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What is happening in Gallia? - Printable Version

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What is happening in Gallia? - podgie_bear - 12-01-2010

Oh, I'll find a way around it even if I have to break the ****** rules, but what has changed since last week when this worked fine?

What is happening in Gallia? - Charo - 12-01-2010

Or you could have spent the time you used raging about it here to rep them in a CSV, or buy a Freelancer ID and buy the ships then.

Just a tip.

What is happening in Gallia? - podgie_bear - 12-02-2010

' Wrote:Or you could have spent the time you used raging about it here to rep them in a CSV, or buy a Freelancer ID and buy the ships then.

Just a tip.

Well obviously the new players I promised those ships to will just have to be told I am no longer able to deliver and they will just have to wait while I build the necessary reps somehow to purchase what was promised. Shouldn't take longer than about a week. Oh, I will do it. I keep my promises.

But I would love to know who changed what, and why?

What is happening in Gallia? - aerelm - 12-02-2010

Get Merc ID, Buy the ship, swap the ID to Recruit before undocking, Go rep.

Problem solved.

What is happening in Gallia? - podgie_bear - 12-02-2010

YES! It worked. :yahoo:

Many, many thanks Aerelm. :ylove: