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Everyone's a moralist - Primitive - 12-04-2010

' Wrote:/Signed


' Wrote:Blame Xoria.

Almost, I hope it gets fixed along with many trade routes in .86

' Wrote:Nothing do to?

I've seen a lot of ignorance, but this statement is just plan stupid. I invite you to join CR and spend some time in the trenches, mister wiseguy.
Aside from that... i concur. Slaver activity dropped DRAMATICALLY compared to what I remember. And if I don't have experience and perspective in that particular field, then dunno who does.

I really haven't see you doing nothing but shooting OC, when no smugglers are around.

Everyone's a moralist - TFinnegan - 12-04-2010

' Wrote:I've seen a lot of ignroance, but this statement is just plan stupid. I invite you to join CR and spend some time in the trenches, mister wiseguy.
---Um, I would reply to this, but its so obviously un-classy and troll-like I wont bother other than to say "remind me to ignore this guy."
I mean, really? The hell did I do to you, chief?

' Wrote:In RP perspective they would make the population of Malta go sky hight with slaves. And you know, everyone, even outcast, get satisfied at some point.

---If you read the canon on it, harvesting cardamine is deadly. Slaves dont last 4 months doing it. THEY DIE.
Thus the need for more slaves all the time.

Anyway, all reasoning aside, there used to be a strong contingent of Smugglers, Junkers and straight-up Slavers (The long-dead SU) That ran that route. It was easy pickings for pirates and cops and anyone with a good-guy rep.
It made for great interplay for indies and people uninterested in huge fleet actions and laggy furrballs.
I just miss it, that's all.

Reading some of these repsonses, you'd think I'd unsulted someone's mother.
Is the community getting THAT low-brow that insults are neccesary in a -discussion- thread?
I used to think this community was above that.
Agree, disagree, fine.
just, why?

Everyone's a moralist - ryoken - 12-04-2010

Well for 1 alot of Indie outcasts rob/pirate/tax even junkers bringing in Slaves. So sorry not being hit by those i am selling to. Second the lawfuls catch you 1 time now,and they instantly FR5 you,and for a junker that is death.

Everyone's a moralist - Panzer - 12-04-2010

' Wrote:I really haven't see you doing nothing but shooting OC, when no smugglers are around.

And that's also my flame-free point. There's no smugglers, but I had to deal with at least 5 raids of varying size during the last 12 hours.

Moar smugz. Less dreadies.

Everyone's a moralist - Vexykin - 12-04-2010


Everyone's a moralist - Elven - 12-04-2010

Make artifacts, counterfeit software, slaves more popular ,yay.:)

Everyone's a moralist - Mao - 12-04-2010

Yes, true. CR would love to see more smugglers.;)

Everyone's a moralist - TheJarl - 12-04-2010

I actually know someone who was smuggling slaves from Liberty to Malta and took cardi on the way back. I was escorting this person and on the way back there were actually CR's, however we uh... kinda tricked some outcasts in escorting us through one single system. Basically all I had to do is sign the person who was smuggling when the battle had begun, so the CR would be distracted.

Point of this story, it is still done, only the CR and Outcasts fighting makes it is possible to do it very quietly.

Everyone's a moralist - blubba - 12-04-2010

Not sure why they dropped the slave trade to be honest.
Rogues weren't getting on with the Outcasts and the Baffin route went off line (didn't it?).
Xenos hate it....Xenos hate everyone though...and in the old days, law enforcers would force you to drop the entire load and some *persons* even tried to fine you as well.
All this made the smuggling fun, as opposed to flat out trading which you only had to watch out for one kind of ship, pirates.
Now, it's worse as Ryoken says. Get caught and you get FR5'd which defeats the point of being a smuggler.
On top of that, Junkers are now actually hostile to everything in Kusari rather than just a few groups and indie Outcasts pirate you in Alpha with a hold full of slaves or even cardamine.

The odds are long which is what I like it but without the profit, you won't find many, if any doing it.
I'd say stop using FR5's on people for smuggling (unless they're really stupid).
Don't make slaves 'too' profitable. If it becomes too cash rich, people will do solely that route at the expense of others. It's quite easy afterall with so many routes and big open systems to get 'lost' in.

Everyone's a moralist - Crackpunch - 12-04-2010

I'd love a cop to tell me to destroy all my contraband.

Me: "But slaves are people too!"
lolwutcop: "Destroy cargo or die."
Me: "Hmmm, murder several thousand or one cop?"

Heh let's see them put me in jail for saving thousands.