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War Declaration - marauder - 12-24-2005

Thats what happened, the NSP pilot took one look at what we had to fight and switched sides just so he wouldn't get killed.

Plus because there were so many cap-ships in the same area I had a massive lag and couldnt fire or revenant -=?=-'s huegenot would have died before I did.

War Declaration - daedalus - 12-24-2005

Khuskan,Dec 24 2005, 10:21 AM Wrote:Nah, it means we only target humans, and mostly use trading to fund us as opposed to purely pirating.
I suspect your best friends are the Zoners. Man, on Crete, the Corsairs worship the bandersnatch like a god.

War Declaration - Quantum - 12-24-2005

Now since they told their side of the story and left out how when IP_Daily tried to continuously respawn so we could group they kept killing him. A single fighter against a BS Cruiser and Fighter and He's only played freelancer for like 3 weeks or however long he's been on this server. Same with me in my fighter character I respawned at a seperate point for a while then finally made it to the station right at the battle because they kept killing me before I could get there or I would try to evade them. Finally the other IG that was on had an unauthorized BS to our faction and I told him if he wished to participate in the faction he must follow the same rules as everyone else. So he had to go get a different char. and a different ship and make his way back. IP_Daily had IRL issue that came up and had to leave so it was me against them for a while yeah 3 vs 1 since they failed to mention that and since they made such a big deal aout it in the game when it came to the final battle and numbers. -=?=- finally came to my aid IP_Daily got back from his errands and showed up right before the battle IG Dirt Diggler came back with his new ship and char after fly across half of Sirius and doing missions for money, and NSP well that was through -=?=- they are their allies. And according to Titus, Calculator attacked him after he died which he did and I SAID that it was my fault because I didn't clarify the rules to them about that. He had just gotten there and Titus assumes he is supposed to know the rules that were set down. Now i'm getting sick and tired of this one sided crap trying to make -=?=- look bad tell the whole story or nothing at all. Yeah the -=?=- had some bad language use but i've I seen it from quite a few people and i've also seen some instigating trying to get the -=?=- to act like fools. I've had a lot of fun on this server but if this is the kind of people I'm playing a GAME with i'm not sure I want to continue to play. Some of you peopel need to realize this si just a game for fun and during the whole battle with the TG I didn't see anyone cheat as far as I remember so until someone can produce somthing hard or I see it with my own eyes the only thing they have done wrong is some of their characters have to watch their mouths whe addressing poeple. And -=?=- are allies to IG for the TG war as of now If you don't like it deal with it.

War Declaration - Khuskan - 12-24-2005

marauder,Dec 24 2005, 11:34 AM Wrote:Thats what happened, the NSP pilot took one look at what we had to fight and switched sides just so he wouldn't get killed.

Plus because there were so many cap-ships in the same area I had a massive lag and couldnt fire or revenant -=?=-'s huegenot would have died before I did.

The issue with the NSP defection was arranged BEFORE the battle, and was one of the crucial turning points.

War Declaration - Titus - 12-24-2005

There were moments when TG attacked 3 or 2vs 1 the IG when we ceased fire , for you to think what are you going to do.
And tat thing with Calculator attacking once more, i know it was your mistake but i want to show that i would have won the first round if he hadn't showed up . And i think we should consider i won the first round. Calculator is freaky,attacks desperately , a berserker.

War Declaration - kirtar - 12-24-2005

Cardamine-=?=-,Dec 23 2005, 03:27 PM Wrote:Since then our faction has grown to be one of the most populous in Sirius, and we're well able to take on almost any threat. We are engaged in open hostility against SF, RM, TG and AW. IG have mutually decided to maintain neutrality to both of our benefit.
If your so big, why don't you post a memberlist like it says to on the Discovery Faction Status topic?

War Declaration - Igiss - 12-24-2005

Quantum: post normally, separate paragraphs. I think that few people here bother trying to read your lengthy posts. It's just too difficult for human eyes.

-=?=-: Many of you violated fation rules by creating another character with IG tag, thus having multiple characters joining different factions on one account. This alone is enough for ban, and the only thing that may stop me from banning is that you remove those chars yourself.

I will post it separately later.

War Declaration - Cardamine-=?=- - 12-24-2005

Igiss give us time to transfer things. In case you haven't realised this is Christmas Eve. Tommorow is Christmas Day. Quite a busy time of the year for me.

War Declaration - Met2085 - 12-24-2005

i kind of find that funny because you already have had time to do that this week....

War Declaration - Cardamine-=?=- - 12-24-2005

I think your statement is funny because last week wasn't Christmas Eve and Day. Well, it might be. I don't know what kind of calendar you use though, in that case.