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DSE Is Hiring! - Printable Version

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DSE Is Hiring! - Dourden4 - 08-13-2010

Incoming Transmission....

Communications ID: Rick Gentry

Subject: Deep Space Engineering Application

Message follows....

Greetings Gentlemen, Here is my application for employment with your company. I hope it meets all of your criteria.

Full Name: Richard Gentry
Nationality: Libetonian
Place of Birth: Planet Denver
Gender: Male
Date Of Birth: March 6th, 793 A.S
Requested Division: Mining

Personal Details:

I was born on Planet Denver. My father was a miner, while my mother was his transporter. I Spent most of my time on my mothers small freighter, a Dromedary. However, Every once and while inbetween jobs; my father would take me aboard his mining ship, a Basalt. While on these short trips, I learned the skills of a miner. As I grew, I learned more about mining and some of the better trade routes to transport my goods to. After some time, my parents became very sucessful and my father bought a Hegemon and my mother was able to aquire a Border Worlds Transport from a ship dealer in New York. They were so successful, that they founded Gentry Ore Proccessing, thier own mining and tranport company. The company prospered, Although they were far eclipsed by the larger companys, such as Deep Space Engineering. Despite the large and powerful competion, the company did well, its market made of those poorer individuals who could not afford DSE's and other large companys rates.

In 810 A.S, my mother was killed during a raid by the pirate
band called the Xenos. They took her cargo of silver ore, and just to prevent her calling for help they shot at her communications array. They scored a direct hit which overloaded all her system circiuts. It didnt take long for the overload to reach her engine core and her ship exploded. After hearing the news, my father began a slow decline into depression. His sudden disinterest in the company caused it to falter and fail. The business gone and my father withdrawn from reality, I inherited my fathers Hegemon. Continuing to mine the fields around Colorado for the trace amounts of Silver and Copper left behind from the major mining operations of past years, I managed to earn just enough money to support my father and myself. In 813 A.S, my father finally passed away, dieing from complications caused by his depression. Alone and with only the Hegemon to my name, I did the only thing I knew how to do. I mined.

Though the present year is 817 A.S, I have continued my lone mining in the fields. I have decided to Apply to DSE because I wish to help this company in its darkest times and perhaps help revive the DSE miner corps. Also, DSE seems to have the best use for my particular talents of all the company's in Liberty.

I sincerely hope that this has given you adequate information to make a decision as to my character and whether i would be a good fit for your company. I look forward to your timely reply.

Transmission Terminating....

Transmission Ends

// Edit. Had to fix the Post length. Was Double Spaced.

DSE Is Hiring! - Ash - 08-13-2010

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Mr Gentry

Were sorry to hear of your family's grim history and fully sympathise in your misfortune. But about the matter at hand. Were pleased to inform you that after some consideration, we're happy to offer a position for you and your Hegemon in our mining operations. Due to your past experience we'l be happy to insert you into the position of Rig Miner temporarily until were satisfied your skills and experience qualify you for Captain status.

Before we integrate your Hegemon into our firm however we will require you to rename your vessel with a DSE)DSM- prefix to align with DSE. This also makes your vessel easily identifiable to your fellow colleagues and allows us to coordinate our mining teams better. We'd also like to advise you that birth names of you or your crew do not qualify for Rig names, we recommend you choose or stay with a single word name easy to remember. However it's up to you what you choose name your vessel.

Welcome to Deep Space Engineering Mr Gentry

Here is a link to a useful manual you'l be required to read. All we ask is that you refer to the category that concerns you and remember to name your vessel with a DSE)DSM- prefix. Also we will require your S.K.Y.P.E. identification so that we may contact you and finalise your induction. I'l now leave you in the hands of our respected President Robert Jones.

I'l look forward to giving you your fist assignment.

Kurt Westwood
DSE Director of Mining

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DSE Is Hiring! - Dourden4 - 08-14-2010

Incoming Transmission...

Communications ID: Rick Gentry

Subject: Deep Space Engineering Application

Message Follows....

Greetings Mr. Westwood. I am pleased to hear that I have been accepted into your organization, and I am thankful for your condolences. But as you said, to the matter at hand. I will begin the process of renaming and subsequently registering the new name with all appropriate authority's. I expect it may take a day or two to finish the process of changing my credentials to DSE)DSM-Galen. Also, per your request for my S.K.Y.P.E identification, it is Dourden41. I have only one minor question. You have stated that I am temporarily placed as a Rig Miner until you are satisfied of my qualifications and ability to be captain. I am curious as to what you mean by this comment. Am I to be a Rig Miner permanently and after a period of review may be promoted to Rig Captain? Or is my place as a Rig Miner the temporary spot and if you are not satisfied with my ability, I will be demoted to a collector? Either way is fine by me, I was just wondering what to expect. Again thank you all for this wonderful opportunity and I hope I can contribute much to your fine company. As a side note, While I was reading your training manual, I saw you have a different naming convention there than the one stated above. Perhaps the manual needs an update?

Transmission Terminating....

Transmission Ends

DSE Is Hiring! - Ash - 08-14-2010

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Mr Gentry

We'd like to clarify that we do not underestimate your capabilities as a Rig Captain at all, however this temporary employment as a Rig Miner is simply a precaution. You will remain the Captain of your Rig and are free to pilot it as you will, well, according to DSE guidelines. However not all your rights and perks as a Rig Captain are given just yet. We'd like to ensure that the skills you learnt in your fathers company are enough for your equivelant position in DSE. Once our asessment is complete, we'l be happy to promote you to Rig Captain immediatley and other privelages such as the pay rise and choice of crew from the DSE personnel roster will be yours. As for your queary about our naming convention, we understand our Training manual is slightly outdated on the matter, but don't feel the need to doubt it's validity.

Were currently in the process of distributing the new DSM employee handbooks to our employees that will explain alot about the way things work here. As for now all you need to know is that were currently concentrating mining operations in Pennsylvanian Helium and Kansas for Iridium. We don't recommend you attempt to extract ore from the Silverton or Copperton fields in Colorado without Collector support. The rest you should pick up easily from the rest of our mining teams.

Welcome to Deep Space Minerals Mr Gentry.

Kurt Westwood
DSE Director of Mining

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