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Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - Printable Version

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Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - SeaFalcon - 09-16-2010

The point that I brought this up is that it's such an small fix for the devs that they can easily put it into the 4.86 version.
I know how to change some stuff. like colors of guns but I quit touching them after I screwed up once.

and having this for every player would be a good thing since quiet a lot of people who play freelancer don't have epic computers. but they can still see whats going on around them and won't mistake some guns with others or can't even see a gun like the blackwidow

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - yurineova - 09-17-2010

' Wrote:The point that I brought this up is that it's such an small fix for the devs that they can easily put it into the 4.86 version.
I know how to change some stuff. like colors of guns but I quit touching them after I screwed up once.

and having this for every player would be a good thing since quiet a lot of people who play freelancer don't have epic computers. but they can still see whats going on around them and won't mistake some guns with others or can't even see a gun like the blackwidow
mhm, I'll see if I cant shoot off a copy of a modified one to be less resource demanding as an alternative to the stock.

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - sovereign - 09-17-2010

It might be possible to create really simple looking blobs as the "low detail" version of the weapons. However, I don't actually know how the detail settings are implemented, nor do I want to speak for our effects people, whom I <3 ever so much. I do wonder how much extra mod space would be required, depending on how generic these things were; it might be releasable as a separate effect pack, or summat.

For the mean time, it's a dev conspiracy to upgrade your computers.

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - SeaFalcon - 09-17-2010

' Wrote:It might be possible to create really simple looking blobs as the "low detail" version of the weapons. However, I don't actually know how the detail settings are implemented, nor do I want to speak for our effects people, whom I <3 ever so much. I do wonder how much extra mod space would be required, depending on how generic these things were; it might be releasable as a separate effect pack, or summat.

It would be around 0,001 kb more space, since it's a mater of changing numbers and not textures.

' Wrote:For the mean time, it's a dev conspiracy to upgrade your computers.

I also have acces to my better computer;)
but not always.

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - tansytansey - 09-17-2010

' Wrote:Some of us use ordinary computers, not tricked out beast machines.

The game is seven years old hun, you don't need a 'tricked out' computer to run it.

By ordinary you must mean "stone age."

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - yurineova - 09-17-2010

' Wrote:It might be possible to create really simple looking blobs as the "low detail" version of the weapons. However, I don't actually know how the detail settings are implemented, nor do I want to speak for our effects people, whom I <3 ever so much. I do wonder how much extra mod space would be required, depending on how generic these things were; it might be releasable as a separate effect pack, or summat.

For the mean time, it's a dev conspiracy to upgrade your computers.
The modpack would litterally be at most 2mb. Thats because all the effects are generated by a generic MAT list, which is already included with Freelancer. You just need to change the INIs to change color, size, etc.

Hence why I say you can do it yourself, with admin/mod permission.

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - Cresh - 09-17-2010

' Wrote::lol:
The game is seven years old hun, you don't need a 'tricked out' computer to run it.
Well, if you want to play on a Radeon HD 3200 or comparable card (read: Every non-"G4m3r"-Notebook, PCs with integrated graphics) you need to turn down the effects for acceptable (read: 60+) FPS.

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - SeaFalcon - 09-20-2010

Intel chip accalerator really can't handle high specs ^^

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - yurineova - 09-21-2010

' Wrote:Intel chip accalerator really can't handle high specs ^^
with new drivers, my intel 915 chipset (which is easily 8 years old) can max out freelancer with 1024mb of ram. 512, it can max out FL for about 30 minutes on a fresh reboot. After that, the ram is eaten up and it lags.

That said, Integrated graphics mostly relys on your system RAM. Nowadays the standard pc has new age integrated graphix with at least 1 gb of ram, so a average pc nowadays can easily max out freelancer.

Older pcs (5+ years) may be a different story.

Some things I noticed and could use a fix. - PeKa6 - 09-21-2010

What'cha all talking about? My laptop runs this game fine!
