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Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - Printable Version

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Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - AceJoker - 10-19-2010

Quote:There are many good ideas so far. Keep up that good work guys. Also, if you have a new idea or just an
update for already posted sigs, don't hesitate to post them here too. I'm very curious what else will make it's
way here until the deadline (<- see first post).

Repost, cuz i think it's forgotten already.:D

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - Anomander - 10-19-2010

maybe You will tell what You like/dislike in current ones??

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - AceJoker - 10-19-2010

Hm. I really should do that. However, since i nursed back to health (had a cold) i think more saner now.:D
Ok. Here are my first impressions.

Your Jaws-sig looks good. I wouldn't change anything on it.
As for your Lo Wang-sig. Would you please insert the word "HOGOSHA" in capital letters?
Question: on the right side of the building i noticed two asian letters. Would you tell me their
meanings, please?

Makc RU
That graffiti-idea is interesting. Just one detail i noticed. I don't know if it's true but in pain you would do
as less moves as possible. So how about changing the "j" into "J" ?

Your Lo Wang sig looks cute. How about putting the chick a little more in the background? Like sitting
in the background and watching Lo Wang's moves? Because if i take a closer look at her, i can't get rid of
the thought, that she's sitting on a table or something like that. I mean, Lo Wang is actually standing
on the left side and she sits on the right side. Got my point?

I prefer the black one. It looks more... how should i say... more crazy. It just fits better to him. But i'm
missing the bloody letters in his name.

Your dojo looks more like martial arts training ground. How about adding one broken, wooden training
puppet or something like that? And how about to shrink Lo Wang a little so that it would look like he is
actually standing "inside" that dojo? And same goes to you, like Anomander. I can't read asian letters.
What're yours meaning?

Don't have any more ideas left. Maybe i can come up with something if i finished my cooking for today.:D

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - Makc_RU - 10-19-2010

"DunDeel". Corrections have been made.
[Image: Jaws-finalized-1.ver2.png]

[Image: Lo%20Wang-finalized-ver2.png]

p.s. The "j" in JAWS is always small. That is the way the font was made. But, with my magical skills, I managed to make it a capital J.
p.p.s. If I am to make the girl on Lo Wang's signature smaller than that, the whole composition will loose its balance/tranquility of the arrangement.


Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - AceJoker - 10-19-2010

Yup. Makc RU now your sigs are perfect. I wait for the others now or for completely new posts. Keep up the
awesome stuff, guys.:nyam:

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - Anomander - 10-19-2010

Pictures updated - I was thinking about make them bigger (more wide)

Jaws - no changes so far
[Image: Jaws.jpg]

Lo Wang - I add "HOGOSHA" in capital letters, and add Hogosha symbol.
[Image: Lo_wang2.jpg]
about those letters next to Dojo - I have no idea what They mean - but I can rid of Them:P

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - AceJoker - 10-20-2010

Anomander: Ok the updated pics are perfect now. And no there's no need to get rid of these asian letters. I was just curious what they mean. Maybe i google it...:D

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - Makc_RU - 10-20-2010

' Wrote:Pictures updated - I was thinking about make them bigger (more wide)

Jaws - no changes so far
[Image: Jaws.jpg]

Lo Wang - I add "HOGOSHA" in capital letters, and add Hogosha symbol.
[Image: Lo_wang2.jpg]
about those letters next to Dojo - I have no idea what They mean - but I can rid of Them:P

I really like the second one with the Japanse theme. What you could do to make it better is to duplicate the background , then put the sun on top of the first BG, cover it with the second copy and do layer mask, erase unneeded from the top, so that the sun rays are not overlapping the Dojo.

Thumbs up.

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - AceJoker - 10-26-2010

Repost for deadline remembering.

Need 2 char sigs. SOLVED - Anomander - 10-26-2010

who is in the lead?? and please send some feedback do I have to change something in mine (make it bigger, add a border, change a shape or something)