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Few questions about SCRA - Catbert - 07-22-2010

Just another question here, not to creare a new topic and overload the forums: can one create a char / several chars of Coalition origin (I mean, no reputation adjustments are needed, no need to use Coalition tech; background story is the only thing I need), if it would fit in the Coalition Lore (I mean the Wiki mostly, since I found no other sources)? In-RP such char (or group) would defect from the Coalition. Perhaps this char / group will use pirate or merc ID.

Few questions about SCRA - cobraSting - 07-22-2010

' Wrote:Just another question here, not to creare a new topic and overload the forums: can one create a char / several chars of Coalition origin (I mean, no reputation adjustments are needed, no need to use Coalition tech; background story is the only thing I need), if it would fit in the Coalition Lore (I mean the Wiki mostly, since I found no other sources)? In-RP such char (or group) would defect from the Coalition. Perhaps this char / group will use pirate or merc ID.

I do believe there is a roleplay premise to this. Strictly speaking, the SCRA is watertight, so to speak, and in rp and such defectors or traitor characters would have been killed and erased before they could even escape from Omega 52. Also, the Wiki is a good source. You may want to check Discovery RP Factions\Faction Status.

Few questions about SCRA - Tabris - 07-22-2010

All hail the People's Commissars who prevent such defections with lethal force. ^_^

Few questions about SCRA - kuth - 07-22-2010

There is room in role play for a defection. I've seen a single SCRA pilot outside of O52 alone. Perfect chance to defect no? Funny how defections happen in real life, but in a role play game they rarely happen because another player says they can't happen because they don't like it. Yay for being open minded.

Talk to Arvg (I think he leads them still) on Skype or via PMs. Pitch him your story. He is very open minded.

I wouldn't claim to have stolen any secrets or anything though.

Few questions about SCRA - Vogel - 07-22-2010

' Wrote:All hail the People's Commissars who prevent such defections with lethal force. ^_^
*looks up from cleaning pistol*


Few questions about SCRA - Catbert - 07-22-2010

That person wasn't meant to be even former SCRA officer, just of Coalitional origin. And, as history teaches, even GULAG prisoners managed to escape sometimes. But anyway, I just wanted to know people's opinions about that. That's all. More exactly, if the permission from SCRA was needed. Thanks for answers, everyone.

@Cross: No secrets at all. No ships, no rephacks (since the char defects), no mention of the SCRA, just Coalition in general.

Few questions about SCRA - cobraSting - 07-22-2010

Ihope you mean the Sirius Coalition, not the Sol one. That one is kinda 800 yr old

Few questions about SCRA - cmfalconer - 07-22-2010

Actually kids, gather 'round. The elder will now tell you a quick history lesson.

There are, at present (if the characters are still around), three defectors of the SCRA floating around Sirius. Zarevo Kaputski, Ivan Voronov , and Sonja Kerensky are their names. All of these pilots were very respected members of the SCRA Fighter Corps, but chose a different path in life, leaving the Fighter Corps to strike out on their own. Zarevo spends his life as a mercenary/freelancer, while Voronov flies for the Corsairs after the SCRA and the Corsair nation had their precipitous collapse in relations. Ms. Kerensky's last known whereabouts was with her beau Ivan with the Corsair Nation.

All three pilots are actually hunted actively by all SCRA pilots for desertion, or should be. The Commissariat's agents ceaselessly hunt down sedition everywhere, and these three defectors are a large stain on it's otherwise spotless record. For the most part, the "civilian" population of the Coalition are fanatically loyal based on a constant stream of propaganda from primary school upward. So much so, in fact, that a citizen of the Coalition defecting and/or leaving the Coalition is flat unheard of.

So while the ideas behind it, Catbert, are "ok", the way they fit in the grand scheme of things leaves a little to be desired. I do hope, however, that this gives you a bit more knowledge into the way the Coalition and SCRA work.

-c aka Admiral Karchov

Few questions about SCRA - Catbert - 07-23-2010

' Wrote:For the most part, the "civilian" population of the Coalition are fanatically loyal based on a constant stream of propaganda from primary school upward. So much so, in fact, that a citizen of the Coalition defecting and/or leaving the Coalition is flat unheard of.
Well, I could give some examples when propaganda fails. But for that I'd like to know a couple of things, not stated on the Wiki page (Sirius Coalition, NPC faction; I chose it, since that page contains some information about the society itself):

1) Doest the Sirius Coalition have the same repression mechanisms used in RL? It is not directly stated, but from what I've seen it seems that it is so.

Quote:the policies of War Communism which attempted to obliterate any signs of the market economy in the Coalition.
2) The policy of War Communism was stated there. In-RL such policy involved taking people's land and "excessive" stuff by force. Did this happen here? Since there's no other reason to use such policy, since the Coalition had already been socialistic and would have obliterated the market economy before.

Quote:Coalition demagogues taking part in the Popular Revolution, but not having any great degree of success
3) This also leaves a room for betrayal, since children of the "enemies of the nation" in-RL were only forced to neglect their parents and then were taken to orphans' homes. The example of this is provided in A.Solzhenitsyn's book about the repression system (the book is called "Arhipelag GULAG" in Russian): a young girl who was forced to neglect her parents carried the hatred to the Party for the rest of her life. So, how are these things settled in the modern Sirius Coalition? Is it similar to USSR in that aspect?

If the answer to any of this questions is "yes", I can find a good RP-reason for civilian betrayal. By the way, in-RL there was a lot of propaganda (from the primary school) as well, but the Party held its position because of people's fear of being denounced on. Repressions were the main force (if the answer to the first and second question is "yes", they were the main tool of the Sirius Coalition's Party at least in the period of War Communism, and maybe in the period of NEP as well).

P.S.: this message was just to show that there're many in-RP reasons for civilian betrayal, and those can be used. I'm not going to use those loopholes myself (at least not right now). Consider those questions rhetorical.
P.P.S.: If someone was offended by this message, and by provided examples specifically, then I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone, even if the examples look unpleasant.