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Bounty Hunter Guild - ViK-96 - 05-13-2010

So, there is basicly nowai i could fly a Bounty Hunter Destroyer?

If it was to join the Core sometime, would i still be able to BE in lawful space?
Another thing, is it hard to join the Core to get a Destroyer?

Bounty Hunter Guild - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-13-2010

' Wrote:So, there is basicly nowai i could fly a Bounty Hunter Destroyer?

If it was to join the Core sometime, would i still be able to BE in lawful space?
Another thing, is it hard to join the Core to get a Destroyer?
Okay, if you want a Thresher, the way you do that is simple.
First you get a character that has BHG ID, and then you get that character up to full BHG Core (Guard) rep, so that you can buy the Guild Guard ID. (Remember, you MUST have the Guard ID BEFORE you buy a cap ship.) Then you go to the station where the Thresher is sold and buy it.

Core ships are, per ID's, restricted from being in house space. You've a LOT of other space to explore, so please feel free to run up into the Tau's and Sigmas to thump on the Outcasts, fly out into the Omicrons and Omegas and hunt Nomads or Wilde. But if we see you in New Berlin or New York with your Thresher - well, that's when we get upset.

Realize that the official faction - the BHG|Core - does NOT require registration into our guild (membership in the faction) if you want to own or fly one of our cap ships. We do, however, take the control of Omega-56 QUITE seriously. That's why you must have the proper ID to get into the system in the first place - because if we find you trespassing, we'll either fine you or kill you - and we don't care who you are. We do also take Faction Right 5 seriously, too - so we have been known to give orders to indies before. We know the role-play of the Guild Core - we're rather zealous in why we do our thing, so keep that in mind when you deal with us.

Bounty Hunter Guild - Tommeh - 05-13-2010

' Wrote:So, there is basicly nowai i could fly a Bounty Hunter Destroyer?

If it was to join the Core sometime, would i still be able to BE in lawful space?
Another thing, is it hard to join the Core to get a Destroyer?

Alright, let's make it clear, Normal Bounty Hunters with normal Bounty Hunter Guild ID can hunt in house space and fullfil lawful contracts. Biggest ship you can fly with that ID is orca gunboat.

Bounty Hunter Guild Core ID allows you to fly all BHG Capital ships.
But Core has different objective then normal Bounty Hunters. Their goal is defeat Order, get their hands on Nomad technology for bigger power and god knows what else.
Anything above gunboats can't operate in house systems.
Check BHG Core ID here

Notice this quote
Quote: Cruisers and Battleships may not operate in house space (as defined by the rules)

Edit: Ninja'd by Agmen

Bounty Hunter Guild - Ursus - 11-13-2011

This is a pretty useful thread. I have a new Thresher with Core ID. I am looking at the house systems rule definition, and I see that most of the secondary Sirius systems are within navigable reach. Specifically I can get to the Tau systems through the Omicrons, and can then reach a bunch of the western Independent systems from there, and can also get to Hudson and Bering if I am willing to fight my way through (a lot of work but it's possible). However I cannot get to the northern non-house systems at all; Yukon and Cassini and Kepler and that whole swath is cut off since there is no access route that does not cross a house system. Similarly the string of systems from Quebec through Braunschweig are also isolated, since you have to cross house space to reach them. Oita is also cut-off, although that's only interesting observation and not much importance for a BH.

The issue is that there are some pirates that I want to abuse in some of those systems, and with the coming of player-created bases I think it will be important that BH be able to bring big ships to some of those systems. But it's against the rules to even cross house space so I am trying to explore other options here.

I suppose the technically correct fix is to add some jumpholes (a link between Baffin and Yukon would open the northern chain of Independent systems without encouraging too much cargo traffic, and another link between Quebec and Sigma-17 and another between Bering and Bremen would open the eastern systems) but that's a lot of work.

Another option would be to have a special visa that made it so house systems could waiver these ships into the contested space. Currently it's against the rules so RP options are not even possible.

Any other thoughts here

Bounty Hunter Guild - necrodoc - 11-14-2011

Hi I had come to the same point, the point in which criminals can use their capital ships in independent systems or even house spaces but hunter cannot go there with anything bigger than orca, after several suicide runs on SPYGLASS with my orca for example i think that rule and all this core thing isnt fair, im no saying hunters should hang around with MAKOs but at least give the THRESHER rights to go wherever we need or if not maybe idea is to create second faction of bounty hunters as all this idea fighting with order in my opinion should be not happening. Hunters are to hunt criminals, terrorists, etc, actually they should hunt individuals only in my opinion and they should do it with their discretion if they up to do this or not, not like to be obliged with some diplomacy based relations, i dont see this in roleplay.

Looking for options to get it solved.


Bounty Hunter Guild - Dashiell - 11-14-2011

BHG caps were not restricted in 4.84. It was a god awefull mess. Picture 3 or more BHG caps running around house space lolengaging everything they see.

I doubt anyone wants to go back to those days.

besides, in rp, the BHG caps are not for bounty hunting. I wish the devs would alter their designation to 'Guild Core' ship or summik. The BHG caps are BHG Core ships used in the Omicron wars. Not to hunt bounties with.

Bounty Hunter Guild - necrodoc - 11-14-2011

Hmmm so i think core and bhg should be totally different factions, as core is behaving almost like regular house entity with its own diplomacy and so on, like i said before i dont see it beside hunters then, name of the BHG-CORE indicates its bounty hunters guild isnt? and its not so something is wrong here or i dont get it?
Solution maybe to separate this two groups into two different factions cause in the point it is hunters cannot be guards? i dont want to participate in core order war as i dont see order as criminals - all i know they hunt nomads and i think its good i cannot be a guard in the faction other way.
As i understand and i agree regular hunters dont need caps like battleships which are able to withstand massive battles, hunters need caps to catch heavily equipped and organized criminals especially individuals on caps:)By the way ive seen several times makos hiding from other caps cause theyre in some opinions extremely weak - i cannot confirm that as i had no pleasure to have mako.
In conclusion regular hunters should have caps and these should be able to give enough punch to those terrorists still i agreee they should not be as heavy as regular houses battleships. Im sure ill find a way to solve that somehow, also lookin for opinion of others around is there anybody who thinks same as me.

Open for discussion.

Bounty Hunter Guild - Hell Hunter - 11-14-2011

Core is more or less 'another division' who are occupied on the Order war.
And Bounty Hunter's hunt.

There's a reason why bombers are invented, group up as bombers then rape caps.

And there's fighter's for fighting fighters.

Caps are not required, you'll only die quicker besides it destroys fun in a way. MUCH more fun in a VHF or BOMBER.

Besides BHG caps exist to tear down lolossie numbers:P

Bounty Hunter Guild - Govedo13 - 11-14-2011

' Wrote:besides, in rp, the BHG caps are not for bounty hunting. I wish the devs would alter their designation to 'Guild Core' ship or summik. The BHG caps are BHG Core ships used in the Omicron wars. Not to hunt bounties with.
Remove the Hunting line from the ID and it is ready in 2 min without tons of fixes and restrictions.

Bounty Hunter Guild - Tachyon - 11-14-2011

' Wrote:Besides BHG caps exist to tear down lolossie numbers:P

I guess using bomber against lolossies would still be more effective. The Mako for example isn't a good BS in my opinion.