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random idea - AeternusDoleo - 11-24-2010

Not as far as I can see. Disruptor weapon yea/nay is a flag on the weapon itself (as far as I can see it can be added to any weapon, standard guns included). But the disruptor missiles themselves are just a weapon - as such they can be added to any weapon platform. I'd not mind having a few heavy missile platforms with cruise disruptor backups at some guard system entrances... would definately keep the riffraff out. As for Q_Qing, anyone red vs the faction guard has no business in those systems anyway.

random idea - Rodent - 11-24-2010

No one cares about the guard systems mate. Sure, they could get some, but the real thing is putting them around pressure spots.

See, Manhattan, Crete, Malta, New London and so on....

random idea - Aes_Sidhe - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:Not as far as I can see. Disruptor weapon yea/nay is a flag on the weapon itself (as far as I can see it can be added to any weapon, standard guns included). But the disruptor missiles themselves are just a weapon - as such they can be added to any weapon platform. I'd not mind having a few heavy missile platforms with cruise disruptor backups at some guard system entrances... would definately keep the riffraff out. As for Q_Qing, anyone red vs the faction guard has no business in those systems anyway.

x2 I like Idea a lot

random idea - Not Espi - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:Not as far as I can see. Disruptor weapon yea/nay is a flag on the weapon itself (as far as I can see it can be added to any weapon, standard guns included). But the disruptor missiles themselves are just a weapon - as such they can be added to any weapon platform. I'd not mind having a few heavy missile platforms with cruise disruptor backups at some guard system entrances... would definately keep the riffraff out. As for Q_Qing, anyone red vs the faction guard has no business in those systems anyway.

wait wait ... so all there is is to edit one parameter and platform laser guns become cd-ing?

random idea - Backo - 11-24-2010

I like the idea. It's fun how smugglers pass 4K from you and laugh along the rest of the trip in cruise. Those platforms would give them hell for sure. Also home systems need to feel like home systems, either level 19 NPCs with pvp-ho skills:Por a lot of weapon platforms to slow ya down. So, yeah, I want some of that!

Also, can we make the mini razor to have a cruise disruptor effect? I really, really, really want it! :3

random idea - Not Espi - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:
Also, can we make the mini razor to have a cruise disruptor effect? I really, really, really want it! :3

i dont think that will fly. balance. now you pick from either razor or cd. equipping a razor that can cd means having both. on top of that, with infinite ammo and decent range.

random idea - Backo - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:i dont think that will fly. balance. now you pick from either razor or cd. equipping a razor that can cd means having both. on top of that, with infinite ammo and decent range.

It actually meant to be a joke for all the people who ever felt the pain when your target realises you lack a CD and just cruises at the start of the fight. I know it'll be a major balance breaker. And to add something more on the topic so it won't be a +1 post:

You know that nom-nom turret thingy in the Iota system, near the JH. That's what we should want for system guarding turrets. Big, hard to crack and spamming powerful CDs. It's kinda wierd how 1000 capships can get near the planet and yell "WE ARE INDESTRUCTIBLE!!!". And such overpowered turrets will fix that;)So just get some of the data about that nasty bugger in Iota, devide it a few times into smaller platforms and make profit, if possible.

random idea - Not Espi - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:It actually meant to be a joke for all the people who ever felt the pain when your target realises you lack a CD and just cruises at the start of the fight. I know it'll be a major balance breaker. And to add something more on the topic so it won't be a +1 post:

ok i rail. :wacko:

edit: SRS THREAD IS SRS!!! (sun)

random idea - Coin - 11-24-2010

' Wrote:i dont think that will fly. balance. now you pick from either razor or cd. equipping a razor that can cd means having both. on top of that, with infinite ammo and decent range.

unless you fly a werewolf, both minizor and cd slot

How about MINE PLATFORMS. you dock with the guard system jump hole, and you have to thread your way through a maze of platforms dropping nuc mines. the entrance on the otherside is also similarly blocked.

how about a special platform on the otherside of the guard system that stops your ship dead in the water for five mins, with a 5 min 1 sec cooldown, and a range of 20 ms. you can get close, but it will take you 100 mins to dock with the system if you are hostile.

not impossible though

random idea - AeternusDoleo - 11-25-2010

' Wrote:wait wait ... so all there is is to edit one parameter and platform laser guns become cd-ing?
Correct. The weapon's "munition" entry needs to have flag cruise_disruptor set to true in the weapon_equip.ini file. You'd need to define an extra weapon type though, because I think most of these platforms use the transport type 3 turrets. Not 100% sure though. I do not recommend adding this to standard weapons that are frequently used on starships.

Mine platforms are pretty stupid (not the idea, just how the AI would handle it). Homing mines home in on the nearest object. And mines don't drift away from objects that don't move. The mines would impact on the platforms that launch them shortly after they activate.