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To:The Liberty Navy - Printable Version

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To:The Liberty Navy - Samuel Zanders - 11-11-2010

Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Lieutenant-Commander Samuel Zanders

[font=Palatino Linotype]Robert Kramer,

Your drone can immediately resume its research within Liberty without applying for a license, this is possible but you might risk getting told for security reasons to depart from our space once more.

If you however, follow my advice and apply for a licence simply by contacting our High-Command, if approved, you will have a much easier time solving these problem on the spot if you would ever find yourself entangled with a police officer. How long it takes for your licence to be approved or denied, is based on the nature of your research. But I will do my best to have the High-Command's attention towards it, if of course they are not busy with more important matters such as the war with Rheinland. This is my suggestion, it is up to you however to decide which course of action you feel is best.

I appreciate your assistance, I will start looking into the matter with the names you have provided.

As for the transmission above me, you claim you have been at the scene but haven't even so much as provided with a communications ID.

As stated in my very first transmission however, the Liberty Navy has never declared war on all AI's. But are ordered to keep a tight surveillance on them due to the amount of AI-units that have been caught attacking us, breaching into restrictive areas and directly assisting criminals in the form of supplies and firepower.

If you have a personal problem with the Liberty Navy, you may write a formal complaint or take the matter to a court, but do not bad mouth us in a channel that is of a complete different matter.

[color=#3366FF]That is all - Zanders out.

To:The Liberty Navy - 'Ends' - 11-11-2010

Quote:To:Samuel Zanders and unknown contact
Location the transmission was sent:Planet Erie
Subject:Exilation of my drone
Faction ID of the sender:Zoner

Darn it,the transmission posted a surname...bah...I am an orphan so I don't have a surname
Unknown contact,clearly you either read/heard my transmission wrongly,as I had already stated my drone's ID was Averont also,how did you bypass the password needed to enter the channel?
Anyway Samuel,thank you for quickly replying to me.
Expect to hear from me soon,I have some private issues which I need to settle now.Just one last question:is there a specific channel I can go to or do I have to create my own?

Robert out.
*Transmission terminated*