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Submitting new Liberty Carrier - Printable Version

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Submitting new Liberty Carrier - zhihao420 - 05-18-2010

Is the hole supposed to be external craft storage/launch mechanism?

Pretty dangerous to leave fighters and bombers hanging out unprotected like this isn't it?

Submitting new Liberty Carrier - Oldum - 05-18-2010

' Wrote:Is the hole supposed to be external craft storage/launch mechanism?

Pretty dangerous to leave fighters and bombers hanging out unprotected like this isn't it?

There was quite a large discussion about it, there will be the explanation for that .. Search the ship submissions for the original thread of this model and you'll see ...

Submitting new Liberty Carrier - Linkus - 05-19-2010

Go with hanger shielding.

It works for star wars, it works for us.

Submitting new Liberty Carrier - Seth Karlo - 05-19-2010

Yeah... invisible hangar shields.

EDIT: I actually think the model here: is nicer, think I might offer to texture it...

Submitting new Liberty Carrier - RedEclipse - 06-09-2010

Sorry, but your replacement is very bad for me versus with it -

Submitting new Liberty Carrier - Manny Calavera - 08-03-2011

looks good. free bump and thumbs up from me

Submitting new Liberty Carrier - SeaFalcon - 08-03-2011

Jun 9 2010, 10:00 PM was the last reply here before you,


Submitting new Liberty Carrier - Seth Karlo - 08-07-2011

A note: this will not be going in the mod. I've received too many thumbs down. The other model I have will also not be going in the mod for the same reason.

Someone please lock this.

Submitting new Liberty Carrier - Venkman - 08-07-2011

That Carrier looks GREAT.

Ilove it.

Submitting new Liberty Carrier - Hielor - 08-07-2011

I don't get what the holes are for...