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Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Printable Version

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Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - GhostFace - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:What Zelot quoted.

As for what we'll improve... activity follows two things, money and activity. New York is active because it is active. Delta is active because it is active. Gallia was inactive because it was inactive, but now it is active because there is money. Dublin was inactive because it was inactive, but is now active because there is money. Etc ad infinitum.

A system needs to be either A) a place people go through while making money or B) an RP/PvP madhouse to be active. Delta is the battleground joining the Nomads, Order, Zoners, Core, and Corsairs. New York joins everything. Everyone trading in Liberty has to go through the Cali pipe. So, either we resign a system to whateverland, or we make it a place people want to be- either a trading/mining zone, or a giant conflict ball. If we don't try hard enough, you get Bremen, which has only ever had anyone in it for A) repping or B) planned events to make Bremen not suck so much.

Keeping these lessons in mind, hopefully we'll make existing systems better. Hopefully.

I second that, or third it..

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - AeternusDoleo - 09-01-2010

Additional junction systems would be welcome. An extra route from Bretonia into Liberty for instance so pirates don't get to funnel near the California-NY gate all the time would be welcome. But in general, some extra no-lane, jumphole only systems (with nebulae, the odd base here and there) would be a good thing. More systems to hang out in probably would not be: Some areas are sparse as it is, and the addition of Gallia is not going to help in that. At 200 players max, there's only so many systems before they start to divide the playerbase a bit too much.

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Swallow - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:Additional junction systems would be welcome. An extra route from Bretonia into Liberty for instance so pirates don't get to funnel near the California-NY gate all the time would be welcome. But in general, some extra no-lane, jumphole only systems (with nebulae, the odd base here and there) would be a good thing. More systems to hang out in probably would not be: Some areas are sparse as it is, and the addition of Gallia is not going to help in that. At 200 players max, there's only so many systems before they start to divide the playerbase a bit too much.

yup, thats what we need :yes:

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 09-01-2010

No more new systems - improve the curretn ones.

Gallia was a fail. That is all.

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - stardust47 - 09-01-2010

If I were in charge, I'd retcon Gallia out of it and expand the Taus for more battlefields, scenery and trading.
But really, we should be improving the systems we have.

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Mickk - 09-01-2010

' Wrote:Current development path;

Upgrade current systems, massive NPC updates, as well as adding new systems WHEN NEEDED. Adding extra systems for the sake of extra systems isn't currently on the agenda. We've got enough that need fixing and updating that new ones are added only when necessary.


We all know that when 4.86 gets here there are going to be a bunch of new systems, or at least that is what has been said (and shown).

Hopefully there will be some new places to trade, places to just go and look at be impressed with the scenery, places that have have/are a new/different route to get to old places.

Who know, there might even be place that is everything I wrote in the above sentence at the same time.

As has been mentioned by someone else in the thread already, alternate routes that don't involve going all the way out to Kusari space and back again to get to Bretonian space and New Berlin (haven't been there in so long I forgot what it's called, must fix that) from Liberty Space.

Maybe a system could be made where there is nothing but an automated Station that is neutral to all, sitting on the edge of a large non-radioactive cloud.

In the cloud you would have random 'battleship' encounters, with battleships from every faction in game.

I'm not sure how you would make it fit the RP of Discovery though, possibly there is something 'in' the cloud which all of the factions want, who knows.

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - The.Wizard - 09-01-2010

I agree with Dab and Zelot basically...,maybe one or two junction systems to cut distance between Omicrons-Liberty and Tau's...(or some other combination...)
Maybe one pirate-only system(hostile to everyone without pirate id) placed somewhere where it won't be influencing balance of trading to base only with few commodities...contraband and equipment available to pirate's more romantic then practical idea to have Pirate sanctuary but it might be good...
Don't take this to seriously,i am just thinking out laud...but it might work...

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Chunky.Lafunga - 09-01-2010

I think the first priority should be to improve the NPC spawning in the existing systems.

There are way to many unlawful NPCs in house space near stations and lanes, I think they should be removed or at least reduced.

Made a thread about it here:

About the second poll option...

Voted none of the above, because you can improve all of the options in the existing systems without making new ones.

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - NomadRevenge - 09-01-2010

I think that if new systems are mae, they should not be empty ones. I know of a lot of clusters of empty systems that dont even have unknown planets (cant remember the names). I find these a waste of space where more detailed systems could be placed

Opinion Thread: System Development and Execution - Malenka - 09-01-2010

My personal opinion, is that Gallia should be removed.

Or make the server support more players.

My opinion..