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Nomad wepons - Printable Version

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Nomad wepons - Exile - 10-09-2010

He fails at funny then.

Nomad wepons - n00bl3t - 10-09-2010

' Wrote:N00bl3t made a joke, related to the BHG-Corsair events that occurred in the past few weeks and people saying they are allies now. Seems only Major got the joke.

That would be correct.

' Wrote:He fails at funny then.

You know people tell me I need to lighten up.

Nomad wepons - Not Espi - 10-09-2010

dont worry nublet. i got it. mike just failed to see the sarcam. he's probably hangovered or something

Nomad wepons - Dennis Jameson - 10-09-2010

The Core gets Nomad guns through their NAP? I knew the 101st were getting screwed Q_Q

Nomad wepons - Dusty Lens - 10-09-2010

Yes. The 101st is forced to simply fly side by side with Sabres mounting nomad lasers rather than employing them themselves.

The 101st, always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Nomad wepons - Corsair - 10-09-2010

I remember my Pirate ID'd Falcata that pirated the S13 route. He had just gotten Nomad guns the day before the rule was changed to get rid of them.

Nomad wepons - sovereign - 10-09-2010

' Wrote:Yes. The 101st is forced to simply fly side by side with Sabres mounting nomad lasers rather than employing them themselves.

The 101st, always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Poor babies. Maybe we should buff the Kraken to make them feel better. While we're at it maybe we should give the Order access to even more weapons. I'm thinking Krakens.

But yeah, thread answered by the aerelm's quoting of the relevant SRP.

Also, n00bl3t's joke made me lol.

Nomad wepons - Exile - 10-10-2010

' Wrote:dont worry nublet. i got it. mike just failed to see the sarcam. he's probably hangovered or something
I never get hungover. German + Bandit blood. Even now, my typing is epic. And beered up.