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An open Gallia. - Printable Version

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An open Gallia. - Vogel - 12-23-2010


[Image: flag1.png]

COMMID: Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
LOCATION: SMS "Hohenzollern", New London System
SUBJECT: Gallic Visa


[Image: wilhelm1.png]

I am Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand, of the Hohenzollern line of Old Earth. I am the rightful heir to the throne of the Rheinland nation, the descendants of the ship that bore the same name. I do not
represent my people politically, as tragic events of the past served to destroy what was once a great empire such as yours, but I carry on my lineage in the hopes that my great nation of old might be reborn.

I have heard many... interesting things about your nation of Gallia, that it follows the... how should I put it... classical system of government I am no doubt fond of. It is something I would very much
like to see, therefore I humbly request permission to explore the empire you have created, and admire it in a way only nobility are capable of.

Should you deny this request, I fully understand; the security of your realm is paramount, and as a rightful sovereign I respect your nation's integrity.

That is all.


An open Gallia. - Exile - 12-23-2010

::Given at the vingt troisième Day of Decembre in the Seven-hundred and Eighty-fourth Year of the Reign of the Royal Family ::

Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand, Prinz,

When his majesty, King Charles XI heard of your request, he leaned forward and stroke his chin twice. As he does whenever he is intrigued. Whilst his majesty cannot grant you the equal power that comes with the title of "prince", seeing as how you are not of his direct line, he has seen fit to grant you a rather luxurious place to call your home on planet Nevers, Burgundy system. You may come into Gallia as you please, provided you uphold our Kingdom's laws and customs.

His majesty also informed me that he wishes to converse with you about your line and current role inside of "Rheinland" sometime after you are settled in.

We look forward to seeing you in Gallia.

His will is law,
Gallic Foreign Affairs.

An open Gallia. - Pacificator - 12-23-2010

/: Moduling Frequence
/: Carrier found
/: Sending data

From : Capt JhC
Location : &&___'(è

Salutations, Noble nés.

We would like to take advantage of the recent opening from Gallia by assigning one of our ship on trade routes to and from the vast Gallic systems. We will ship in any commodity you would need (as long as it hasn't got a direct military application) like luxury goods to Burgundy for instance, and are interested in buying wine and tobacco. As you understand, our business would be in those kind of goods that would increase population's comfort from both sides of the minefield. And a more comfortable population is a population less subject to civil war, but men in your situation are most aware of these economical aspects of leadership.

The ship is the JhC Unpacified, a BWT under Idenpendant Trader ID. Very neutral and not linked to any house or corporation. We have a history of good diplomatic relations and will of course enquire about customs and restrictions would you grant us the rigth to come in. More details can be send would you feel the need to.

Awaiting your response with the utmost interest, please receive our sincere respects.



/: Carrier lost
/: End of transmission

An open Gallia. - Vogel - 12-23-2010


[Image: flag1.png]

COMMID: Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand, Prinz von Preußen
LOCATION: SMS "Hohenzollern", New London System
SUBJECT: Re: Gallic Visa


[Image: wilhelm1.png]

Excellent. I would be honored to be a guest of the Gallic Kingdom, and look forward to this visit.

Please make arrangements for my vessel (Identification: [RKM]SMS-Hohenzollern) so that I may be allowed past Gallic customs stations.

Many thanks.


An open Gallia. - oZoneRanger - 12-23-2010


From:icTransport (a subdivision of Interpace Commerce)

Greetings. We at icTrasport hope this message finds you well and in good health. We would like to take this opportunity to apply for a limited transport permit.

We propose
! icTransport be granted access to Galia for the purpose of delivering Neon which is in dire need acording to our sources.
2.icTransport be granted an export license for Galic Tabaco and Wine.
3.icTransport agrees to obide by all Galic laws and restrictions that might be placed on this agreement.
4.icTransport agrees to pay for any escort services provided by the Crown for the safety of all parties involved.
5.icTransport agrees to entering Galia only during certain hours of the day, therefore making it easier to control our movements.
5.icTransport and only icTransport flagged vessels are to be considered apart of this agreement.

We propose to pay reasonable processing fee and are also agreeable to a 5% fee per trade to be paid directly to the crown.
Should for any reason this not be deemed acceptable. We would propose setting up a RV point near the Galic border where we could trade neon with you and gain your trust over time with out having to enter Galia.

Phillip DeLafontain
President of icTransport
Toronto Station

An open Gallia. - Exile - 12-23-2010

::Given at the vingt troisième Day of Decembre in the Seven-hundred and Eighty-fourth Year of the Reign of the Royal Family ::


Your request has been approved.

Phillip DeLafontain,

Your request has been approved. Keep in mind that you will personally be held responsible for any actions made by your people inside the Kingdom of Gallia.

Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand, Prinz,

Arrangements have been made. Welcome to the Kingdom of Gallia.

His will is law,
The Administration of border affairs.

An open Gallia. - oZoneRanger - 12-23-2010

From: Phillip DeLafontain
icTransports Director General
Toronto Station, Ontario

We are most honored to have had our application approved, and we look forward to a beneficial relationship.

Ships covered under this Agreement:
icT-Deliverance -BWT with standard transport armament
icT-LuckStrikeIII-Stork Civilian Train.

icTransporst will make its self responsible for these two vessels and these two only.

Please forward to us the proper account codes for the accorded fees and taxes. Please forward to us as well any security arragements that need to be addressed.

With high regards,
Phillip DeLafontain

An open Gallia. - Elven - 12-23-2010

[Image: pf_vince.jpg]
[Incoming transmission]
[Source: Richard L. Lloyd-Stewart, Business relations director]

After long discussion board of directors decided to accept your conditions. Payment has been forwarded to specified account. I heard Victoria pressed another zero eventually, but that's not really bad, we have enough money.

Right now we're outfitting several fighters and Double Helix, liner with all samples for your research, alongside with our representatives. We'll station Double Helix outside of Bourg-En-Bresse, if you don't mind.

Couple of transports will also ship 10,000 units of pharmaceuticals in the closest time.

Looking forward to meeting your inspection team.

An open Gallia. - Nicholas Jurgen - 12-28-2010

.:Incoming Transmission:.

.:To: The Office of His Majesty, King Charles XI:.

.:Source: The Drunken Pelican:.

Bonjour! My name is Noah Sherwood, captain of The Drunken Pelican. I am an independent trader living only where the last stop my ship makes. I go to the far reaches of Sirius and back. Nowhere is off limits for me...uh well Gallia is now, but I would like to change that.

I see the vast richness of Gallia and all it has to offer. The rest of Sirius would benefit greatly from the wonderful things Gallia has to offer. Wine and tobacco to name just couple. I have heard that Gallia may have need of a few things like Neon. I know where I can get it cheap and more than willing to bring it to your Sovereign King Charles XI.

I am also willing to provide whatever else your King may have need of and transport any specific goods that he would like to see delivered throughout Sirius. Just contact me and I can make it happen.

I humbly ask for the right to trade withing your borders. I also eagerly await your response. Accepted or not.

With honor and respect,

Noah Sherwood
The Drunken Pelican

An open Gallia. - Agmen of Eladesor - 12-28-2010

---Incoming Transmission---
---Max DeVirgo, Guildmaster---
---BHG|Core-Guildhall, Omega-56---

To: The Office of King Charles XI

Re: Entry in Gallia

Sirs -

I represent the Bounty Hunters Guild of Sirius. We work closely with the police forces of all the houses of Sirius in apprehending criminal elements. Previously we had contacted ... someone ... in Gallia who was rather abrupt in dealing with us, when we sought permission to work with your police forces.

Since it appears that you have had a policy change, we again approach you. Criminals are criminals, where ever they operate. We have hundreds of years of experience in hunting them down. Would your office be interested in discussing this further?

---End Transmission---