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To the Liberty Navy and Orbital Spa and Cruise - Printable Version

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To the Liberty Navy and Orbital Spa and Cruise - Recovery - 07-05-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID: Walter Emmerich, LSFC-Heroic

How DARE you! That ship had been ordered out of New York already by other LSF forces, it did NOT have the right to return. It showed blatant disrespect for our laws and our enforcers. I had no choice but to resort to force, Neo was hindering my operation. Neo had no right to interfere, this was an LSF operation. You were not there, I was. Stop drawing conclusions based on your own interpretation of the event. And as for calling me a traitor, that in itself is a serious accusation and I expect you to withdraw it immediately. If I had been breaking any laws, then Neo's actions may have been appropriate. However, I was upholding the law to the best of my ability, and Neo failed to realize that I am qualified to make such decisions. If the Navy does not take disciplinary measures, then this man will cause many problems in the future, I can assure you of that. Any more insults out of you, and this is going straight to Hale.

To the Liberty Navy and Orbital Spa and Cruise - Catbert - 07-05-2010

New transmission
agent Ashley Sunderland (LSF Secondary Division, former Liberty Marine)
Status: Secondary Commander of LSF-RV-Phoenix
Opening message

Listen, agent O'Connor has told enough, so now I'll talk. I'm not that diplomatically-minded as our commander.

Firstly, read O'Connor's message: he never called you a traitor, he simply told that you were acting in a way that might cause suspicions.

Secondly, the Siege Cruiser is not a toy for you to use it for dealing with some guy who insulted you.

Thirdly, read the laws already. You can use your shiny little cruiser to enforce the security of some classified locations. Otherwise, the Liberty Code forbids engaging smaller ships, it's a waste of our limited resources (unless you're part of the primary fleet, which I doubt). If the Liner comes back, send the transmission to someone whose job is to deal with those issues. Simple, isn't it?

And, one addition... Stop your threats. And don't even try to go to Hale. A little tip: know your superiors. Alhough Hale's decision will be respected by the crew, he's currently overburdened with the Navy Primary Fleet work to investigate LSF matters. We're entirely different branch, if you don't know that.

P.S. Just a personal remark: when did they start giving out permissions to command warships to such hot-blooded persons?

[color=#FF0000]Message ends
Terminating connection
Signal lost

To the Liberty Navy and Orbital Spa and Cruise - Recovery - 07-05-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID:Walter Emmerich, LSFC-Heroic

I want you to think about this: You don't seem to realize that I was the only officer that wasn't busy at the moment. Also, you bash me for being too aggressive, when I took a full half-hour trying to convince the Triumph to leave. Neo, on the other hand, immediately threatened to open fire on me. It seems that he was a good deal more trigger-happy than I. I realize I may have been a little hotheaded out there, but I fail to see how that relates to Cpt. Neo's conduct.

To the Liberty Navy and Orbital Spa and Cruise - Catbert - 07-05-2010

New transmission
agent Ashley Sunderland (LSF Secondary Division, former Liberty Marine)
Status: Secondary Commander of LSF-RV-Phoenix
Opening message

Now you get it. As for being the only unit... I doubt that overrides the laws. And about Neo...You see, he was acting a bit harsh too, coming straight to threats. But you were about to violate the law. He might have saved you from the accusations. We all make mistakes sometimes, but there are times when we need to act fast and decisive to save the day. My excuses if my previous message offended you... Well, wasn't that hard to excuse. See you in space, commander. RV-Phoenix out.

[color=#FF0000]Message ends
Terminating connection
Signal lost

To the Liberty Navy and Orbital Spa and Cruise - rayne - 07-06-2010

Firewall Status... [color=#33CC00]Online
Verify Encryption Keys... Ok
Confirm Identity... Julia Wolfe Recognised
Initialise Video Uplink... Established

[Image: JuliacommAvatar3.gif]

Enough of this petty bickering, The actions of both individuals is disgraceful, Captain Neo should have sided with the Commander of the Heroic. But, he should have called in for a fighter or a bomber for him to carry out his orders to cease firing on the planet. Now I will say again, stop this infighting, it makes us look bad.

Also, Fleet Admiral Hale has no authority over LSF forces, just as I have none over Navy forces. If Hale wishes to deal with Captain Neo then so be it. But you are agents of the Security Force, now bloody act like it.

Miss Julia Wolfe
Associate Director
Liberty Security Force Command Directorate

[font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000]
Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...

To the Liberty Navy and Orbital Spa and Cruise - TheJarl - 07-06-2010

[font=Fixedsys]Incoming transmission
Target:[color=#33CC00] Everyone on this communication channel

Comm. ID: Superintendent Tharog Frosthearth
Location: Manhattan surface
Subject: Orbital bombardment

Sorry to go on about this subject however I wanted to know whether some transport turrets could actually breach the planet's atmosphere. Because actually I think only specialized weaponry can be used for space-to-ground combat. If that is indeed the case then then this whole issue could be easily dismissed as it would be just a misunderstanding about the firepower of civilian weaponry.

End of transmission