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HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - MarvinCZ - 07-14-2010

McKenna settled comfortably in the armchair.

Everyone was watching Agent Redwood as he slowly opened his folder. There were only more folders inside. He grinned and passed one to the Admiral.

McKenna looked inside. There was a densely written paper on the top and a couple of images. He took those out and showed them to the Order agents with a smile. They were images of them, on a blurred background. They looked quite recent.

He put them back, glanced over the page and shut the folder.

"Alright, let's get a move on. When we first talked over New London, you referred to the Chester system. We are aware of the structure in the remote nebula in that system, but we were not able to establish a proper research of the facility. You appeared to have some knowledge of it."

With that he looked questioningly at Mister Ewing and then Mister Dangen.

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Daerune - 07-14-2010

Christopher couldn't see the pictures nor did he care to see them, the talk of Chester would bring the disk shaped structure there much like the deactivated nomad lair in Omicron 92, he knew three that existed and three nomad city's having seen both from recon reports and his own account, the jump hole leading to the Orders one in the Dyson sphere had collapsed.

"Very much indeed, I know of a deactivated one close to Omicron Minor in the system called Omicron ninety two, which I know of by heart vaguely since if you don't you'll get lost for good, I took one of your agents one called Blair to this structure after they had followed me as I was going to check it out from the reconnaissance reports of one of the Resheph vessels I had under my command."

He looks to Myles then to the admiral remaining where he was his eyes glacing at the men as he speaks looking calm enough despite all the hard were having been in a situation like this before but it involved knives, this one was new to him had drinks and everything

"It is one of three that I know of.... one I believe is deep in the Omicrons defiantly active... another in Omicron ninety two which is deactivated..... and one here in Bretonia that I am unsure about because Mr Blair got a bit jump and wanted to leave in a hurry.... cold feet I guess."

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Ryummel - 07-14-2010

Myles leaned back, listening to Christopher. He was right on everything, but he was extending too much, so Myles interrupted him.

Dangen, they're not asking for the Nomad structures in the Omicrons. Our matter remains in Bretonia, isn't it gentlemen?

Myles looked at the guards. Don't you think your bodyguard could hear more than necessary here, Admiral...? I guess that camera could be enough to track every movement here.

He took the glass, staring at it. Anyway, back to the topic, that structure in Chester is dormant. Would be useless for research since every sample that the Order extracted from it... Vanished. Did you know that, Dangen?

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Wolfs Ghost - 07-14-2010

"The guards are actually Section Five agents as well." He smirked slightly, leaning back in the chair, and glancing over as the two original guards were dismissed by two people wearing civilian clothing and white ear buds in their ears. He nodded and one of the new guards nodded back before standing with his partner blocking the door way.

"Now then. We know that there are more then one of these structures, and that two of them might be active. That's a start." He smiled a bit, "A very good start indeed, actually. I don't suppose the Order has any information regarding any ancient alien cities, such as the one I'm sure both of you have spied on in Newcastle, during your time as Operatives." He glanced from both of them before finally landing his eyes on Dagen, "Any information regarding those that can help our scientists out that way, information such as that would be appreciated."

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Daerune - 07-14-2010

Christopher looks to Myles with a odd look then to Redwood for a moments as he thought over his words for now deciding to put a little test forward for Myles.

"I was just a mare fighter and operative.... sure saw one of them before but that jump hole destabilized and now is gone, needless to say I was never a a scientist, I know of the omicrons because it was where I was raised and where I learned the things I know, I've seen the City here which might be active or had a few remaining nomads left since there is a clue about that wreak you guys left out there...... that and you have a satellite in there."

He looks to Myles to see what answer may be and how vague he would be, having only meet him above New London that day, he didn't know or trust the guy and was more likely a liability having been seeked out by him because he had recently gone rogue.

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Ryummel - 07-14-2010

Myles was a about to take a sip of his, but he put the glass in the table again. He listened to Christopher while gazing at Redwood and the other agents. Myles felt pleased because Christopher didn't extend very much, so less risk to speak the wrong thing. After he finished talking, Myles leaned forward.

Tell me, mister Redwood... What makes you think I've been operating in Bretonia for the Order? Well, I don't know about Dangen, but in my case... My request got denied. Why? I really don't know. Maybe the Order High Command knows something more about that city where Sunderland is located but, to be honest, my information is very limited and I'm quite sure your scientists know more than me.

He looked at the admiral, then back to Redwood, speaking in a low tone.

Also... If you're planning to use the Nomad technology that your scientists drew in that place... for 'war' purposes...

Myles didn't end the sentence.

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Wolfs Ghost - 07-14-2010

"Well, I just figured two operatives were working together on the same job. If you chaps aren't working together, and just so happen to randomly run into each other. That's all fine and dandy." He paused for a moment and leaned forwards to grab one of the folders, from the larger folder. He leaned back once more and opened it looking down.

"I honestly don't think the Scientists and Researchers on Sunderland are in any way attempting to create alien weapons to use in this war. Kusari on the other hand might be more willing to do that. No actually, all I have here is Admiral McKenna's dirty laundry records." He smiled a bit and gently tossed the open folder onto the table, clearly showing the laundry records. "Now. I'm sure you chaps are hiding something more then what you're letting off. I know all this protocol about interrogation and so on. But we're having a nice chat over whiskey and...candles. Which apparently there aren't any. So, what are you chaps hiding that is so important, that you're not willing to part with, not even in death?"

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Daerune - 07-14-2010

Christopher rolls his eyes. "I went renegade months back, Redwood..... I was tagged along with Commodore Bridge before I met Myles here and helped Bridge with a corsair problem you were having problems with, we did not succeed but we were able to down two of them before we had to retreat..... Myles here came in search of me because some ones been running their mouth about me and they believe they can trust me.... and this place is a hot spot for Order rogues Redwood, I have another friend running around because the Order jailed his sister, I broke her out and hes on the run..... I could care less about the Order after I left...... I've been living out of this bag." He motions to the one in front of him. "For those months I mentioned....... and if you ever become a Order agent I suggest you have a read about what the history is... since I was in one of the Squadrons I read up on my organizations history.... any way that doesn't matter any more..... The nomad city in New castle may have been occupied once but that has changed since what was ever there has left." He gives a stressed sigh. "I believe it did contain something nomadic because there is a wreaked BAF vessel which I observed with the information that was brought up on it... no one knew who disabled it.... put two and two together and you get the same conclusion I have."

HMS Suffolk has strange visitors - Ryummel - 07-14-2010

Myles sighed. He was quite sure the Bretonians wouldn't gain anything from him, they were asking questions that he couldn't respond because his access to such information was very limited.

You're quite sure I know everything about Order's operations around Sirius, isn't it mister Redwood? I guess Dangen already knows more than me. Damn, even he told you why I'm here. You know, the Order wouldn't be happy to see me again in Minor so, why don't look for other people who are in the same situation as mine? That's why I came here to Bretonia.

He stared at Dangen. But seems I've been looking for the wrong person. If you want answers about the Order, Dangen is your guy, not me.