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taxing - mio_cid - 08-24-2010

well cant be more clear to me. thanks a lot to everyone

taxing - ivr56 - 08-24-2010

Their is no limit as everyone says.
It all varies. You still have to be reasonable and play fair though.

I haven't taken money from a trader in a long time, cargo pirate here. But when I did I did it based on size of transport, cargo and affiliation.

Example, If I'm on my Corsair and I stop say a Bretonian trader I'll dock you more then say a Libertonian. Due to current realtions.
If I say catch a Cardimine smuggler while in Bretonia or a Blood Diamond smuggler in the Omegas. I'll make you drop your cargo only and I'll destroy it in your face. Doesnt sound reasonable but I'm a Corsair, I'd rather not let that cargo reach anywhere rather then asking for "protection" money and letting you be on your marry way. Same goes with say a Outcast doing the same to Artifact (Corsair Products) or Synthetic Maj. Smugglers (Competition in Drugs).

taxing - Coin - 08-24-2010

the maxiumum amount is the highest a trader will pay

taxing - Crusader4 - 08-24-2010

lol, i taxed one guy for 50k and he tried to run away, so he end up dead :mellow:
i usually tax for 200k-500k, or if i get the ore hauler 2mil.

And they say am expensive :laugh:

I remember my days of hauling, one pirate wanted 60million for 50mil worth cargo :crazy:

Be fair and don't ask for more than 10% of the profit.
At least that my opinion, i know that there are some people
that disagree with me and want more.

taxing - Frazzer. - 08-24-2010

I take the cargo because that teaches them to hire escorts.:mellow:

taxing - Azurren - 08-24-2010

Someone tried to tax me 5mill in new york, the last leg of my long haul, 2nd most dangerous zone of route..
Liberty security is a joke.. Thus why over half of new yorkers are now fataly adictied to an.. Exotic.. Orange substance. (What do they do exactly? They find themselves a nice clean zone of space and moan about how hard they work / their hours as pirate after pirate, shipment after shipment merrily pass by.) Honestly the miners in Tau 23 but up more resistance!

Anyway back on topic. My shipment wasn't worth anything like 5mill.. My ship small, void of any weaponry, and lacking any haul enforcements.

I tried to role play my way out of it.. With a hold full of cardamine how could a iff and tagged rogue stand between me and a load of sick junkies..? Easily when he doesn't give a damn. He answered everything with "5mill or dai"

Needless to say all rp goes out the window here.. My character is a coward.. Never would he give his life for a few measily credits.. But i don't risk half my money and waste 20mins of my life just to hand it over to a jerk in a bomber..

But honestly.. What can you do?

taxing - Soul Reaper - 08-24-2010

There is no limit directly written down or anything, but try and act nice, as many people have said, although this is mostly +1, heh.

On another note, I've been pirating around liberty and the taus alot recently, even kusari, from what I've been seeing, the old ''nub pirat'' is turning into ''nub trader'', meaning that -real- piracy backed with RP is getting higher and higher, while the balance of lolwuttery is on the Trader side. Or that's what I've seen.

And as for the 'limits', just don't ask for too much from one trader, I shouldnt go above 8 million in my opinion for any trader...however, there are exceptions, like Ore haulers. A cargohold of 4k of niobium/gold ore is roughly worth 50million, maybe more maybe less, so you'd have the right to ask for 20, hell, even 30 if you're so evil. If I were the trader, I'd just pay since I'll be getting alot of cash as well (or call for alot of backup), but..they don't do it these days...

taxing - hypermauler - 08-24-2010

There is no prices,Briefly, A pirate RP should fit inside the definition of the''experienced one'' fairplay. The money you get or cargo is not that important. Its the way you go along the way to do such a forced demand and even (rarely ...:( ) after the ''payment''.

First alway consider the golden rule: Fair play, its a game for fun and the surrounding characters are players just like you.

Then there is actually 3 main things I consider enhancing the pirate( the general game deed, not only the unlawful's actions)price ''power'' connected to RP
1) What is the relation between the 2 ID? Is it neutral? Unfriendly? Hostile? or plain Madness?
2) What is the RP within the commodity transported? Is it misregarded by the pirate? Is it a valuable product? , Does it help enemy faction(s) in any way? , Does it brakes a law?, a culture , a thought?
3) What is the background of the event? Did the pirate just destroyed an escort or some police officers to get to you? , are you the unlucky one of a convoy and the pirate is aware off? You tried to escape? , you tried to defend yourself? You do not cooperate or do what the authority ask? Is there any events that give further reasons for the authority ? ( are you in liberty :lol:)->Kidding

Once you consider these factors, in a form of RP interaction you can estimate a price or cargo amount that fit within fairplay.

You can always refer to existing guide on both the D-wiki and several pined topics on the forum.

taxing - The Joker - 08-24-2010

The most of you are forgetting that significant percent of people actually "live" only by pirating. We can all agree that the demands are sometimes too high but RL pirates aren't exactly nice people.

I demand 20-25% of cargo to be dropped and destroyed. Never demand money 'cause of character's RP. Sometimes I demand as low as 15% of cargo, depending on how rich that character is, or how big is his cargo hold.

The most of you definitely knows this; don't expect pirates to be nice to you but don't be surprised if they are. Sometimes it depends how the trader reacts. There are those who pay and those who don't, hehe. It will always be like that.

When I use to trade a year ago or so (I make all my money now by doing sigs) I had a liner with CAU 8:)Never payed anyone anything and it was so damn fun to trade and to fight/avoid pirates any way possible. That way, trading is much more interesting, at least to me.

taxing - Weedalot - 08-24-2010

i held up the CEO of the USI guys hostage and demanded 100 mil:P
they didnt pay but got a dread of the navy to come and help them out against a single bomber:Pit was fun