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Ramming and collisons. - Printable Version

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Ramming and collisons. - Blackvertigo1 - 06-21-2010

Okay... I'm not 100% sure on this, but I believe that they applied "Phantom_Physics = true" to all/some Capitals. Allowing them to be unmoved even when snubcraft collide with them.

As said, I'm not totally sure.

But I do like how in Flak 88 mod has asteroids that move, like smaller particles of rock. Would make capital navigation a lot easier.

Ramming and collisons. - jxie93 - 06-21-2010

' Wrote:I think it would be sweet if a proper collision did damage to both ships (could make a viable strategy!)

/EK's his Jugg and slides across a bunch of fighters broadside shouting OH YEAH

Ramming and collisons. - Dashiell - 06-26-2010


seriously, I think the 'collisions' look kinda crummy in that vid from FW

Ramming and collisons. - Lancelot9 - 06-30-2010

Whoa... is the freeworlds mod finished?

Ramming and collisons. - pipboy - 06-30-2010

Yeah I like the general idea behind it, but the fighter one looks horrible, and when two cap ships collide they should destroy each other.

If you're going to go down that path, don't halfass it.

Ramming and collisons. - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 06-30-2010

' Wrote:<...>and when two cap ships collide they should destroy each other.


Ramming and collisons. - Corsair - 06-30-2010

Would make broadsiding a better option, rather than this current "Ram your noses into each other and wipe your snot on the enemy's face" tactic.