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the BHG revisions .... - Jongleur - 12-22-2010

I like the looks of the revamped models moreso than what we have. The Orca looks like it fits the BHG brand so much more.

My vote is for all the revisions.

the BHG revisions .... - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 12-22-2010

Forget what I said/edited out.

I actually rather like the two cap ones. The Orca looks awfully overcomplicated though.

However, this Mako model is much more suiting a Heavy-Medium Battleship (similar to the Sarissa), so maybe it can be made as such, not only to suit the model, but to suit most of the BHG line (which are medium ships), but a balance discussion would not be appropriate here.

Suffice to say, I really, really like that Mako model, the only slight issue I have is the antennae, which look a bit out of place, and if hitboxed will cause a lot of trouble (not just in battle, but moving through asteroids and suchlike as well).

the BHG revisions .... - Reno - 12-22-2010

Great, just Great

How much for the Mako?

the BHG revisions .... - Agmen of Eladesor - 12-22-2010

Well, the Orca looks even LESS like the Miss Budweiser now - which is what, honestly, it used to look like. How does the main gun look on that model, or are you going to do away with that? I don't have an issue with the way that looks, but if the guns are situated such as they are on the Bottlenose, then yeah, that's an issue. Having one gun firing to the rear all the time is fine - if you switch it so that you're stuck with 2 or 3 of them firing backwards only then no.

The new Bullhead looks nice. A bump in the hull up to 450,000 (to match the LABC) would be appropriate for this model. Making it look tough, while leaving the hull at 405,000 doesn't make much sense. It would also make it more equitable, albeit still at a disadvantage, in fighting the ship it's supposed to be fighting, the Geb.

Mako ... ummm ... lose the antennas on the bottom. If we have to have the ones on the front, that's acceptable. But I don't like the ones on the bottom as well. And again, if you're going to make it look much tougher like that, give it an armor boost up to 700K to match the Ossie.

the BHG revisions .... - AeternusDoleo - 12-22-2010

Mako... Yea. Those antennas, both bottom and front, look a bit too prominent. Why not move them away from the absolute front, and a little onto the flanks? Would also cut down on the model's absolute length.

The Orca looks good, no suggestions there.

The Bullhead... that pod under the nose of the ship, if you'd slope the nose section backwards a bit (so the further down you go, the further to the rear the hull moves) I think the ship will look a bit less... blocky. The nose section doesn't give me a BHG feel... dunno, could be just me.

the BHG revisions .... - Ebon - 12-22-2010

Just a first impressions:

Orca: I love it, a lot better than current one. I'm definately glad how it looks in this revision.

Rest two:

I dont like them at all. I think that current 'round shapes' of BH caps fits a lot better than the revisioned 'box' ones.
Also IMO Mako is one of the coolest looking cap in game atm, so the revised version doesnt fit me at all. To be honest, it reminds me some Order style ship.

To sum up:

+ Orca

- BC and BS

Thank you.

the BHG revisions .... - BalckWidow - 12-22-2010

They all kinda look something like out of my dad's toolbox.

I prefer the old mako to the this new look one.

In short i really don't like but that's my opinion.

the BHG revisions .... - jxie93 - 12-22-2010

Excellent models, my favourite is the Mako. Shame about them not being in .86 though, I'd like to see them in game.

the BHG revisions .... - Jinx - 12-22-2010

useful feedback so far - and so far - it appears clear that this concept line of ships isn t popular enough to replace what we have.

just a bit of explanation:

i used the very "simple" box shapes to illustrate that the BHG is a rather "young" cap-ship building faction. they are not very good at it yet. - they go for "just add more to it and make it bigger" - instead of sophisticated bows and shapes.

compared to like the order - who base most of their designs on the design of a faction that is what you may call a "veteran capship building faction" ( liberty ) ... the BHG ( or AP line ) build their ships up from scratch... something with a lot more potential but also a slower process.

the RP potential is - to start off with rather crappy ships ( compared to some veteran capship factions ) but cause it is 100% theirs - they understand it better - and will be ahead in the future.

with that in mind - i felt that the current mako was maybe a generation too far ahead.

the BHG revisions .... - Ebon - 12-22-2010

Mako maybe yes, but this Orca must be in game:)