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Roundabout question - Printable Version

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Roundabout question - Dusty Lens - 11-09-2010

We have a number of roundabouts in extremely high density traffic areas in my own hometown (located in the USA I might mention, though some are of the opinion that California's national status is debatable) and they manage to provide for a means of high speed/stakes/terror transit that results in almost no actual mishaps and a great deal of expediency.

Roundabout question - Akura - 11-09-2010

Give way to the right, in England that is.

Spiral roundabouts take a little longer to work out, but they're really easy after a while.

Roundabout question - Exile - 11-09-2010

Hell, we've got "intelligent roundabouts" here. Computerized with sensors and everything. Roads too. Seems to work fine.

Roundabout question - kingvaillant - 11-09-2010

roundabouts have been recently (5 years) installed in my city here in Canada. Overall, the concept is fine. but the major current problem is the idiots driving in it and sometimes the size of the roundabout.

If its diameter is too small and you have two lanes, it will not give enough time to drivers to enter it without having to crush the gas pedal... and if you have too many lanes... You may end up with this:
[Image: china_468x312.jpg]

Best is one lane, or two if the diameter is big enough.

Roundabout question - Tommeh - 11-09-2010

In Croatia Roundabout are quite often, you can find them on bigger crossroads, where traffic lights would be just to complicated to build, I find it very simple and effective way of solving traffic jams. And I haven't seen many accidents happening around them. It works quite simple, people who are driving in it have advantage over those who want to enter it. So you just wait till it's empty or there is hole where you can hop in.

Roundabout question - frozen - 11-09-2010

' Wrote:Driving in Swindon. *vomits*
I love the "No U turns" sign you see, shortly after the sign showing this...

[Image: magic-sign1.jpg]

yo dawg i heard you like going round and, so we added a roundabout in your roundabout, so you can go round while you go round?

Roundabout question - Luis - 11-09-2010

' Wrote:yo dawg i heard you like going round and, so we added a roundabout in your roundabout, so you can go round while you go round?

Roundabout question - Evan_ - 11-10-2010

I'm a hich-hiker, and hate them.

You can't annoy people with your needs while they are waiting for their green signal.

Roundabout question - schlurbi - 11-10-2010

We have too many Roundabouts, they are annoying.

Roundabout question - Valinor - 11-10-2010

' Wrote:They work fine.
The only impediment is idiots who cant learn how they work. Which is wierd cos they are easy.

Yes, same happens in Italy. I have a lot of them here..