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Anna.Brown - koske - 04-09-2012

Location: Unknown
LSF Flag ship, Directors cabin
9. April, 1am.

"After hard working day Anna head right home for little rest before another working day find her attention, many would think that she isn't safe while she is home but that is totally different. Anna is actually spending most time aboard LSF flag ship that isn't known to many highly ranked officers in Liberty Military and location of the ship is always top secret.

As she'd get home she'd be able to spend a few hours before something might tell her she had company, Communcations out or inbound were disrupted and if she'd placed any procuationary weapons they were gone or unloaded and even intime if she left her gun laying around that would have vanished as well. from within one of the rooms a ticking sound might be heard. Totaly not aware of the situation Anna was a bit confused of what is actually going on, she knew that this can't be a joke and no one would do such joke to her. She heard some unknown noises in the second part of her cabin and she head there with caution, and as she entered the door the attack wouldn't come from within her room but it'd be from behind her the ticking a distraction as from behind a kick went to the back of her knees to try force her down onto them. if succeded a hand would wrap around her neck and a knife to her throat if all successful. For now if it was he'd hold her like that."

Anna Brown: Unknown person came from back of her and attacked her, trying to get hold of her from behind holding a cold knife. She notice it and fastly Anna turned in a defensive stance asking "Who are you?"
Unknown man: She'd see who it was Sierra. his eyes full of anger and it was directed at her he twisted the knife around to hold it more of an attacking hold. "You tell me, you seem to know more then your letting on."
Anna: Brown: Calm down, I never saw such rage in someones face. What do you wish to know, that depends?
Sierra: Who the hell took my memories.. Anna.. I want to know why I cant remeber I want to know what you did to me... what you wanted to do to me.... And most of all... what you wanted with me.
Anna Brown: Fair enough but you must calm down and put your knife away.
Sierra: Your not in any psoiton to give me any orders any more Director.
Anna Brown: I doubt that you are too, either way you'll be living your life with good memories of your real life or you can stuck to the emptiness in your head.
Sierra: I dont want that back Anna.. I want to know why, why go to all the trouble, intergrate me into the LSF.... after a memory wipe then having me do simple patrols... hoping to train me up to nuclar bomb your enemies.
Anna Brown: This story is beyond the LSF and Liberty, I knew you even before I knew that Liberty exists. I was not born as Director of LSF, you should know that better then me.
Sierra: Well I dont... Obvouisly. I want to know why, why have my memory wiped.. I was told I was killed by a LSF operative.. it was you wasn't it?
Anna Brown: Three years ago, even before you were a "censored" reaper we knew each other, actually because of you... all this is because of you. I was just a little slave back in Omega-7 to my drunk father that abused my mind and body. You came, I saw perfection in you and your decisions. You saved me from the evil life I had and actually you gave me another chance. My years worked in my benefit. It was you, you found safe place for me in Liberty.
Sierra: He would look at her the anger slowly desolving. "Your saying that all this is be... your father abused your body? Not insest... surely not that?" For some reason even with his anger there was some things that he'd want detail on which was how he abused her mind and body. "How.. and I am far from prefection."
Anna Brown: Back then I fell in love, once you even rejected me aboard your own vessel. "Anna is taking necklace." You gave me this three years ago for my own safety.
Sierra: So your telling me that you were in love with me bac then I rejected you... saved you from what ever life and now your the director of th LSF because of my intervention?
Anna Brown: "Anna answered short" Indeed.
Sierra: He'd shake his head looking to the knife in his hand ten to her. "Then why drug me."
Anna Brown: I'm not feeling like explaining you everything, you should know that was for your safety only. You were a big project to the Liberty government after the Robinson found you, actually it was not my decision to made you like this but I have orders to follow too, you know?
Sierra: I doubt Robinson or what ever would have done this to me, I was told I was shot in the head by a LSF operative... Which I want to know how I'd survive a head shot... to begian with and have no brain damage.
Anna Brown: LSF payed large amount of money, the rest you need to discuss with the doctors that were working on you. I just maked sure you live to see another day.
Sierra: And what was improtant that I needed to live, if I had reached my end by one of your agents... and now I am a outlaw aren't I? I am sure you heard about Reno.
Anna Brown: You sure do ask alot of questions for the first time in your life, I've heard about Reno... is there something more beyond his safety?
Sierra: Reno ashford... I abducted him from... Freeeport one.. by hitting him over the head with a bat.. then interogated him.... I heard his name... so I wanted to know more.
Anna Brown: I doubt you found any information from him, simply he wasn't a agent back in the time during the our part of story and simply he didn't even know who are you. I've maked sure to cover the story good.
Sierra: I ment... the part of it where you sedated and drugged me then took me to the doctors or tried to... you know before I got released.
Anna Brown: Your safety was my priority, you should understand that... giving such information(s) to the public would make your life unsafe and I tried to cover that. Drugs, they weren't drugs. Only sleep medicine that should keep you sleeping during the medical operation, which failed because of your strong will to wake up. After it, I had no other option. I returned you to your own kind of people, but be sure that they aren't your kind nor your friends.
Sierra: Acutally... That one that you handed me off to... back in my past.. was my girl." he'd admit an dsit down. "Great so now what, I cant return to the LSF.
Anna Brown: I didn't have such information, I knew you have girlfriend in the time but never meet her face to face nor in the files. I simply see the wole project as big disappointment and I don't see why would you actually like to return to the LSF?
Sierra: Because.. I felt there I could... Just help protect people... thats why I liked it, Project save Toledo... I guess, what about the genetic tests I know that your people did those too and I know they didn't come back as human.
Anna Brown: I thought you where machine but there still is hero of the human in you. That is what I personally like. You always can be a part of the LSF, covering your story won't be easy but it will be my job to do it.
Sierra: I want to still be Sierra.... And Reno... I will need to talk to him, So you've.. .attempted to save me because you owe it to me?
Anna Brown: I owe you and I still feel for you. Remember, I'm using my personal feeling into this one.
Sierra: He would sigh running a hand through his hair and putting the knife back into the sheath. "What makes you... feel for me Anna what sets me apart from all the other epeople in the LSF."
Anna Brown: ou have the storie, use your human side and decide why I have feelings for you. Girls are so sensitive when they lose family and even more when they use younger brother. In the time you showed up and make things heavenly good.
Sierra: He would run a hand through his hair and shake his head. "So I dont even have to worry about being an expendable?"
Anna Brown: "Anna looked him straight to his eyes" You never were expendable.

RE: Anna.Brown - koske - 09-18-2016

Now that I've returned to the duty and even got promoted in Navy ranks, I will continue to search people responsible for attack on my personality, and destruction of my ship witch had all data from the beggining of the LSF.

I heard Order has it now, since Golanski and his dogs were there to collect the DNA from my boddy; they even had one of my clon representing me in Liberty. Source claims that ship remains exist, also under Order protection.

Mystery remains the same... who stands behind the attack on ex LSF Director? I still need to remember. I think black box has it all...

Anna's diary