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Armor Upgrades - jakub963 - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:>>Implying that there is gravity in space
Gravity indeed is not the issue. Kinetic energy is... G-force and all that stuff applies... Accelerating and turning heavier mass takes a lot more time (if available energy stays the same(same engines)) even is space...

Armor Upgrades - Sturmwind - 11-08-2010

If armors go, so should the 4 hours rule.

Things are fine enough as they are atm, though.

Armor Upgrades - darkxy - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:Remove bots or bats. Add sufficient % of armor to the ship as if it was it's original + all the BBs.

That's exactly what I was about to say. Just remove bots and leave the batteries.

Armor Upgrades - Enojado - 11-09-2010

' Wrote:In my opinion I would say that decreasing the amount of energy it requires to fire normal guns(Not mini razors, SNACs etc) will have a larger impact on balancing out this issue rather than removing armour upgrades.

Gheheh. Can't spray like you used to on the pvp server?

Armor Upgrades - gafwmn - 11-09-2010

It seems that I remember long ago that the description cards for the different armors were not the same as now.They talked about how the higher upgrades were for military use,and in the borderworlds,not on everybody's P-trans,freelancer pirate,etc......

I would endorse the use of higher armor,lower movement,and the use of the higher end armors restricted to the military.

Meaning,AU 6 to AU 8 for military only,not every Tom and Jerry pirate/trader/freelancer is going to have it,sorry,the military just doesn't have AU8 at the Navy surplus store.

As for Cap armor......anything above cap4...military use only.

and there would have to be consequences for having it without SRP.

Sorry,but sick of seeing cap8 P-trans killing everything less than a cruiser,and even seen 2 p-trans kill a cruiser.It just ain't right.

Armor Upgrades - RmJ - 11-09-2010

Ever...thought of increasing the fighter weapons damage? OH NOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CUZ BALANCE BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

For real...make fighter missiles more dangerous for fighters IE increase their turn angle rate and speed. And none of this dumb lag fire crap.

Improve the energy consumption of weapons.

I dunno but removing armors would be nice but dumb. I am not losing the amount of money put into all the fighters and various ships I have because people can't stand 1 hour long fights.

Armor to mobility ratio weight? Sure. I think that is a completely rational idea.

Bats and Nano reduction? Sure...make it 1/1 or 2/2 (IE 1/1 = enough bats to restore once. 2/2 enough bats to restore twice)

But think,

ya killed cruise
ya killed bomber
ya killing Battleship guns
ya wanna kill armors
ya wanna kill bat/nanos
ya wanna have fun? all I have to say...

Armor Upgrades - mjolnir - 11-09-2010

Quote:Armor to mobility ratio weight?

Idea is interesting but I don't know how to implement it. Using the mass values that can be assigned to every equipment in game doesn't change the way the ship with that equipment flies.

' Wrote:For real...make fighter missiles more dangerous for fighters IE increase their turn angle rate and speed. And none of this dumb lag fire crap.

Ever used missiles on an empty server with no lag at all? They are so overpowered we actually have to ban them from all fighter testing.

Then with say 100 people on discovery server they are just about ok.... and then with 180+ people they are completely useless.

This in the end applies to any combat, with no lag any fight takes quite short, but then with more and more lag and people in the fight it gets longer and longer.

Armor Upgrades - CzeReptile - 11-10-2010

Make all capital ships armors x4. Kill cap armors and increase other ship armors as well.

Removes the moneygrind.

Restrict the UAU 8 more. ITs supposed to be best, not the most common.

Armor Upgrades - Govedo13 - 11-10-2010

' Wrote:Sorry,but sick of seeing cap8 P-trans killing everything less than a cruiser,and even seen 2 p-trans kill a cruiser.It just ain't right.
One bomber can do 2 P transes with cap 8 without much problems.

To the topic:
Armours are just fine as they are.
Quite good addition will be if every official faction receives one Cap9 with 6X for example for their Flagship.
Right now there is no difference between Flagship and common battleship and there should be.
If you want to restrict something, restrict yourselves fly with AU1 or so.

Armor Upgrades - CzeReptile - 11-10-2010

But why you get the advantage only by long time grinding of money?