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Smeagle Court Case - Printable Version

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Smeagle Court Case - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-03-2010

The Judge opened the manila folder and suddenly turned away, disguised. He covered his mouth and squinted in utter horror. He quickly closed the file after flipping through some papers. He then turned to the audience.

"Dear heavens.. I've seen some horrible things in my life time.. And i knew about you, Smeagle, but.. This.. This is.. How.. How di-.. God.. This is horrible. I hereby sentan-"

The judge was about to hammer his gable to the desk, but stopped in mid air when someone from the back spoke.

"Wait... Judge may I speak with you."

Several people in the audience shuffled a bit. The judge paused, nodded, then slammed his gable on the desk.

"Take five."

Smeagle Court Case - TehNoizeBox - 10-06-2010

Devin leaned back in his chair, just thinking.

He thought: Who is that man talking to the judge? What does he want?

Devin proceeded to down is Quantum-Cola and grin at it's good taste. He glanced over at Smeagle, who only gave him that same, sly smirk as if he was hiding something.