firepower?

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Thexare - 05-12-2010

Possibly. But like I said, it'd be able to use fighter turrets, and there's still Transport Type 4s.

Admittedly, the fighter weakness is intended more for balance than logic. I know, I'm not on the balance team, but I can't help but try and address these things anyway.

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - GHOSTbielars - 05-12-2010

well actually would some kind of advanced armored transport be what you are talking about? i dont mean just a mk II version of the one we have now, but something that fills that role of heavy armor heavy firepower convoy protector? with some cargo space bonus?

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-12-2010

My two cents: Adding heavier civie ships whose job is not pure trade (IE: Low cargo hold) would be quite intersting, best solution would be to add multiple types.

This would also fit .86 as it's getting a civie GB for FLs and mercs and what not.

Ok first one, civie cruiser.

Rare, made to order model. Essently, the admins are the holding faction. You also need to RP with a construction company to have it built. It is not sold anywere, admins are holding faction. If they approve of your RP, you get it.

It should be mostly limited to basic weapons, excluding cerbs. Prehaps allow a VERY limited number of heavy weps, prehaps a single LM/puilse/Razor. It should also have fewer guns than the average cruiser, and a weaker pwr core. Think a Lib cruiser w/o a fwd gun. That would mean that, against cruisers it is at a VERY severe disadvantage. Against GBs it'd do pretty good.

Prehaps call it a Frigate class. Have a few varriants, one for each of the 4 main houses.

If a cruiser shield is considerd to strong for this, give it a GB shield. Or make a custom one between GB and cruiser strength.

Now, for the battle transports..... just add heavy transports with massivley nerfed cargo holds. Re-texture/model them to appear differnt, add small bio domes and sensor dishes. Then give them a mix of GB and transport weaponry. Allow only basic GB weps to be used.

Give it medium GB power core. Use house transpots for these ships preferbly. Prehaps have a military version that has a better core, and IS allowed to use heavy guns (razor/pulse) and allow police/military to use that one.

Shield wise, give this a GB shield. Civie GB coming out means that civies DO have access to GB level shields.

For freighters, once again use house models. Prehaps a few border worlds models too. Prehaps even a re-done spatial.

Have them use mostly fighter turrets/guns, but add a VERY limited number of heavier guns (1 GB slot, 2 transport slots prehaps, or a few transport turrets at least.)

For the upgraded spatial for example, that big round circle on the side of the wing would be a perfect mount for a heavier turret (GB or transport)

Once again, since people here often dont bother to read...... these would all be unavalible ingame, but not require a true SRP.

You would have to have your RP approved, people vouch for you, etc etc, then go to the admins and agree to follow the guidelines set forth for it (IE: if you mount something on it that shouldnt be on it, it gets deleted. Without warning)

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Corsair - 05-18-2010

The Transcruiserrigate.

Sounds like fun.

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Geeky - 05-18-2010

' Wrote:Prehaps call it a Frigate class. Have a few varriants, one for each of the 4 main houses.

Ehh.. you mean like the house military cruisers?

I think having one for each house would kinda remove the point, it beeing a Generic/Civvie Cruiser.

Otherwise, i think it's a great idea!

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Govedo13 - 05-18-2010

Well this is discussed here too:
there I gave my opinion. It would be really nice if something like that come in game.

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - Elsdragon - 05-18-2010

Im intrested to see how this pans out. you have my stamp of approval, if i can find it.

Random idea for "civilian" "capital" ships. - ryeguy146 - 05-19-2010

If this happened, I would probably start using my bombers again. Any mercs wanna dust em' off for a few credits?

I am pro this idea.