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Radiation in New York - Not Espi - 08-29-2010

your story doesnt fit from a historical view.

40 years ago, in 780, rheinland and liberty werent at war. and ...besides - powergaming?

you are forcing players to leave. its never the way. you have to create reasons for players to move somewhere else, not force them to move out.

Radiation in New York - Coin - 08-29-2010

780 was just a number i pulled from the air. it's not key to the idea.

radiation does not force players out of Om41, in fact most VHF can make it through the corona of the neutron star, as long as they have cap 8.

Starfliers? who flies starfliers?
1. new players: and they can buy tougher ships from bethlehem station, and armour upgrades. they will be able to make it through. besides that, the majority of players stay in penn mining until they have at least a camara.

2. players setting up new chars (those not using /restart). unless your travelling on impulse engines only, you'll be able to get all the way across the system in cruise. the fact that there are tradelanes means that you can zip across the system at 1900 ms, and only lose at most one or two blocks of hull.

The Bret-Kusari war has led to departures away from the canon of single player: half of leeds system is under the control of the KNF, and the trade lane next to stokes remains broken.
As yet, we see nothing to indicate that this Lib-Rhein war is anything but a border skirmish. New York is the hub of this game. If we were to 'encourage' players to venture further afield, we'd get the benefit of increased activities elsewhere, as well as something novel that no other mod has.

Radiation in New York - Talesin - 08-29-2010


NY is the system with the most player encounterings, therefore the system where you can easily meet people to RP.
If you ignore System chat, it's ideal for players just learning to RP, and yes, you need to learn it get some kind of routine.

Hm... Bomb NY in a war.... I know a whole bunch of systems where that happened, and those are quite empty *cough* Gallia *cough* cough*.

' Wrote:radiation does not force players out of Om41 [...]

At first.
"make so much radiation that you cannot stay in there for more than 10 Minutes"
Actually my CAU 8 Liner could stay in O41 for i guess more than 4 hours, but a Starflier will hardly make it from the O15 to the OGamma Hole, even with UAU8

' Wrote:[...] in fact most VHF can make it through the corona of the neutron star, as long as they have cap 8.

In fact the effective ammount of players having a CAU8 on their VHF is zero.
In fact you're not able to mount a CAU8 on any VHF due to the limited Cargohold.

In fact the radiation damage depends on the range to the Star as far as i know.
If i'm getting close to it the radiation damage is sightable on the health bar of my Liner.
If i get even closer the hull is vanishing in seconds.

' Wrote:Starfliers? who flies starfliers?
1. new players: and they can buy tougher ships from bethlehem station, and armour upgrades.

Not until they made some money. And not everyone want to be forced to mine for the first money.

' Wrote:[...] they will be able to make it through. besides that, the majority of players stay in penn mining until they have at least a camara.

Same thing like like with the CAU8 on a VHF.
You cannot buy the Camara in Penn, and you don't want to buy a new ship just to be able to get to a place where you can buy a better.
Besides that, if you make the radiation damage as high as in O41 no starflier would be able to make it to Pittsburg (where the Camara sells) if he doesn't dock after every Tradelane to refill bats and bots (and if i got it correctly you would want to have it even higher).

' Wrote:Starfliers? who flies starfliers?
2. players setting up new chars (those not using /restart). unless your travelling on impulse engines only, you'll be able to get all the way across the system in cruise. the fact that there are tradelanes means that you can zip across the system at 1900 ms, and only lose at most one or two blocks of hull.

As i already said. If you make the radiation damage as high as in O41 they won't be able to make it through the whole system without docking, mind that a Starflier does only have 10/10 Bots/Bats.

And yes, i already traveled through O41. I had to use nearly all my Bots/Bats in order to make it from the O15 to the OGamma Hole AND i had UAU8.

If you nerf the Radiation Damage as much, that a Starflier will only loose 2 blocks of Hull, it would not affect any ship having a hull strengh compareable to a Transport or higher any more.

In fact that could lead to people scrapping their VHF's and get Capitals instead, since those don't care about radiation damage.

Let's say the starflier takes 2 minutes to fly across the system in Lanes and only loose 2 blocks, so 20% ?
That's around 220 Hull in two minutes.
Therefore my 720.000 HP Liner could stay in there for 6545,45 Minutes, that's 109,1 Hours.
Not quite your 10 Minutes eh?

I got a much much much better idea to get people out of New York:

Step 1: Get a New Ship.
Step 2: Move to NY
Step 3: Send a Systemmessage "Gurl in Bretonia sighted!!!!1111oneoneoneeleven"
Step 4: ...
Step 5: Profit.

On a more serious note: there's already enough Radiation in New York.


Radiation in New York - teschy - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:you have to create reasons for players to move somewhere else, not force them to move out.


Radiation in New York - jxie93 - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:thats the intention.... those with no real pressing RP reason to be in NY would move to connecticut, and pewlolpew until they got bored... if ny was as radioactive as om41, you still get plenty of action, but there isnt the desire to hang around.

That's not what I meant.

If you do this, people will just move to the next closest system and make it the new New York. This doesn't work unless you flood every single system in the mod with radiation so people have to constantly move around or die.

Radiation in New York - Blaze - 08-29-2010


Want to reduce population of new york? Move the connecticut jump hole to coronado...

Radiation in New York - Jimothy - 08-29-2010

' Wrote:
' Wrote:you are forcing players to leave. its never the way. you have to create reasons for players to move somewhere else, not force them to move out.
^ This (Twice)

' Wrote:Wut?

Want to reduce population of new york? Move the connecticut jump hole to coronado...

Ah, this is good planning here methinks... and add a way to travel to Coronado from Rhienland easily using the border worlds (Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't current route go through Junker guard system)...

Although, that said, I've always (Silently) thought that it'd be better with less (or no) new systems (OR HOUSES:nono:) which would mean each system would be more populated, more RP etc...
But NY is big problem, which Penn solved a bit... wonder what would cure the lolwuttery though... that's the million pound (Or dollar) question.

Radiation in New York - MB52 - 08-29-2010

I'm trying to think of a way to say this is a bad idea without insulting you.. but I can't...

Just leave NY as it is. Too many players need it for their characters's RP.