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Legion des Damnes - Fellow Hoodlum - 06-17-2010

And it also may be noted, there is still only one official naval faction per house currently, and that is unlikely to
change in the near future ... Best re-think this please. Money has not been taken for official status request.

Legion des Damnes - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:Second, the Roleplay I saw last night was....well, I'll put bluntly, completely horrible. Sirian Codenames, and the best explanation you could give us was that they were produced in your Laboratories? Uhm...reality check, please? Sirian weapons produced in Gallia? Since when did Sirius Weapons = Gallic Weapons?
Sirius =/= Gallia

If you would read the +LE+ reports...

You would notice that they were acquired through Spec Operations....Not created in a lab...

Does the phrase:.."Use the weapons that the enemy deploys to your advantage and the war is won"...Not apply?

Legion des Damnes - FooFighter - 06-17-2010

In addition to the issues mentioned by Exile and Wolf, I've got something else to add - while I've had some very nice contact with you and while you seem to be a decent roleplayer as well, I can't say the same about some of your members. I've seen less-than-great RP and OOC attitudes alike by some of your guys, and I ask you to straighten them up. Soon.

Legion des Damnes - Mao - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:GRN was here first, and has alot of establishd RP.
They became official in 6 days... that says a lot.

' Wrote:GRN| has had events since back when Gallia first came out. The events died down because there were hardly any any Council/Maquis you name it in Gallia. So don't start with that.

Second, the Roleplay I saw last night was....well, I'll put bluntly, completely horrible. Sirian Codenames, and the best explanation you could give us was that they were produced in your Laboratories? Uhm...reality check, please? Sirian weapons produced in Gallia? Since when did Sirius Weapons = Gallic Weapons?
Sirius =/= Gallia
Sirian codenames?! :lol: There's no such thing. Codenames are weapons that are very rare and produced as experimental weapons. No one said where they are produced. And thanks for sharing your actions with the rest of the disco community: GRN| attacking +LE+ because "they have sirian codenames", without any engagement notice, cruiser firing on a VHF from 2 meters and then shooting at a member that got disconnected in the RP session. That shows a lot, again.

Legion des Damnes - sable - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:True. Very true. I suggested them that, but they seem bent on becoming GRN. As I have countless of times before, I'll say now that two navy factions serving the same ruler will not be able to function without a dominant faction ordering the less than dominant one around. In my eyes, anyway. The King won't have two Grand Marshalls doing two different things with two different armies, like I told you last night.

"Being the elite group of the Navy, its mainly deployed against the most dangerous enemies of the throne"
Elite. A delicate word. It's a word you earn, not a title given to yourself. "Hahahaha, we just completely ran over the most elite of Gallia" -Random Council member got killed by a GRN|- "What, I thought those other guys were the best they had? Impossible! CONSPIRACY?" If you catch my drift. I'd remove this word, and just call yourself a group within the navy.

"and the Lord Mareshal only takes orders from the King himself."
Read the first paragraph. Like we discussed last night.

"King Charles XI regards the Legion as his ace against anyone, anytime, anywhere."
No, he does not. He never said he did, I should know. He agreed to letting you blow stuff up in his name, but he never told you you were "the best he had to offer". See paragraph two.

When I thought we were on the same level, a lot of issues pop up. Shame.

Small edit : Not done yet, almost forgot Serpentis' point. He's right. Right now the story reads as if the Legion is the first and foremost power in Gallia. It is not. You're writing your own lore right there, and it doesn't match with that of Gallia. As I told you back when I saw the first unofficial draft when we first met.

If you read it, to me, in the end, it sounds like the Legion >> GRN|. The Gallic Royal Navy is the king's foremost, best, and only Navy. All soldiers are either a part of this, or the Council.

Every man and woman has to be valued by what he/she can do for a certain purpose, no matter what origins or beliefs he/she has.
This does not sound like Gallia. A lot. At all. Nobility, origins, it all does matter to the Royalists.

"+ Always be suspicious of Sirians and never trust them, if any sign of treachery appera, kill them"
Let me rephrase that.
"Always kill the Sirian wherever he pops into Gallia. If they annoy the Royals, kill them some more."

I'm sorry, but right now it's back at scare 1 in my eyes, even after our long talks. Scare 1 being "Does not fit into Gallia as it is now."

What is that?

You read the story before and you agreed to it. Even yesterday, you said "Let's try it out." And now? Did you change your opinion overnight or what?

I knew your plan from the start. It started when I posted that oath.
And well, I also knew you would reply like that. But I took the risk.

Really, I see no problem in having 2 navy factions. Maybe there have been problems in the past, but I think we will manage that, so give me a chance....

Legion des Damnes - Exile - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:No, Exile, it doesn't fit you. Live with it. It won't fit you... ever! It fits Gallia.

Edit: Gallia=/=Exile
You can ask anyone who's had a proper talk with me. I don't care if it doesn't suit me ; It needs to suit the established player and development lore. Just today for example, I had a decent talk with Kaze about some rather odd roleplay. Don't believe me, talk to him.

Quote:SO your saying Exile that you don't want any sub-factions of the GRN?
GRN| is the GRN faction.
Then what about The outcasts?...Take away the 101st?
No reason. They are the main OC group.
Or the IMG?
What about the HF who are former member of the LN?
They are not the second LN. They are Lane Hackers, and irrelevant to this.
Or the Bretonian sub factions?
See my first line

Or Rhienland?!
*Sigh* read above
You want to take away a Idea that put up well right now....

And I have yet to see an event planned with the GRN aside from the Tau 23 event...
Events are not what measure people's quality, however, if you were here in .85 early, you would have seen us doing quite the events
+LE+ have had Two events so far...
Good for you
Oh and I support what Mao says....

Quote:And it also may be noted, there is still only one official naval faction per house currently, and that is unlikely to
change in the near future ... Best re-think this please. Money has not been taken for official status request.
Does this nto end the topic?

Legion des Damnes - 6aman - 06-17-2010

Hm...Ok, so the main reason why the LE will fail resides within the fact that there should be only one GRN faction? Furthermore, it becomes obvious that people find it disturbing that LE call themselves "elite" and "chosen by the king". Yet, haven't we already seen major factions with their subfactions? Take the IMG and CR for example. Right now the IMG has about 5-6 subgroups that are about to post official requests any time now and no one finds that awkward? But since the GRN is a military faction of a House, some people will whine about the subfaction none the less. Well, what about the other faction? What about the LN and their LSF. What about Rheinland and Bretonia? KNF in Kusari is a bit different since they have unlawfuls working for them 50% of the time.


Now this faction has a lot of potential. I admit that some things still have to be tweaked and worked upon, but don't be so rash in your comments, guys. Don't kill the idea just yet.:)

Legion des Damnes - Wolfs Ghost - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:They became official in 6 days... that says a lot.
Sirian codenames?! :lol: There's no such thing. Codenames are weapons that are very rare and produced as experimental weapons. No one said where they are produced. And thanks for sharing your actions with the rest of the disco community: GRN| attacking +LE+ because "they have sirian codenames", without any engagement notice, cruiser firing on a VHF from 2 meters and then shooting at a member that got disconnected in the RP session. That shows a lot, again.

I really don't care what you think of the faction, or of myself. But when you say, in roleplay, that they were made by you, in your laboratories, in front myself, Dab, Exile, and a number of other GRN| Official members. Many of whom were in the same Skype call as myself, talking about that exact reason.

The fact you said made them in your laboratories, and now you're denying that out of pretty much have no idea where to go with your faction.

Legion des Damnes - Chenzo- - 06-17-2010

' Wrote:Does this nto end the topic?

It's clear you dont even take into considderation what is said... Furthermore you reply in a hostile mannor to it.

having a rule that states" only one of these please..." simply means there is only one set route for RP to take. Thus being.. "boreing?"

a great admin once said " With good enough RP, Anything is possible"

Now, you can turn around with a hostile comment saying" the RP isant good enough" seem's you are the almighty judge of what goes on...

hey GRN: 6 days from start to offocial... in the whole time the GRN| has existed, it doesnt have the quality of RP that has been made by te +LE+ in the first Six days of existance..?

Quite a harsh and riddiclous comment to make.. yeah ? well, This is how simple and dissmissive you sound. Also, rather bluntly ignorant.

Edit: +le+ may aswell disband and disspear, it will make Mike happy.

Legion des Damnes - Serpentis - 06-17-2010

First of all, there is a rule about only ONE Navy of each house. No exceptions.

And if you mention every other Faction out there then you fail, there is no other house then the following:

Liberty = LN
Rheinland = RM
Bretonia = BAF
Kusari = KNF
Gallia = GRN


Now, there is subfactions of each, well they arent really factions, since they aren't official.

If you mention QCP, then you fail, since they are privateers.

And then there is no else.. No more Navy Factions (officials)

Now, stay Unofficial but don't expect to become Official any time soon, unless you change ID's, but then you'd loose all your cool stuff..