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posible limit in Conn - Printable Version

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posible limit in Conn - Lobster - 12-08-2010

voted no limit thank-you.

If people arnt in the mood for RP, they go to conn.

If people who arnt in the mood for RP are forced out a conn, they log off.

they DONT go RP with others because you forced them out, they just log off.

So, you are harming someone's experience while helping no-one's.

A Loose and a No Benefit does not make a right.
Quote:Starting thinking how does its existence harm your gameplay experience. I would very much like to know.

posible limit in Conn - Vito - 12-08-2010

Here are my 2 cents:

Right now there are 57 players online.

9 in Connecticut
10 in New York
5 in Pennsylvania

That means about 50% players are condensed into 3 systems and that is wrong. A lot of players don't even have access to New York and Pennsylvania and that severely restrict their options, especially for official faction members. For example I only use 2 ID's on Disco - Corsair and Daumann - and all my chars are official faction tagged so I am practically forced to either play another factions or log off. If I wanted to play for other factions I would already have done that.

I play Disco because it's a RP server so all that I'm left with is logging off and waiting for the server to reach 150 people in order for me to actually interact with someone

What I would do?

1. close Connecticut for the general public and only make it available for events between official factions
2. make New York a pvp-free system again
3. make new players spawn somewhere else than Pennsylvania. Most of them have no idea that there is a /restart command available for them

posible limit in Conn - ryoken - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:How does that help anything when player count on the server is about 60. If those are in Connecticut there is a slight chance that they will get back to roleplaying when they see their mates log on, or mortal enemy or somewhat? This would only lower the player count when the server is already low on players.
Personnally i think there should be no Conn at all for exactly that reason. I have seen a player sit in Conn putting about,and then jump into NY saying:"oh look a hostile,lets go kill him" A few PEW PEW's later,and they pop back into conn OORP. Well their is a rule saying you cannot do this. You cannot use Conn to lauch attacts from,and that is exactly what you are saying about "mortal enemy or somewhat?"
Hiding in Conn to lauch attack. Also known as metagaming,and such. No RP here that i can see.

posible limit in Conn - Elsdragon - 12-08-2010


Voted no.

posible limit in Conn - Markus_Janus - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Starting thinking how does its existence harm your gameplay experience. I would very much like to know.

OoRP system, RP mod.
Yeah that about covers it for now.

posible limit in Conn - ryoken - 12-08-2010

I have to agree with Vito. I think Conn should just be locked. Disco is an RP server,so why do we need a non RP system.
As for dod? Do not want to RP? would rather log off? Cool. This is a RP server,so goodbye/leave/go play elsewhere. No one will miss you,and disco will survive like it has for years.

Markus_Janus beat me too it hehe.

posible limit in Conn - Lobster - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:OoRP system, RP mod.
Yeah that about covers it for now.

We understood that from your first post.

Now please explane how YOU [color=#666666](You (stressed ; unstressed ) is the second-person personal pronoun in Modern English. Ye was the original nominative form; the oblique/objective form is you (functioning originally as both accusative and dative), and the possessive is your or yours.) are harmed by this.

posible limit in Conn - Markus_Janus - 12-08-2010

Did we really.
Good ok now onto the next point.

OoRP system, RP mod.
Surely you can see a few reasons if you read above.

posible limit in Conn - MaximoValeri - 12-08-2010

We have reached a time in Discovery when we are gonna sit and talk about restricting amount of players in Connecticut. Hahahaha.

posible limit in Conn - ryoken - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Did we really.
Good ok now onto the next point.

OoRP system, RP mod.
Surely you can see a few reasons if you read above.

He won't. He is mad Bear has more Power then he,and cannot be godlike himself. I call it rage blindness.

"We have reached a time in Discovery when we are gonna sit and talk about restricting amount of players in Connecticut. Hahahaha."

A time in discovery? Hmm 1 month,and you say "a time in discovery" Wow!