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Any active BAF'ers? - Printable Version

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Any active BAF'ers? - Coin - 10-21-2010

mostly they are running scared from the 'sairs... i see the constables around a lot, why not try joining the bret police?

Any active BAF'ers? - Dejavu - 10-21-2010

Bretonian Police Aurthority are -awsome-.

And yes, there are quite a lot of active BAF|'s. I saw the Clay's around on the weekend.

Any active BAF'ers? - Trim - 10-21-2010

' Wrote:mostly they are running scared from the 'sairs... i see the constables around a lot, why not try joining the bret police?

Yeah.. Yeah >.>

I'm alive and kicking.

Any active BAF'ers? - Aoyagi - 10-21-2010

Anyone I actually know? D: Vjeko?

Any active BAF'ers? - ryeguy146 - 10-21-2010

Tell BPA to check their recruitment thread, Deja.

Any active BAF'ers? - aerelm - 10-22-2010

I second the OP.

I got kinda bored of shootin Miners around Dublin, so decided to let them be. Now I'm looking for something else to shoot at, and no one's around. It's either Miners in the Mining fields, or Miners on their way to Detroit or back. :\

Any active BAF'ers? - Wolfs Ghost - 10-22-2010

BAF has always had a long standing tradition as being a "Responsive force" rather than actively flying around in large numbers, although they do tend to do that from time to time. I believe what's happening at the moment is that almost half of the BAF members are getting back into everyday real life jobs and school/university, hence why they're hardly active.

Any active BAF'ers? - Wellingtons - 10-22-2010

Well I am active just that I have being doing science coursework *shudders* but any ho I should be active next starting this afternoon.

Any active BAF'ers? - AeternusDoleo - 10-22-2010

' Wrote:I second the OP.

I got kinda bored of shootin Miners around Dublin, so decided to let them be. Now I'm looking for something else to shoot at, and no one's around. It's either Miners in the Mining fields, or Miners on their way to Detroit or back. :\
And with the current pirate count, you'll soon be alone out there as well. Lawful and unlawful are no longer in balance, not even on the "responsive" side. I remember me wanting to go mine day before yesterday.
I launch on Java with my bomber to check: Storta and 2 gunboats within 2K of Java. Decide it's not worth it.
I launch on Dublin with the gunship I have there: a Corsair cruiser and 2 snubs within 4 K of Hood. Decide it's not worth it. (Suspected the cruiser was there for piracy, sent a friendly note about it to a few Sails folk in Leeds, to try and keep it out of trouble)
I launch on Freistadt with the fighter I have there: 2 Sails members within 9K range of Freistadt.

Not a single official lawful scanned in the player list. I said to myself "screw it" and logged on my Sair, proceeded to mine artifacts near the Theta hole with a PTrans. It's one of the few places you're left alone while mining (and doesn't make any credits, but I just like to mine). My point? With too many hostiles, your targets will dry up. If you want to "shoot something", make a lawful char, or freck, a Vigilante. Plenty of pirates to shoot, don't even need to make a demand either.

Any active BAF'ers? - aerelm - 10-22-2010

' Wrote:If you want to "shoot something", make a lawful char, or freck, a Vigilante. Plenty of pirates to shoot, don't even need to make a demand either.
Pew pew is one thing, how you pew pew is another. Can you compare a Vigilante RP to a Pirate RP? Think not.

There's nothing wrong with Bretonia's Lawful and Unlawful Balance. There are as many Battleships & Gunboats and Solaris Dessies around the place as there are Pirates. Problem is, those Solaris Dessies are the type who go "engaing gains" right after seeing 3 Gaian fighters, and 20 seconds later spam "reqqust assistnac D4 sector" (Yes, with all the typos) So they don't add anything to system's RP, and just act as Target practice for bored unlawful Bombers.

While having a few Official members who Don't hug the closest stationary BS and always try to offer a fair and enjoyable fight, is what the place needs. (Unless you want it to turn into a second Liberty)