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To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - Printable Version

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To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - sirlagsalot - 11-11-2010

SOURCE: ████████, Alice...
SUBJECT: Regarding triggerhappy TF-7 vessel, directed to Fleet Admiral David Hale, Lieutenant-Commander Maximo Valeri and others.

[Image: 22b8d3e5db8f5d3db163da5.jpg]

Greetings, Hale, Valeri and others, who are still listening to this channel. Alice is here, again.

It has been almost a week since personally i, Alice, asked Hale himself to investigate the issue - and left the Liberty space.

Here is a short pice of the comm log, if you ask for the evidence.

Since then i have heared of more and more complaints about the TF7, and, in particular, the Oakland capital vessel commander, behavior.

Somehow, i did not hear back from any of you yet. I mean, i am unaware of the results.

With that, i feel like asking if there is any progress, and what actions exactly were taken regarding the aforementioned issue.


To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - Fran - 11-12-2010

Incoming Transmission
Source: The Torch

As for us of the spore, we are content simply knowing that the high command is aware of the situation. We trust your judgement in the matter and are happy with any decision you make. However I must point out so that it is clear, that the following statement made by miss Cain (highlighted in red) is an outright and complete fabrication without any truth behind it at all.

' Wrote:To state in my defense, you were in a gunboat, armed to the teeth, making threats to innocents around Norfolk Shipyard.
Nothing I said at this encounter could possibly be interpreted as a threat, because I did not speak a single word before being confronted.

End of Transmission.

To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - Maximo Valeri - 11-12-2010



Lieutenant-Commander Maximo Valeri

[color=#FF7700]Now I'm not part of the High-Command, but I have never been known for following orders. In fact the only reason I got some parts of this transmission was thanks to Alice here.

Anyways, I can go see whats-up in the Liberty Navy ten-foot pole up their rear end Command. If it will ease your mind.

Besides, can't say no to meeting Robinson.

Maximo out.


To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - Sonja - 11-12-2010

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg


This complaint was, is and probably will be reviewed by Fleet Admiral Hale. So will the various breeches of this communication channel.

At this point, I dont believe there's much else to say.

Transmission Terminated

To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - Jihadjoe - 11-12-2010


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale
TARGET ID: All involved in this incident

Hale here.

Evening. I am going to require that all the participants in this incident send me an account of what happened, clearly written in point-by-point format with supporting evidence to my personal comms signature. I will review all the evidence regarding is as a whole.

You will be able to contact me on the following comm ID:


Issues regarding hacking into this comm frequency will also be dealt with, although the investigation on that matter will be conducted seperately.

Hale out.


To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - sirlagsalot - 11-12-2010

SOURCE: ████████, Alice...
SUBJECT: Fleet Admiral David Hale request.

The account you asked for was sent to the provided comm ID. Copy was made, in case of need in retranslation.


To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - sirlagsalot - 11-17-2010

SOURCE: ████████, Alice...
SUBJECT: Questionably silent here.

[Image: 566a11aa01b4c2228946309.jpg]

Almost 250 hours have passed. Almost a week since the requested account was sent to the comm id LN-A-3317-D.Hale. Any news so far? At all?


To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - Asgardian - 11-17-2010

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: viceadmiralinsignia.png] Vice Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: viceadmiralinsigniaflip.png]
[Image: firstbd.jpg]

Ms Alice,

You should understand that the Fleet Admiral has quite a bit on his plate - Commanding the Liberty Navy is a monumental task. As I understand it, the evidence is still being collected and reviewed.

Thanks for your patience,

Vice Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]

To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - sirlagsalot - 11-28-2010

SOURCE: ████████, Alice...
SUBJECT: all the same.

[Image: 123123p.jpg]

*Familiar girl shows up, dressed differently. She flexes, looking a bit sleepy.*

Should i really tell you how much time has it been since the moment we asked [LN] pals to take a look, Jack?
Now tell me the evidence is still being collected and reviewed, again, please. *Alice chuckles softly.*


To: [LN] high command (Locked to all parties not involved directly) - sirlagsalot - 12-05-2010

SOURCE: ████████, Alice...
SUBJECT: Xmas is coming.

[Image: 123123p.jpg]

It is finally a month since the incident now.
*Girl smiles softly and chuckles.* With, as far as i see it, no reports, no investigations and noone doing anything. I cant say i am impressed.